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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1388249593' post='2319990'] Didn't Hamer go under not long ago? [/quote] They didn't go under, Fender bought them & essentially forced them to close.
  2. No software could ever replace the feeling of my wood in my hand.....
  3. Precision. I'm not a Fender fanboy by any stretch of the imagination, but I've played more Precisions I've liked than Stingrays. My MIJ Precision is certainly far better quality & playability-wise than the Stingray 5 I owned briefly, and it cost a hell of a lot less.
  4. In: MIJ 57RI Fiesta Red Fender Precision bass Rosewood 12 string grand Chapman Stick Rane SP13 Chapman Stick preamp Markbass 1x10 combo Ernie Ball volume pedal Out: Nothing as far as I can remember - I think all the selling happened last year.
  5. You'd be hard pressed to find a better quality instrument than a US Hamer - absolutely superb guitars & basses.
  6. I've sold gear to Germany, France & Portugal with no problems whatsoever. I've received payment via PayPal & IBAN transfer also with no problems. £70 fully insured sounds like a reasonable price for sending an amp to me.
  7. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1387973402' post='2317631'] [attachment=150943:$(KGrHqZHJFcFF2YHNkTEBRjmhp6lQg~~60_35.JPG] [/quote] If Slipknot ever need a Reindeer they need look no further.
  8. In agreement with the comments so far about neck instability. The Jaydee I had built for me in the early - mid 80's had a ridiculously unstable neck, I spent more time adjusting it than I did playing it.
  9. After years of playing carbon fibre necked, exotic wood bodied basses with active electronics my guilty pleasure is just how much I'm enjoying the MIJ 57RI Fender Precision I bought earlier this year.
  10. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1387118758' post='2308327'] I always thought it was a bit twee and clique-y myself. [/quote] This.
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1386857600' post='2305438'] Rainbow Rising. Just spotified it and had forgotten how good it is. Marvellous stuff! [/quote] Rainbow Rising is one of the few albums from this genre/time that I still regularly listen to - absolutely superb album. With regard to the rest of the thread - I'm generally a big fan of live albums & find a lot of them (Judas Priests "Unleashed in the East" & Kiss "Alive 2" being two examples) far superior to any studio albums released by the artists. The one album I've never been able to get into though, despite loving their studio albums, is Deep Purples "Made in Japan".
  12. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1386783911' post='2304519'] Geezer Butler was one of my main formative influences on the bass. I regard him as one of the greatest rock players of all time...superb! [/quote] Same here.
  13. Playing a Spector is always going to be better than playing a copy of a Spector...
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1386430234' post='2300044'] Rhys come on man, i may have had a few beers with when i posted a lame one now and then, but music is subjective and all that.? [/quote] Just kiddin' - you'd probably think 99% of my record collection was bloody awful if you saw it.
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1386429052' post='2300013'] im blind when it comes to music. [/quote] Judging by a lot of the stuff you've posted over the years you're deaf when it comes to music too...
  16. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1386272175' post='2298165'] You could always look up the factory specs.... [/quote] This is always the best idea if you want to experiment with pickup height but don't know much about this kind of stuff.
  17. I've buggered up a couple of strings putting them on many years ago but I've never broken one playing in 34+ years.
  18. I cover my head until it's all over....
  19. Perfectly happy with my playing, but I've never been a "strive to be the best" kind of person. I've certainly got no interest in actively learning or improving anymore.
  20. Both my Zons used to do this, but the batteries lasted for ages in them so it wasn't really a problem. If the battery is regularly running out I'd be wondering why if it was my bass - do you leave the lead plugged into the bass for long periods when not playing?
  21. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1386236955' post='2297454'] I have a mate who had never played golf, but literally within 5 minutes of picking up a golf club he could hit a ball 300 yards as straight as an arrow. [/quote] What was his putting like after 5 minutes?
  22. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386262689' post='2297927'] Well bugger me - I never knew that! So why do they get called kettle leads then? [/quote] Because there are lots of really stupid people about.
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