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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1384946660' post='2282553'] I know very little of Kanye West...! Is he considered 'up there' in his genre? [/quote] He considers himself to be "A genius" apparently. I don't get it at all but I don't get lots of stuff from many different musical genres that people think is great so I'm not the best person to comment.
  2. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1384623591' post='2278900'] Sorry , I thought there were only two techniques (anchored on the pickup vs floating thumb - by which I mean anchoring Scott Devine explains it in the video below, the thumb anchors on the string [i]above the one you are plucking[/i], and also rests on the other strings to mute them. I [/quote] I would say that method is "Movable anchor" rather than "Floating Thumb". Personally I can't see either is neccesary on a four string, those techniques start to become useful as string muting becomes more of a concern on five, six & more strings. I use floating thumb on my five string but just keep my thumb anchored in the same place on my four string. At the end of the day it's what feels most comfortable to the individual.
  3. XLR outputs were a standard feature on the old Jaydee Supernatural basses.
  4. If I had to choose between US or Mexican for a Fender I'd go with Japanese every time.....
  5. Life. The vast majority of music I used to listen to, especially Yes.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383786609' post='2269237'] To be fair there was an awful lot of shyte around in the 70s as well... [/quote] And a hell of a lot of OGWT "performances" were mimed; I was amazed when watching some old reruns just how many of them were.
  7. I think the problem is that "young" people by & large don't watch music programmes on TV anymore The core audience for "Later..." is largely made up of middle-aged musos so if any new young band does play on there the chances are they're going to get shot down by a load of "What a load of rubbish, seen it all before, they're doing nothing new" type comments.
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383578351' post='2266082'] Do they have turntables in school music departments nowadays to teach the kids how to DJ ? I would like to think that even someone as witless as the the people running our schools seem to be couldn't be that daft , but something tells me I am probably going to be wrong on that count . [/quote] Yes, I'm afraid they do. I'm sure they get sent out to vandalise public property with spray cans as part of their "art" lessons too.....
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383668841' post='2267355'] What this neighbour is complaining about is not that you are playing too loud , but rather [u][i]he is complaining about the fact that he can hear you at all [/i][/u]. [/quote] In my experience musicians tend to think things that other people find unbearably loud are not very loud at all. There is every chance the neighbour does indeed think the OP was playing too loud.
  10. If the supplied oil is for treating an unfinished neck it's probably something like gunstock oil & won't be suitable for using on a fingerboard.
  11. Such a shame you're selling this Matt but I know exactly where you're coming from - I ended up selling my dream guitar (A USA Hamer Standard) because I couldn't even take it out of it's case without having a panic attack.
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1383045506' post='2259381'] Anthony Jackson [/quote] I should think using Anthony Jackson to mute your stings would be a tad cumbersome.
  13. Don't like Rotosounds - very rough & die after about 15 minutes. Also don't like DRs - I've never bought a set (bass or guitar) that didn't include at least one duff string so I stopped using them. For the price they charge they should be perfect every time.
  14. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1382639461' post='2254924'] I dunno, maybe a plumber *would* pay to go repair Brian May's boiler??? [/quote] Don't talk about Anita like that.
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1382455592' post='2252358'] My CIJ tone control makes a huge difference . [/quote] Same here. Totally stock & has all the tonal variation I need & want from a bass.
  16. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1382433519' post='2251971'] Hand size has little to do with it - whatever feels most comfy is what you should go with. try some out in a shop! [/quote] This. I haven't got very big hands but I far prefer big, chunky necks to skinny, narrow ones.
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382361226' post='2251134'] It was the hardcase itself they managed to smash to bits on mine... annoying as it was original to the bass. I don't know how they managed to do it, it was a good thick solid bit of plastic with a metal brace. This wasn't just a knock... must have been dropped from a serious height. [/quote] Not necessarily dropped from a great height - there are hardcases & hardcases. Hiscox ones are probably the best without going down the "full flightcase" route, whereas a lot of supposed hardcases like the Musicman ones are incredibly fragile & offer little more genuine protection than a good gig bag.
  18. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1382360954' post='2251130'] But if they have no printed copy of the terms and conditions, nor do their staff know them, then how can the sender be at fault? As I stated above, the Post Office counter staff were aware of what the item was and still sold me the enhanced compensation. [/quote] Nobody ever told me about it either, I just always make sure I find out the important stuff like this to my own satisfaction. This is why it's always best to assume that nobody knows anything & make sure you do your homework first. It might take a bit longer but it helps avoid situations like the one you currently find yourself in.
  19. It's clearly stated in the Parcelforce T&Cs (or it certainly used to be) that musical instruments are only covered up to a certain amount. I've used Parcelforce for pretty much all the guitars & basses I've shipped without any problems, which is more than can be said for some couriers (UPS for example). Unfortunately using any courier to send a musical instrument is risky unless you ship the instrument in a proper hardshell case, and even then it's not 100% sure it'll arrive unscathed.
  20. If you get the active version (the M1A) you don't need a preamp of any kind. Fantastic sound too.
  21. I've listened to jazz ever since a really great student music teacher I had in high school played a Jean Luc Ponty album in class one day. Pretty much everybody hated it (this being the late 70's & most people were listening to punk stuff) but I thought it was superb. Asked the teacher to recommend me some similar stuff & that's when I discovered Mahavishnu, Return to Forever, Weather Report & lots of great 70s fusion stuff. From there I got into people like Miles Davis, John Coltrane & Ornette Coleman. I don't "understand" what's going on in any of the jazz I listen to - I never had the desire to study theory & stuff so I would be able to play jazz. I don't feel that not understanding the mechanics of what is going on with the music detracts from my enjoyment of it though, I just find it interesting & stimulating to listen to. I certainly enjoy listening to certain types of jazz more than a lot of other musical genres but at the same time I don't class myself as some kind of aficionado.
  22. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1382301606' post='2250479'] I've already got mine too - a GUS G3 Active Retro No other bass feels 'so right' when strapped on - everything else just looks the same as every other bass or guitar made in the last 60 years. [/quote] They're common as muck around here - two on this thread already.....
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