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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1390910075' post='2351073'] So what are you suggesting, some sort of union closed shop that only allows 'good' bands to play anywhere? [/quote] The scary thing in that scenario is who decides what a "good" band is? Like it or not, a lot of the bands that draw decent crowds, certainly in University towns like Cardiff, are not what most muso types would call "good" bands.
  2. That's an Aerodyne model - very popular &, like all Japanese Fenders, excellent quality.
  3. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1390842038' post='2350187'] I grew up aspiring to Jaco, Jeff Berlin, Stan clarke, Geddy Lee etc etc etc...seriously is there anyone on this forum that aspires to play like Eva Gardner? [/quote] I very much doubt if the average basschat member is in the demographic that Fender are aiming this bass at. There are precious few female bass role models for young girls who might be thinking of taking up the instrument as it is; I think giving an affordable signature model to somebody like this who has a high profile gig with a very successful pop star is a pretty healthy thing to do for the instrument in general.
  4. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1390838417' post='2350110'] ....though there's clearly no harm, and probably a lot of good, can come from meeting up with other bassists. [/quote] I'm not sure I'd agree with this - I met up with another bassist once & less than two weeks later I broke my foot.
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1390836586' post='2350074'] Were it not for such shortcomings, I would not - in 1978 - have found myself urinating next to Mr Wreckless Eric and our subsequent conversation about Eddie Waring (who coincidentally was in one of the traps) would never have taken place. [/quote] I'm trying to imagine a situation that would have both Wreckless Eric & Eddie Waring in the same mens toilet - an "All-Star" edition of "It's A Knock Out" maybe?
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390832167' post='2349990'] If it was my signature model I had been collaborating with Fender to create and it ended up as a Squier, I would go mental . Why does Pino get a Custom Shop model, Tony "used to be only very moderately famous for a short while in the mid-1980's "Franklin get a made in the USA bass, even Nate Mendel gets a made in Mexico effort, and yet I am in the bargain basement with a bass being assembled by former rubber plant farmers on an archipelago somewhere east of Java? That is what I would be asking them. [/quote] I'm sure Fenders answer to your question would be "Who the f*** are you?"
  7. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1390835766' post='2350060'] I'm learning - a lot. Been playing at home and learning songs and some theory but got an audition for an experienced pub covers band and was taken on as the bassist. I feel to some extent like I faked my way through as the other 4 guys have been playing together 20 years and I've been playing less than 2. Rehearsals and gigs are coming up. Now I've set up my MIM p-bass as per Fender catalogue specs and to my ear it sounds just great. But what does a dog sound like compared to a peach? I don't really know. I wanted to ask if there was any charitable soul, or a thirsty one in need of beer, who would be willing to spend an hour playing my setup (p-bass, ME-50B pedals, Laney Richter 300W amp) and either tell me its junk and I'm wasting my time, tweak setup to get the best out of it, or offer me £100000 for it being the best rig ever played (unlikely..). I'm quite happy to travel and bring my gear but I'm just a bit stuck not knowing any other bassists in the area to ask, and I'm not sure it is the kind of thing to learn off the 'net so to speak. Cheers, Rich [/quote] If they took you over 4 other "more experienced" guys then it was because they preferred you. If they're an experienced band they'd have noticed pretty quickly if you were faking it so stop worrying & give yourself a pat on the back for getting the gig - well done! Did you do the audition with the same gear? If so the band already think it sounds great. If you've got your Precision set up to Fender specs & it sounds great to you then it'll probably sound great to everyone else. By all means get somebody to listen to your gear if it'll ease your mind though, there's probably somebody here who could help you out.
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1390835422' post='2350053'] She used to be married to Frank Sinatra I think... [/quote] Mickey Rooney too.
  9. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1390830865' post='2349956'] Ban Saturday night 'talent' shows from TV to get the British public off their sofas and out in the real world. [/quote] I would guess that a large percentage of people that watch these shows aren't the sort of people who would be checking out live bands in small local venues if they weren't on, they'd just be watching something else on the TV.
