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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP

    Keyboard Amps

    All the keyboard players I've worked with have used PA amps or powered mixers. How many keyboards does he need to amplify?
  2. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1373793790' post='2141566'] I remember Bernie Goodfellow building a bass out of all sorts of small bits of scrap wood for the player to smash up at the end of a gig, apparently it sounded so good they glued it back together afterwards so they could use it again. [/quote] Taylor guitars produced some acoustics made out of old pallets a while back - they still had the nails in & everything. The guitars apparently sounded just as good as their models made from all the traditional & exotic timbers they use. The only problem was they still asked serious money for the pallet guitar.
  3. Go to a jewellers & buy a silver polishing cloth. They are impregnated with polish, they're totally non-messy & they bring frets up lovely & shiny.
  4. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it - I've thought about getting one of those a few times. Have you still got your ES175?
  5. The MIJ Precision I bought recently came with flats (Rotosound Jazz Bass 45-105) on it & I was surprised just how trebly they were after hearing all the talk about flats being "woolly" & "dead" sounding. I really like them actually - love the sound & the feel of them & especially like the tension (I Don't like floppy, bendy strings). I wouldn't use flats on my Spector but I think they work really well on the Fender. They're making me play differently too, which I'm really enjoying.
  6. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1373320572' post='2136239'] The one thing you are missing is "Relics" which is an album of singles which were not included on albums. [/quote] Not quite correct. There are quite a few track on "Relics" that are album tracks, and there are some single only releases ("Apples & Oranges", "Point Me at the Sky") which for some reason weren't included.
  7. Were they for anything Rickenbacker related?
  8. A clearer idea of your budget would help with providing answers.
  9. All joking aside, I'm just genuinely impressed with Nige's drive & enthusiasm after 34 years of playing. I really wish I still got as fired up about music as he does.
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1373062263' post='2133466'] Looks like a Spector Euro 5LX. Correct me if I'm wrong Rhys! [/quote] It is indeed a Euro 5 LX - well observed! Thanks for all the comments. I've always been impressed by the quality of MIJ Fenders when I've played them in the past, and this one is no exception. It's in immaculate condition too. I wasn't sure about the white scratchplate at first, thinking I'd change it for a black or tort one. I think it's starting to grow on me now though. I actually woke up this morning looking forward to spending some time playing - that hasn't happened for a long time, and it's a pretty good feeling!
  11. What era McCartney? You could be talking anything from Hofner to Rickenbacker to Jazz bass. If you're just looking at Fenders I've never seen him use a Precision so a Jazz would be the way to go.
  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1373032018' post='2133017'] wonder if he'll pour lighter fuel over his pod and torch it on stage for added drama [/quote] Only after he's done a full risk assesment to ensure his silk gloves won't get damaged.
  13. Well, this is obviously another sign of the impending apocalypse - I've bought a Fender Precision. The guy I bought it from just dropped it off to me & I have to say it's rather fantastic It's a MIJ model in Fiesta Red, and is currently strung with flats which is an added bonus as I've always wanted to try them. Only thing not original is the pickup which has been changed for a Seymour Duncan. First impressions - surprisingly lightweight, the neck is just perfect for me & it sounds great; everything sounds like I'm playing bass parts from early 70s cop films. Here's a picture: [URL=http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/MIJPrecision1_zps6f71bbce.jpeg.html][IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/MIJPrecision1_zps6f71bbce.jpeg[/IMG][/URL]
  14. It's a pretty simple slap lick in E with slight variations, it changes when the drums come in. The thing that makes it sound trickier from what I remember is that on the recording there are actually two basses playing it (Stanley & Louis Johnson).
  15. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1373030458' post='2132986'] Right, thats it, if this carries on, then I fully expect Nigel will be running a classic Ampeg SVT and Fridge at the next Kit Richardson gig... [/quote] ....and then he'll be starting a thread to tell us all why we're wrong if we don't use one ourselves.
  16. I've just picked myself up a used MIJ Fender Precision in a rather fetching Fiesta Red. I'm not too keen on the white scratchplate however & will probably change it for a black one, or possibly a tort if I can find one I like (not usually a fan of tort but I've seen some pictures where it's looked quite good on a red bass). I seem to remember reading somwhere that MIA & MIM Fender scratchplates aren't compatible with MIJ models but I'm not sure if this is correct or not - anybody care to offer some advice? I could get one made I suppose but it's not that important - I'll just stick with the white one if it's going to cost a packet.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1373018812' post='2132794'] I 'kin told you........ Didn't I? [/quote] At last, the post I've been waiting for - what took you so long?
  18. The "Space Ritual" lineup of Hawkwind Nick Drake "Leige & Leif" era Fairport Convention The original incarnation of Todd Rundgrens Utopia The Bible Levitation Opeth Porcupine Tree The 2nd incarnation of The Mahavishnu Orchestra Shakti Magazine The Psychedelic Furs The Thorns Boo Hewerdine (as he'd be there with The Bible he could do a solo set as well) That'll do. As it's a fantasy I'd also want to be the only person in the audience.
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372938356' post='2131826'] I think one must separate inner truth from the ego. [/quote] Best way of saying "Don't be such a twat" ever.
  20. With regard to the double bass; it's easy for somebody else to tell you you should pursue it, they're not the one that'll have to spend loads of money on more gear (and have you seen the price of the strings?!!). OK, so you had a brief go & had your ego massaged a bit, but is it REALLY something you've ever thought about doing before? Do you have plans to play the sort of music where a DB would be essential, or are you just going to be spending your time learning to play it with no real point or goal to it when you'd be better off concentrating on what you do with your electric gear? The chances are it'll end up as just another bit of kit not getting used that you might take a beating on when you inevitably sell it on. (BTW, I'm currently spending money on gear with no real idea why I'm doing so - deep down I know it'll all be up for sale again within six months).
  21. Moved to "Bass Guitars" section.
  22. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1372929396' post='2131654'] But do some of them stay? [/quote] I suppose so of them must do, but whether that translates into extra sales & an increased fan base for the artist or if it's just because it's the "in thing de jour" I couldn't honestly say.
  23. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1372899958' post='2131515'] Bands such as The Mumfords may not fit their genre template, but they're a damn good way of growing the market for the music. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] But they're not though. Since the Mumfords have been around I've been to plenty of small folk gigs (from legends like Martin Carthy & June Tabor to up & coming acts like Emily Portman) where there have beens loads of beardy adolescents at the start, only for them to start leaving after 15 minutes or so because it's not "jump-up-and-down-with-your-friends"-y enough for them. Now I'm not knocking people going to see bands so they can jump up & down, but you have to be pretty f***ing clueless to think there's going to be a mosh pit at a Martin Carthy gig.
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