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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1376154582' post='2170352'] Six was a good album too. Didn't think there was anything that i'd consider prog on it! [/quote] It was more to do with the fact that a lot of the songs segued into each other & there was that "Intermission" section with the Tom Baker spoken word thing. Anything that isn't a three minute verse-chorus-verse pop song tends to have the "Prog" accusation thrown at it mainly due to the laziness & lack of imagination inherent in most popular music journalists.
  2. One of my favourite bands ever, I've got pretty much everything they ever released. Absolutely brilliant live band too. Being a big fan of "Prog rock nonsense" I thought "Six" was a superb album (though to be honest it's not very prog at all).
  3. Dolby Labs took Thomas Dolby to court when he first released an album to try & stop him using "their" name. The ruling ended up being that he could carry on performing & releasing music as Thomas Dolby but could not market any electronic equipment using his name should he ever choose to do so.
  4. RhysP

    Which Flanger?

    I use an MXR M117R (the big four knob one) for both bass & guitar & it's great for both.
  5. Might be worth contacting Pete Cornish direct as a lot of his stuff are one-offs.
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1375640140' post='2163790'] VIDEO LINK PLEASE!! [/quote] Not on your f***ing nelly mate! Actually, I've trawled the internet looking for online clips & strangely there are none to be found (thank Christ!). I keep meaning to get my video copy transferred to DVD but I've never got round to it. If it ever happens you'll be the first to know.
  7. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1375639318' post='2163774'] As i said in another thread i once managed nine w***s whilst watchin Basic Instinct when i was 14. [/quote] Really? That's a lot of wine for a 14 year old.
  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1375573485' post='2163151'] Many years ago I was late arriving at a gig (as a melodeon player). Got there just as the band was about to strike up with a stand-in melodeon player. I burst in through the door just in time and John Kirkpatrick stood aside to make room for me. Glory days indeed. [/quote] If you're going to use a stand-in melodeon player then John Kirkpatrick is a pretty good choice! Seen him loads of times over the years with Richard Thompson, Brass Monkey & loads of others.
  9. Is it this one? http://www.petecornish.co.uk/SAEAcousticpreamp.html
  10. Nothing bass related, but getting up to play a (bloody terrible) guitar solo with Todd Rundgren at the Forum in 1994 is probably the highlight of my musical life. It was released as a video too so I get to relive just how appalling it was whenever I want.... Also, earlier this year I wrote my first ever song & was fortunate enough to have one of my musical heroes Boo Hewerdine play guitar & sing backing vocals on it, and to have it recorded by (Del Amitri/Breeders/Marillion/many others) producer Mark Freegard.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375621612' post='2163512'] GUP is a great record. The balance of bass, guitar and keys is spot-on. It also captures the vibe of the era perfectly. [/quote] It took me a long time to get into Grace Under Pressure, didn't like it for ages, but now it's one of my favourites.
  12. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1375576118' post='2163165'] did u have to overcome any sour mouthed bye laws that forbid spontaneous intervention in 'public' spaces? [/quote] Or bye laws that prevent people shoving their unsolicited music down your throat when you're out for the day is another way of looking at it.
  13. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1375612448' post='2163348'] Would he miss the income he probably gets from having his name on such a successful model? [/quote] Highly unlikely, he is a very rich man.
  14. Interesting to see that when Waters starts singing Andy Fairweather Lowe takes over the bass part. When Floyd did this song on the Animals tour I'm pretty sure Snowy White played most of the bass & Waters played acoustic guitar for most of the night. I've always liked Roger Waters' bass parts; he approaches them from a a songwriters perspective, not a bassists.
  15. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1375515117' post='2162373'] ...but you have to admit that GP helped boost the ratings on the live tour with his dynamic style rather than basic solid bass lines. [/quote] What do you mean by " helped boost the ratings" exactly? Surely you're not suggesting that large numbers of people went to see that tour because of who was playing bass?
  16. I'm another one who thinks "Animals" is far & away their best album.
  17. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1375461224' post='2161805'] I get a combination of funny looks, raised eyebrows and parents covering their children's eyes when I play air clarinet... [/quote] Maybe because you probably look like you're giving a ghost a b***j**.
  18. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1375466266' post='2161925'] This is a release to raise yet more capital. [/quote] No it's not, it's a response to countless numbers of fans who think the original version of the album sounded terrible. How does" integrity" come into it anyway; are they meant to give away everything they do for nothing? Do you work for free? Nobody is being forced to buy it. Plenty of people, myself included, who think "Vapour Trails" was a great collection of songs ruined by terrible mixing/mastering/whatever will now be able to buy a sonically superior copy should they so choose.
  19. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375429573' post='2161020'] I wonder what it would have sounded like if Tony Levin had been available to play that tour. He's also phenomenally talented but, I'm guessing, he might have been better able to rein in his playing than Guy did. [/quote] It would have sounded immeasurably better if Levin had done it IMO. He could have played the Stick part on "One Slip" too.
  20. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1375102375' post='2156672'] Me neither, hence this thread I've always gone out and made music the old fashioned way I don't have a soundcloud account and I've only been on there to listen to mate's tunes and BC's monthly composition competition so I'll certainly be checking this new info out cheers. Just out of interest, do any of you new fangled types know if there are any alternatives or is SoundCloud so good at this kind of thing that it has the monopoly? Thanks for the help peeps. [/quote] Most of the people I know who do such things use ReverbNation rather than Soundcloud these days.
  21. [quote name='Noah Deere' timestamp='1374920997' post='2154774'] In Gene Simmons book he writes about them going to America and how no one could understand Noddy Holder because of his Welsh accent [/quote]
  22. Absolutely hated their music then & still do now. That said, it was a very enjoyable documentary & they all came across as really nice blokes.
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