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1390783280' post='2349568'] I just think that it's best for the op to start in the early days of Country then work forward. There is some great music out there to discover. [/quote] I'm not sure about this. As the OP has said he likes the more modern pop/rock country stuff he may well be better off starting with things like that & working backwards as his country tolerance levels increase. Starting with something like The Carter Family might be too much too soon. A good place to start with the older stuff might be something like the "O Brother Where Art Thou?" soundtrack, as it's got a nice mix of older stuff. It certainly sparked my interest in some great music I'd otherwise never have heard.
  11. Check out the Secret Sisters (though if you're liking the modern country rock stuff they might be a bit "old-timey" for you). Nickel Creek might be more to your liking. Also: Emmylou Harris, Nancy Griffiths, Gillian Welch, Alison Krauss, The Civil Wars, Robert Ellis to name but a few.
  12. There are quite a few Spector players on the forum, myself included. Don't know if you've seen this, but here's a link to the Spector Porn thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/78081-how-about-a-spector-thread/ Check out Cetera's collection - pretty impressive!
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1390656486' post='2347986'] That's usually my experience but I knew this one: Mars Volta, Pink, Moby and her father was Kim Gardner of The Birds, The Creation, and Ashton, Gardner & Dyke etc. [/quote] Now Kim Gardner I have heard of! Ta for the info.
  14. A sure sign of getting older for me is that 99% of signature models released are made for people I've never heard of.
  15. Is it me or does the lower cutaway on our mystery bass look a lot deeper & wider than usual for a J style bass?
  16. 1978 wasn't exactly the high water mark for quality control at Fender.
  17. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1390395895' post='2344854'] Really? I've just ordered one, and I already have a Status and a MM. Doubt setting in... [/quote] Let me try & ease your doubt by saying that my Spector Euro 5LX kicked the sh*t out of my Stingray 5 in every aspect. The bottom line is that the good & bad points of instruments are so personal to the individual that the only way to know for sure if a bass is right for you is to own & play it. I personally really don't like three of the four most popular basses available (Fender Jazz, Musicman Stingray, Rickenbacker 4001/4003) & wouldn't have another one if they were offered to me for free; it doesn't stop countless other players finding that these basses are perfect for them.
  18. To quote Obi Wan Kenobi: "That's no moon......"
  19. Looks pretty beaten up, and you'd have to pay an extra 23% on top of what you pay for the bass & shipping to get it into the country. I've seen really nice examples of these basses go for not much more than you'd end up paying for this - if it was me I'd pass on this one & wait for something better to turn up in the UK.
  20. Be prepared for the wood under the paint to be less than attractive grain-wise; the nicer bits of wood tend to be the ones that get the natural & translucent finishes,the plainer bits tend to be kept for the solid finishes. It's also quite probable that the body under the paint may be made from two or three (or more) pieces of wood glued together which is another reason it would have been given a solid colour finish. You don't say what price bracket this P bass is in: if it's a cheap copy then, as somebody else has said, it might not even be solid wood under the paint.
  21. Hmmm, tricky one - thirteen quid is thirteen quid at the end of the day.
  22. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1390388212' post='2344718'] What does everyone do when they switch between pick and finger style during a set, adjust your output or use a limiter ? [/quote] Never needed to do either, I use a pick to give me a different sound, not a massive jump in volume. For some reason lots of players seem to think using a pick = hammering the crap out of the strings.
  23. It's really got me wanting another 12ver - should never have sold my old Hamer.....
  24. Tom Petersson from Cheap Trick has recently taken delivery of a rather wonderful custom Gretsch White Falcon 12 string bass: [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/GretschWhiteFalcon12ver_zpsfffe9d84.jpg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/GretschWhiteFalcon12ver_zpsfffe9d84.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Ticks all the boxes for me - Love Cheap Trick, Love 12vers, Love Gretsch guitars!
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