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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1382290141' post='2250179'] I'm just waiting for the everlasting Know-it-all to show up and tell us how we are all wrong! [/quote] Which one?
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1378469598' post='2200767'] I've been trying to remember the last "big things" to shake my bass world. They were a passive P bass and flats. So I'm improving by going backwards it seems. [/quote] Same here. God I'm getting old.
  3. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1378334751' post='2198974'] Er [url="http://s927.photobucket.com/user/Delberthot/media/-53PRECISIONBASS005_zps588ba57e.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] "Through body bridges" is what the OP said, not "through body stringing". I think the OP is referring to things like the 2TEK bridge.
  4. [quote name='songofthewind' timestamp='1382204444' post='2249313'] Frunt! Anybody remember them? I borrowed one before I got my Laney Linebacker. [/quote] I've still got an old magazine with a review of a Frunt bass head. It's got the Percy Jones ad in it too.
  5. "Join a band" Great advice if you want to end as a complete misanthrope......
  6. I wasn't GASing for anything until I saw a Burgundy Mist US Lakland Bob Glaub on Ebay -way out of my price range but bloody lovely!
  7. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1381689114' post='2242402'] Some people are born to look right with a doubleneck guitar . Mike Rutherford is one of them . A public school education always helps with that , of course. [/quote] Being 7 foot 3 helped as well. I suppose after enduring years of enforced sodomy at Charterhouse the weight of a Shergold doubleneck was welcome relief by comparison....
  8. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1381690170' post='2242430'] and personally - I think the guy at the start of this tread is dull, unmusical and totally stiff. Where's the groove? ;-) [/quote] You are obviously not familiar with the music of ELP: it does many things, but "groove" is definitely not one of them....
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381679190' post='2242189'] S'funny init. We can all disappear up our own arseholes by saying 'it's subjective, it's just an opinion' but what do we learn from this? Only that everything subjective has value to someone. However, I don't buy that sh*t, because if it is true, then total crap has value. [/quote] But if it's subjective, who decides that whatever it is is "Total Crap"? This is the problem, innit? I've heard music that I've sincerely thought is some of the worst I've ever heard but other people rave about. Like it or not, everything subjective DOES have value to someone, however terrible or lacking in substance it may seem to you or I. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381679190' post='2242189'] Great art does not come from nothing, it comes from study, education, philosophy, attitude, history, imagination, perception, vision .. [/quote] ...Or a labrador or a chimpanzee with a paintbrush up it's arse let loose on a canvas that experts & academics will decide is the work of a genius. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381679190' post='2242189'] If your music tutor told you your technical execution or your composition needed working on, would you tell them it's all subjective? That your string rattles and missed notes are subjective? [/quote] If I was working with a tutor & he said my technical execution needed working on then I'd probably listen to him. If he told me my composition needed working on, and I was perfectly happy with what I was composing, then I would probably ignore him as his thoughts on my compositions would be coloured by his own likes & dislikes. (You'll probably disagree with all this as we obviously have fundamentally different mindsets when it comes to music).
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381674928' post='2242103'] Gentlemen, If you are unable to contribute anything positive to this thread I suggest you check Google maps to find the location of your nearest school playground and go battle it out with conkers. [/quote] How very topical!
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1381673677' post='2242072'] Some time ago, I went out shopping one day and Kirsty Allsop was at the end of my road filming . She looked very nice. Thanks for listening . [/quote] What a coincidence - she once filmed at the end of my friend Gareths road - maybe you know each other? Kirsty's lovely.
  12. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1381666418' post='2241939'] ...basses always remain a cash asset, they may come in handy, give you joy and look nice around the home. [/quote] Sound advice from Kirsty Allsopp there...
  13. I started on bass & didn't start dabbling with guitar (and also a bit of keyboards) until years later. I got to a point where I was playing guitar almost exclusively & didn't touch a bass for ages. Even though I'm an absolutely appalling guitarist I just enjoyed messing about with chords & stuff far more than just thumping away on a bass (I wasn't in a band or gigging during this period so this probably had a lot to do with it). I've recently gone back the other way & for the last 8 months or so have been playing far more bass - this is due to being involved in a couple of recording projects & getting back into gigging again.
  14. I very nearly did what you are contemplating a few years ago - I was going to get rid of the couple of basses I had & just keep my fretless Zon Legacy. I'm so glad I didn't as I came to hate the sound of fretless bass & sold it - if I'd got rid of my fretted basses I would have been in a bit of a pickle.
  15. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381538492' post='2240571'] The songs he plays for the most part are NOT free timing stuff. They're quite romantic small pieces with their own harmonic, melodic and rhythmic drive. The bass player lets the audience wait for musical information while he gets his fingers to the right places. Now while he may be a very musical person and a great bassist, in this exact performance things go terribly wrong because the musical drive is victimised on the bass w***ing shrine. [/quote] This is essentially the problem I had with the clip. My other main thought was "does this bring anything new, or improve upon, the original piece of music?" and for me personally the answer is a definite "NO". "Take a Pebble" for instance, is (IMO) a beautiful song with some lovely piano work by Emerson, which in this clip has just been reduced to a horrible clanky rattly bass solo with none of the feeling, expression or harmonic content of the original. If you want stand on stage with your cock out then good luck to you, but please don't beat a really nice piece of music to death with it while you're up there.
  16. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1381499373' post='2239923'] were you at that genesis gig i went to in earls court c.98 ? [/quote] I was there with my mum.
  17. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381497693' post='2239896'] I think some people need to reevaluate their role as musicians. If you can only embrace what is within your comfort zone you will neither improve nor most likely be very creative. Art is seeing beyond the norm. It's a vision of a better life. [/quote] Playing emotionally sterile, technique-for-techniques-sake solo versions of ELP songs to a crowd made up largely of balding middled aged men who still live with their mothers is not my idea of "a vision of a better life".........
  18. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1381485304' post='2239650'] Is that Rhi? [/quote] No.
  19. My current drummer (and a bloody good one too) is a 25 year old female - infinitely more huggable than all of the tub thumping Neanderthals I've had the misfortune to play with over the years.....
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1381326042' post='2237618'] I suspect that public sentiment is against a musician being able to write one hit song and then getting rich on it for the rest of their lives. Yes, I know all the arguments about intellectual property and all that but I reckon that, when it boils right down, most people don't think it's fair that someone can do something once and live on it for the rest of their life. Joe Public can't do that with their jobs so why should musicians be any different. I think this sentiment is the main reason why most people don't have any qualms about downloading music for free. Put them in a corner and read the law to them and they'll agree it's wrong, but their instinct tells them something else and that's why copying and free downloading is so prevalent. It's also why the same people will pay £50+ for a concert ticket - they can see that their favourite artist is actually working for their money instead of just sitting on a private island while the royalties roll in. [/quote] I honestly don't think 99% of people give it this much thought - people in general are just greedy selfish bastards who'll take anything if it's cheap or free & don't give a f*** about how this impacts on the person who makes that product, regardless of what it is.
  21. It's probably a CMI bass - the C looks like part of the M if you've not seen the logo before. Google "CMI Jazz Bass" & see if the pictures are the same as the one you're asking about.
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