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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Glittering prize is a compilation album so both Forbes & Giblin are on there, as well as Malcolm Foster.
  2. There have always been a few ABBA songs I've liked, but after watching the documentary on them on BBC4 the other week I bought myself a box set of all the albums and have been playing them for the last couple of days. Great songs, fantastic arrangements, really inventive bass parts & those girls certainly could sing. Absolutely perfect pop music that just makes you feel really good when you listen to it..
  3. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1388786562' post='2326170'] He really bigged up Pino to me as well when we spoke. [/quote] I read an interview with him in Bass Player years ago where he singled Pino out for some very high praise indeed.
  4. Another secondhand MIJ Fender Precision.
  5. Keep your eye open on Ebay for a Cornford Harlequin if you like the sound of them - They come up for sale fairly regularly. I bought mine used from Ebay with no problems.
  6. I plan to dither about, turn down every opportunity that presents itself to me & generally sit around on my arse doing nothing - just like every other year.
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388513845' post='2322958'] I was wondering what was going on with that pole and her legs. [/quote] How do you know she's from Poland?
  8. If you like bluesy tones I can recommend the Cornford Harlequin - a stunning UK built all valve amp that's purpose made for recording.
  9. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1388521878' post='2323140'] You mean the olden days where people used to do stuff rather than just talk about doing it? [/quote] The days when searching out extreme pornography & bullying people used to require a lot of bloody hard work.
  10. Big Audio Dynamite - This is Big Audio Dynamite. I'd forgotten just how f***ing brilliant this album is!
  11. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1388520164' post='2323103'] My thread is about asking if other players have had this experience. Have you had s similar gig with such an egotistical musician? [/quote] I had this once, albeit to a much lesser degree though. I had the last laugh though - his wife left him & he died.
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1388520074' post='2323099'] With only 6 people in the audience I think I'd have walked off the stage and left Mr keys to 'his' gig. [/quote] Absolutely, breaking the ***** nose on the way.
  13. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1388511066' post='2322901'] Orchestra pit for a Panto. I'm actually under the stage. I get more space than the brass section at the other end : My view: We've done 4 or 5 shows so far I think we have five more to do. [/quote] I can see how the glamour of the whole thing would be irresistible.......
  14. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1388518976' post='2323070'] Yeah, we need to know [/quote] Possibly my post sounded harsh, but it just seems really strange to me; to be that angry about something & to then go & do exactly the same thing again.
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1388517700' post='2323044'] Because he thought the gig was his. I get angry just thinking about him. Definitely the most selfish and arrogant musician I've ever played wit. [/quote] So why did you do it twice?
  16. Goldfrapp - Supernature. Goes perfectly with the silver spangly jumpsuit I'm wearing......
  17. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1388476054' post='2322325'] AAh sorry thats my gardening heritage heehee [/quote]
  18. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1388474941' post='2322320'] I think if used carefully a tuber could be be useful as a form of space propulsion. [/quote] A potato?
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1388405472' post='2321550'] So do I. It was the 30th anniversary of his death on the 3rd of this month, I never saw a mention anywhere. [/quote] 30th anniversary? He died on December 4th 1993 - I remember it vividly because I got in from work & my flatmate had written "Zappa is dead" in green permanent marker across the front of my fridge.
  20. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1388351036' post='2321167'] Almost gassing myself. [/quote] Too many sprouts over the festive period?
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1388348334' post='2321122'] I love everything style wise apart from that headstock [/quote] I've yet to see a 4+1 headstock that I like.
  22. If I was looking for a P style five string (and had the money) I would go for a Mike Lull.
  23. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1388334420' post='2320871'] Anyone who doesn't frequent Off Topic (or use Facebook or Twitter to find out about the contents of an internet forum, which seems rather counterintuitive) is unrepresented in the survey. [/quote] I rarely bother with Off Topic these days, don't use Facebook or follow Basschat on Twitter & I was one of the first people to respond, so your statement isn't entirely correct. If somebody as thick as me managed to find the survey post without resorting to social media I'm sure there must have been others.
  24. There's not a lot can be done with the set up on an acoustic - truss rod adjustment & sanding or raising the saddle is about it - anything else will require fret work and/or a neck reset which in my book doesn't come under "home set-up" &, in my opinion, wouldn't be worth the cost on an inexpensive instrument. Why not split the difference, put a set of 11s on & see how it responds?
  25. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1388246010' post='2319929'] He's not used a Hamer for a while - this is from a recent Miami show. [/quote] That's good to see - maybe now Hamer to all intents & purposes no longer exists he's happy to be seen playing them again. From what I remember he stopping using them was a protest at the removal of Paul Hamer from the company, the same reason Martin Barre from Jethro Tull stopped using their guitars.
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