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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386262331' post='2297915'] I'm no sparky - but what's wrong with calling them "kettle leads"? [/quote] Because the connector on an actual kettle lead is a different shape so it wouldn't fit the mains input socket on an amp.
  2. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1386261595' post='2297902'] ......you can pick up UK to IEC mains lead dead easy for a few quid. [/quote] Thank you for not saying "Kettle lead".
  3. Always played 100% originals from the outset with the bands I've been in.
  4. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1386251529' post='2297712'] After all, you should as a working musician have a number of them as spares. [/quote] Big assumption that everyone that uses an amp is a "working musician" there.
  5. Has this got a gloss lacquered neck or the oiled finish?
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1386092668' post='2295645'] As for destructive onstage mayhem, few have surpassed the late Ms Wendy O Williams (NSFW) [size=3]Rare 'not topless' performance: Wendy chainsaws an Explorer[/size] [/quote] They used to mic up the chainsaw when she was doing it too as far as I can recall.
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386085032' post='2295511'] Yngwie did pretty much the same thing as Ritchie. But what didn't he do that wasn't the same as Ritchie? [/quote] It's funny because it's true....
  8. [quote name='Mr Stinky' timestamp='1386080542' post='2295426'] When a guitar is completed and turned on for the first time, it has life and becomes a living thing with a soul. [/quote] They're just lumps of wood & metal - get a grip. FYI - Blackmore, and many others, use cheap mockups to destroy at the end of their shows. I'd happily smack the drummer in Greenday in the face too, but just for being the drummer in Greenday......
  9. I don't think there's any correlation between how many owners a bass has had & how "good" it is - some people just like buying & selling gear. The Spector Euro 5LX I bought on here is a superb bass but it had lots of owners before me. It's easily the best five string I've played but I'm still not 100% sure a five string is right for me so I may well sell it on.
  10. Personally I'd spend the money on a decent headphone amp for electric bass than bother with an acoustic one.
  11. [quote name='TLBX' timestamp='1385480744' post='2288747'] Your dead right mate...... [/quote] Hang on a second, this is Basschat - you're not supposed to agree with people on here you know. A simple "You're talking bollocks, what the f*** do you know? I'm out of here" would have sufficed.
  12. "Best offer accepted" - wonder what it went for?
  13. [quote name='TLBX' timestamp='1385472738' post='2288599'] The live album Delicate Sound of Thunder for Guy Pratt doing his thing is super stuff.... [/quote] Personally I wouldn't recommend this to somebody just getting into Floyd as it's in no way an accurate representation of what make Floyd so brilliant - the material is ruined by a large ensemble of showboating musos IMO. I'm another big fan of "Animals", easily my favourite album of theirs.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385304545' post='2286599'] And there was me thinking Dr Who was a kids' programme. *Hides behind sofa* [/quote] It's almost as childish as middle aged men pretending to be pop stars.....
  15. I think our very own Xilddx plays one of these models.
  16. Your gig coinciding with the 50th Anniversary Dr. Who special probably didn't help with punter numbers much.
  17. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1385234252' post='2285986'] Some of you have said you love , YES but can't get on with D/T..... [/quote] I used to be a big Yes fan, but I find them as unlistenable as Dream Theater these days. Haven't a clue why, they just irritate me. I find the majority of the music I've listened to for decades pretty much unlistenable these days to be honest.
  18. I'm a big "Prog" fan but I've never liked Dream Theater, they just leave me cold. Amazing players & all that, but I just don't like what they do.
  19. Bugger - that's pretty much exactly what I'm looking for but I haven't got any money at the moment.
  20. Ozric Tentacles supported my old band once donkeys years ago (late 80s).
  21. Bloody hell, with the amount of godawful "novelty" songs being posted as examples of good covers in this thread I'm surprised nobody has posted a clip of the Barron Knights yet.
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1384967324' post='2282933'] Sorry folks, the vast majority of examples posted so far for me have been the best arguments you can get for leaving the songs just how they were... [/quote] My thoughts exactly. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1384962038' post='2282847'] You can play Superstition with almost any set up & it will sound sh*t. [/quote] Finished the sentence for you.
  23. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1384964047' post='2282873'] Sorry - if that's right we should never have 'got' Blues. [/quote] I've never "got" blues, or Motown for that matter.
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