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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. House of Freaks - "Monkey on a Chain Gang". Also the EP I played on a few months ago so I can relearn my own bass parts ready for a gig on Saturday.
  2. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1379870440' post='2217597'] I wasn't being persona; - Your post was a typical and just happened to be the last. Like us all you have real-life to deal with. I think I heard Flea practices 12 hours every day. When did you have that kind of time to comit - even if you wanted to? When you're doing the shopping or washing up Flea would be practising. He probably has staff who do that cr@p for him. Again - not being personal. [/quote] I didn't think you were being personal for a second. I was also, once again, not being entirely serious - I've been playing for 34+ years so hopefully I've gained a bit of ability in that time but I'm far from "f***ing brilliant"! At best I can produce a reasonable facsimile of the sort of things that bass players tend to be required to do but that's about it. There are people who have been playing for a few years who, due to the amount of dedication & discipline they have, are better players than I am but the truth is being a superb musician isn't really high on my list of important stuff & never has been. Given the choice between spending a few hours practicing scales or just sitting down & doing nothing I'd pick the latter every time. If I was able to practice for 12 hours every day i wouldn't, in fact I can't think of anything worse. I have no ambition & even less drive but I've never seen that as a problem to be honest.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1379868568' post='2217576'] It's very easy to knock your own ability like this..... [/quote] I wasn't knocking my own ability - I think I'm a f***ing brilliant bass player, just a very lazy one.
  4. I realised decades ago I'd never be able to play like my bass idols so, largely because I'm a lazy indisciplined bastard, I just didn't bother trying. I still get asked to play with people & do sessions fairly regularly so I guess I must be doing something right, even if it's not how "proper" bass players do it.
  5. Could just be a duff string, it does happen.
  6. Is it just me or does the reflection on the back of the bass (picture 2) look like Darth Vader?
  7. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1379850767' post='2217363'] How can you have crap sounding fingers?! [/quote] Well, if tone is in your fingers & some people sound much better than others then logically some people must have crap sounding fingers, yes? I'm not being entirely serious BTW.....
  8. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1379848823' post='2217332'] ....I suddenly understood what all that greats say: [b]tone is in your fingers.[/b] [/quote] It most certainly is, which is unfortunate if you have crap sounding fingers like I do.
  9. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1379693002' post='2215826'] Is there anything that isn't really of value that you just can't part with? [/quote] My life.
  10. "Stickistas" - a compilation album featuring 40 tracks by Hispanic Chapman Stick players.
  11. Just restrung my Spector - will put the old strings in the post asap (they're in pretty good nick).
  12. RhysP


    [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1378895621' post='2206111'] ..... I think the OP's point (with which I agree) is that when it comes to selling, there needs to be a clear delineation between fact and opinion. [/quote] But making that point with nothing more than an opinion of his own tends to defeat his own argument, no?
  13. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1378883670' post='2205855'] Digital also gets you around the licensing issue [/quote] For now.
  14. RhysP


    [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1378888511' post='2205941'] A: I'm getting fed up with folk passing sweeping statements and not stating that it is merely their opinion. [/quote] [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1378888511' post='2205941'] B: An early 80s P bass for instance is for sale at the moment. It is made by an excellent maker and is no doubt a superb bass. [/quote] Anybody else spot the contradiction between quote A & quote B?
  15. A secondhand rosewood 12 string Chapman Grand Stick in matched reciprocal tuning, much like the one I (hopefully) have arriving on Saturday.
  16. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1378730787' post='2203782'] Mainly Rickenbacker on the album (two tracks with the Jazz). I thought he used the Steinberger on the tour though, but the tourbook says not. [/quote] I'm pretty sure he played the Rick all night when I saw them at Wembley on the Signals tour.
  17. Another vote for the Markbass here. I bought one secondhand a few months ago & it's a great little combo (I still think the Markbass stuff looks like a cheap kids toy though......)
  18. I've just picked up a secondhand Rane SP13 Stick preamp - that can mean only one thing......
  19. Signals is a superb album & "Chemistry" features what is probably my favourite guitar solo of all time too. Having said that I think "Countdown" is a an absolute dog of a song.
  20. You don't - if they're interested then they're interested, but don't try & force your interest in music onto your kids; there's nothing worse than being forced to do something you have no interest in.
  21. Doug Pinnick has one of the greatest rock voices ever IMO. Kings X deserved to be HUGE - absolutely awesome band.
  22. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1378383160' post='2199413'] My Shadow In Vain - Tubeway Army [/quote] Good man - I'm a big Paul Gardiner fan. All the bass parts on that first album are great.
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1378399442' post='2199759'] Marcus, what's the longest you've saved up for a bass? [/quote] It was probably a lot longer than he kept it for......
  24. [quote name='england smith' timestamp='1378054763' post='2195199'] If you could ask Rocco Prestia anything, professional or personal, what would you want to know? [/quote] I'd ask him if he could get me your phone number while he's talking to you.
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