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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374912824' post='2154653'] And to sort of get back on topic, does it not concern people that the more documentary evidence of genuine vintage Fenders appears on the internet the easier those features become to fake? Certainly if I was in the business of faking them I'd be grabbing every detailed shot of the real thing to use as source material. [/quote] That is a very good point.
  2. After somebody mentioning The Gizmo in another thread earlier today I dug out my old Bass Gizmotron. Unfortunately it hasn't worked for years due to the plastic that the string wheels were made of becoming brittle & snapping off ( a common problem with them, which is why you don't see them anymore). Anyway, for anybody that has never seen a Gizmo here's a picture of one: [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/BassGizmotron_zps56fb8d92.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. I think that's a model 250 valve guitar head.
  4. [quote name='Michael McCann' timestamp='1374855716' post='2154151'] I think its 2 non adjustable rods. Ill post some more photos shortly. I can't work out how to do this on my phone unfortunately. [/quote] If you bought it in 1984 it probably has the non adjustable rods. Do you go on the "Stickist" forum at all? If not it might be worth your while signing up & advertising it on there as there are always people on the lookout for used Sticks on there.
  5. [quote name='Michael McCann' timestamp='1374425227' post='2148579'] Hi, it has a truss rod and its tuned in 4ths for bass end and 5ths for guitar side. Great fun to play. [/quote] So it's in standard tuning then (I used to own a Stick). Is it an adjustable truss rod or the dual non adjustable rods? Any chance of a photo of the back of the Stick?
  6. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1374828727' post='2153646'] Or maybe a Gizmo (electro-mechanical bowing device)? [/quote] The Gizmo didn't look anything like that (well the production models didn't - Godley & Cremes original unit looked a bit more like that). They were made from white plastic. I'll dig my (sadly not functioning) Bass Gizmo out & take a photo of it later if I remember.
  7. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1374790953' post='2153415'] Annie haslam,very hot. [/quote] 17 posts before somebody finally says it! She most certainly is.
  8. [quote name='Junkyard Rocket' timestamp='1374677197' post='2151719'] However its not as badly squashed as a really horrible sounding Rush CD I once borrowed from a previous band's drummer. [/quote] "Vapour Trails" by any chance?
  9. Can't really add anything more to what's been said already - fantastic job, really professional & your female singer is a total babe.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374583529' post='2150457'] Have you actually been in touch with Status about this problem? I can't imagine it being in their interest for this problem to even exist no matter how it's been caused. I can't believe that this has been caused by user negligence, so there must be something wrong with the bass. Even if you do manage to repair it, is there any guarantee that it won't come back? Has anyone else reported this problem on the Status forum? [/quote] This. I've never heard of or seen this happen to a phenolic fingerboard & I used them for years on my Zons. Sounds like it could well be a manufacturing fault. Don't do anything to it until you speak to Status about it.
  11. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1374526525' post='2149822'] Don't hate me coz you can't match it. [/quote] Envy is indeed an ugly thing.....
  12. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1374526257' post='2149816'] Showaddywaddy's Greatest Hits. [/quote] You f***ing poser.
  13. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1374494450' post='2149283'] Cool, a LOT of the BCR's that came into the UK ended up in Wales :-) [/quote] The shop I used to help out at in Cardiff was the UK distributor for a while in the 80s, got to see LOTS of fantastic Riches!
  14. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1374510033' post='2149531] I think "cool" is more a word that old duffers like me use rather than teenagers today. Bear jokes, innit?!? [/quote] I meant I was probably 15 the last time I thought any record I owned was cool.
  15. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1374503936' post='2149433'] I'm near sure it's the same guy on bass in this....I love this though [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnQZ5AHUk2U[/media] [/quote] Yes it is - that's David Paton.
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1361046770' post='1980426'] Stiff have a soft spot for "Rocks Pebbles And Sand". [/quote] Same here, it's a lot rockier than most of his other stuff (which is a positive thing IMO ). I very rarely listen to Stanley Clarke anymore as I find the lyrics to 99% of his stuff totally cringe inducing. Favourite Stanley track ever is probably "Desert Song" from "Schooldays" - John Mclaughlins playing on that is just superb.
  17. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1374338952' post='2147814'] Ann Wilsons voice is perfect for the song [b]but I was left a bit flat by the lack of energy in her performance. [/b] [/quote] Cut the woman some slack - She was 62 when this was filmed for f***s sake!
  18. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1374340943' post='2147839'] What's with the bowler hats? [/quote] I think it was a reference to John Bonham, who often wore one on stage.
  19. I wouldn't call it "cool" (because I'm not 15) but one of my favourites is my Vinyl copy of Talas' "Sink your teeth into that" that is signed "To Rhys from William".
  20. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1374354802' post='2148069'] Here's one of 'em [url="http://s169.photobucket.com/user/share6_album/media/STIII_zpsccb43594.jpg.html"][/url] A better picture of the front [url="http://s169.photobucket.com/user/share6_album/media/20080211224_zpsd411798c.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] I used to have a snakeskin ST3 too!
  21. Has this Stick got a trussrod or is it an earlier model? What tuning is it in? What gauge string is it set up with? Where in the UK are you? Don't suppose you'd be interested in a trade for a Spector Euro 5LX?
  22. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1374331328' post='2147699'] Yep - I agree with all those people and steve-bbb Saw him again at Hammersmith about 4 years ago when he was performing the whole of A Wizard A True Star, with some pretty far out costume changes. And he provided the support act - Todd Rundgren's Johnson. High octane covers of Robert Johnson songs - presumably just as an excuse for him to use that band name ;-) [/quote] I had tickets for that but I never got there due to some sh*tty family emergency.
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