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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. "Child ballads" by Anaise Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1393160903' post='2376781'] Thought there was amp design in GarageBand ? It's been ages since I used it but it definitely used to have it. [/quote] There is. There's also a load of various bass tone presets you can use as well. Depends what you're looking for I guess.
  3. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1392834118' post='2373300'] they gig at least twice a month now and have a full dairy... [/quote] What - milk, cheese, yoghurt, everything?
  4. I'm in a position where I now feel anything I'm ever likely to do musically, either live or recording projects, can be catered for with my MIJ Precision. I've got my Spector Euro 5 LX as my "modern" bass but to be honest I'm thinking of selling it as I never play it & I've also never been 100% convinced that a five string is necessary for me. After many years of using them exclusively I've also gone right off active basses too. I've done the whole custom build thing & to be honest it was a bit of an anti climax, but I guess that's largely because what I need/want from a bass can easily be catered for by an off the shelf instrument.
  5. The selling rules & guidelines are here: http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=rules&f=19
  6. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1392566166' post='2370071'] if I understand correctly are you saying the pick-up is simply a microphone? [/quote] As far as I know yes it is simply a microphone of sorts, you can demonstrate this by singing or shouting into a guitar or bass pickup when the instrument is plugged into an amplifier; it's not a great sound but you will hear your voice being amplified. The guitarist David Torn utilises this by playing recorded sounds into his pickups with a handheld recorder & then looping & modifying the outputted sounds with his pedal board.
  7. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392473583' post='2369151'] That is very interesting that you worked for a B C Rich dealer at the time. Did many people order them , or did you keep stock in the shop? They were such beautiful instruments. I can distinctly remember people who didn't even play guitar noticing how amazing they looked at the time. My first recollection of them is the members of Thin Lizzy all playing them in the video for " Do Anything You Want To" , which will have been around 1979, in fact. . Then for a while you couldn't give them away, and then Slash used a Mockingbird guitar in the video for "You Could Be Mine" and the used market took off again, it seemed like . [/quote] People did order custom models but we always had them in stock too. The first time I ever went in the shop I was 15 & had never seen a BC Rich or any other high end US guitar up close. A friend of mine told me a new guitar shop had opened & they had "those weird shaped guitars you like" - of course I didn't believe him until I went in there myself & what I saw completely overwhelmed me. There were two Mockingbird standards & a Mockingbird supreme, two Biches, an Eagle supreme, a Mockingbird bass, a Bich bass & a Bich 8 string bass..... and that was before I noticed the Deans & the Hamers. They also regularly stocked basses by Manson, Pangborne, Jaydee, Alembic, Steinberger & Wal. You can probably see why I don't have much interest in going into music shops much these days. I started talking to the owner of the shop & he was really impressed that I knew what all these guitars were. I started helping out in the shop soon after & still helped out when I could even after I'd got a "proper" job. The shop was actually the UK distributors for BC Rich for a while in the 80s, changed location twice & finally closed when the owner decided on a change of career & went into web design. Some of the best days of my life were spent in that shop.
  8. Geezer definitely used Rickenbackers occasionally in the late 70's - I remember an interview with him in "Beat Instrumental" where he said he was using a Rick because the truss rod went in the neck of one of his John Birch basses & that was the only back up he had with him on the tour. I've seen footage of him using a Rick too. He also mentioned having a fretless Rick with nylon tape wound strings on it. BC Rich Eagle basses weren't £1000 in the late 70's BTW - the shop I used to work in was one of the few UK stockists & they were around £700 in 1980 as far as I can remember. Absolutely superb instruments, as were all BC Riches at that time. Update: Just found a price list from October 1980 - Eagle & Mockingbird bass: £699, Bich bass £999.
  9. Sounds like his amp set-up isn't really suitable for the type of material you're playing for starters.
  10. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1392036998' post='2363801'] Anything else I need to know? [/quote] I might be selling mine soon..... You can't really compare playing a bass or guitar to playing a Stick, it really is an instrument in it's own right & you'd probably get on better with one if you didn't think of it as a "bass with more strings"or whatever. There are many different turnings used as well, but this is less of a problem if you're a beginner as you'll struggle with all of them.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1391536236' post='2358307'] DVDA?!!! I just opened this thread expecting a VERY different topic of conversation... [/quote] Me too.
  12. I hope the pickups are wax dipped or they'll 'owl like crazy at high volume....
  13. A great bass for a daft price - excellent find!
  14. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but the best/favourite bass I've ever owned is my MIJ Fender Precision that I bought secondhand last year. I've had basses that were far more expensive, exclusive, exotic etc. but the bottom line is I just spend more time actually PLAYING this bass & less time messing about tying to get a usable sound out of it it than any other I've owned.
  15. Bollocks, I've been looking for one of these for a while but I've got f*** all money at the moment.
  16. Apparently they're playing Billys "Spectrum" album in it's entirety.
  17. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1391247187' post='2354882'] I think the Groove basses go for the bottom end of BassBus's estimate. Perhaps a little lower. [/quote] This is right - the Groove was a Budget model. I don't think I've seen one hit £300 on Ebay, most of them go for around the £250 mark, maybe a little more.
  18. One thing I would add is: are you reducing your medication with your doctors knowledge/approval? If not it might not be a great idea, regardless of how you're feeling with regard to your condition. Believe me, I speak from experience here. If you seek medical advice for the pain you're experiencing you'll have to let them know about the fact you've reduced your meds anyway or without the full picture they might not make an accurate diagnosis.
  19. I used to use a Rivera R30/12 & it was a superb amp - wish I'd never got rid of it. The "Fender" channel does the whole Fender/Fender on steroids thing really well, and the tone stack has a push/pull switch that alters the tone between "Tweed" & "Blackface" era amps so it's really versatile. Great spring reverb too. I used to use mine with a Gretsch 6120 & a Duo Jet & it was just awesome.
  20. The latest episode of "Live from Daryl's House" featuring Billy Gibbons.
  21. I can't see why people are giving the guy hassle for not allowing photos at his gigs - the vast majority of venues have strict "No photos/videos/recordings" rules but these are proving harder to enforce since the whole stupid camera phone thing took off. Most people wouldn't have even thought about taking photos/videos at a gig not that long ago, but now everybody has a camera on their phone they think it's their god-given right to do so. I can also fully understand why an artist would not want poor quality recordings of their performance circulated.
  22. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1390912919' post='2351127'] If the notice isn't still up in the Jazz Caff, it bloody well should be. I don't pay ten/twenty/whatever quid to see a band only to end up listening to someone behind me yakking to their mate, and it irritates the living sht out of me when it happens. With all due respect, the post-rock nerd was quite right to have a word with you -- if you wanted to talk to your mate, you should have gone to the bar or met up afterwards or something, but not during the performance. God knows it's always great to bump into a long lost pal, but there's a time and a place to catch up. [/quote] Absolutely. It seems like every gig I go to these days I have to have a go at some gobby, self-obsessed twat who thinks everybody is there to listen to him rather than the band. I know lots of people who feel the same too, to the extent that many of them just don't even bother going to gigs anymore because of the amount of w***ers in the audience. Years ago this seemed to be primarily a London thing but now it's the same everywhere.
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