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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1372887850' post='2131342'] For me Mumford are one of those bands that belong in the category defined by well intentioned people starting off a sentence with 'you'll like this, it's folk music'. [/quote] It's the folk fans equivalent to how Bilbo must feel when when people mention "Moondance" Brilliant! - my spellchecker just tried to change "Moondance" to "Mundane"
  2. [quote name='whynot' timestamp='1372883910' post='2131238'] .....shouldn't we be a little happy for any LIVE BAND that PLAYS LIVE and SINGS LIVE with NO CLICK (well not the last time I saw them) that finds worldwide success in these days of computer wizardry! [/quote] Not if they're crap, no.
  3. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1372882960' post='2131215'] Tell us more! [/quote] Well, Lemmy used to spend quite a bit of time in Cardiff before he moved to the US as he had friends here. One of them was a guy who owned a motorbike repair & customising place close to a little shop where my mum used to work. This guy always used to buy his cigarettes & stuff at the shop & Lemmy always went in there when he was in Cardiff. They had a bit of a joke thing going as my mum hates snakes & Lemmy used to say he'd bring one of his snakes in to the shop for her to see. By coincidence his friends wife & my mum were both in hospital at the same time and when when he found out my mum was there he actually took the time to go in & see her on the ward, even going so far as to take a bag with him that he pretended had a snake in it. How brilliant is that? My mum absolutely adored him, she thought he was a really lovely bloke.
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372869129' post='2130973'] That makes space for one to develop patterns that fit with one's aesthetic. [/quote] When I read the above sentence the first thing I thought was "That sounds just like an early 80s Neal Peart lyric". That really would not be out of place on "Permanent Waves", I can hear Geddy warbling it as I write.
  5. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1372876496' post='2131091'] Me too. Strangely I was only talking about the likelihood of something going pear-shaped about 2 hrs ago. Lemmy taught me to play via Space Ritual. He was my earliest and biggest influence, although I don't play like him now. I've met him twice and he was a gent. [/quote] Same here - a huge influence & a great bloke. He visited my mum in hospital once, which was a bit of a headf***.
  6. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1372876799' post='2131097'] you buy your underwear from nu-folk bands then? [/quote] A Mumford & Sons underwear collection would be made out of twigs & old sacking.
  7. [quote name='Russ' timestamp='1372840408' post='2130458'] I have found myself playing a lot more acoustic guitar though - working on my acoustic technique, my singing, and trying to do a little bit of songwriting too. [/quote] This is exactly what I've done, and despite recording a song with a major musical hero of mine playing & singing on it (which was an incredible experience) I have to admit that unfortunately I'm really unbelievably crap at it.
  8. Wal bass & a general air of smug superiority.
  9. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1372866486' post='2130925'] And that's it really. [/quote] Pretty much, though don't forget the Trace Elliott & Jaydee or Status combo for those who loved the 80s so much they decided to stay there.
  10. Allow me to be the first of many that says Ampeg SVT & Fender Precision.
  11. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1372861130' post='2130831'] I'm sorry this just isn't a very scientific point of view. We really need the control data and to have a time machine to send Nige back to have lessons from Jake years ago and [i]then [/i]check to see if he wouldn't have just ended up talking bollocks anyway. [/quote] I don't think we need to go to that much trouble for the answer to that question, do we? It would just be evangelical pro-theory bollocks instead.
  12. I recently found myself in a very similar position. Like you I've played active basses exclusively for 25+ years (currently using a Spector Euro 5LX) but have been finding myself missing the sound you get from rolling off a passive tone control. I recently bought a used markbass combo off a Basschat member & the VLE control does a good job of approximating the "rolled off tone control" sound when using an active bass but it's not quite the same. I was doing some recording for a friend a few months ago & just used a bass that was hanging around at the studio, a mexican Fender Precision. I really liked how it sounded on tape & through the desk, so much so that I've just bought myself a used MIJ Precision. Is it not worth looking for a cheaper alternative to the Jazz Bass you liked so much? The quality of the Mexican Fenders & the Squier classic vibe models is generally well regarded on here & they can be picked up secondhand for very good prices.
  13. [quote name='ian' timestamp='1372769967' post='2129668'] what are these going for now second hand please [/quote] About £425
  14. I've been like this for years. I've tried loads of things to rekindle my interest but they never last very long. My disinterest in playing has become so extreme now that I've actually just bought a Fender Precision. I've done the whole band/gigging thing - grew to hate it, never want to do it again. It's not just bass - I play guitar & keyboards as well & I've got little interest in them either. I enjoy noodling about on them occasionally but the passion I used to have for playing has gone. I've got a lot of unavoidable long term negative sh*t in my life that isn't going to go away anytime soon & I think that's just drained all my energy & enthusiasm.
  15. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1372704622' post='2128882'] That sounds plain daft to me. if you're prepared to spend your working life doing an unbelievably sh*t menial job with bad pay, surely it would be better to do a highly paid job playing unbelievably sh*t music? After all, you could still play the music you DO like during your spare time - of which you'd probably have a lot more if you were in M&S. [/quote] Of course, I am totally wrong and you are right as always. Thank you for knowing my own mind better than I do & pointing out the error of my ways.
  16. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1372747356' post='2129314'] Good weather beer and disco biscuits plus the expectation and peer pressure that you must be having 'an awesome time' because youve just remortgaged the grandparents to be able to afford the tickets probably helps a wee bit too </cynic> [/quote] This. You could put a clockwork drumming monkey on stage at Glastonbury & 80,000 people would go crazy for it & then drone on for years about how f***ing amazing it was.
  17. These days I'd rather hear a really good lyric over a simple musical structure than sh*t lyrics over a load of virtuoso playing - that's why I can't listen to Yes anymore.
  18. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1372690873' post='2128631'] I think if we were all given the choice between day job drudgery (or function band obscurity like I'm languishing in!) and taking the bass chair for [b]any[/b] band with that level of success, we'd only be lying if we said no. [/quote] You speak for yourself. I've got a unbelievably sh*t badly paid menial job but I'd genuinely rather do that than play music I absolutely detest. I'd feel the same about playing in a covers or function band too - playing just isn't that important to me that I'd do it whatever the gig. I can't think of anything more soul destroying.
  19. Another option you could maybe consider is to pick up a cheap neck for the Tanglewood on Ebay.
  20. Lovely colour! I've only played a couple of Carvins (a friend of mine has a 6 string bass) but they've all been top notch quality-wise, as good as anything I've played.
  21. It's no uglier than any other Warwick IMO.
  22. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1372661854' post='2128140'] And don't get me started on bloody Bellowhead! [/quote] Mumford & Sons shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as Bellowhead. Bellowhead are a fantastic live act and are very much the "real deal" folk music wise- they are very highly regarded & well respected musicians in the folk world, and many of the members have spent years playing small folk clubs up & down the country as solo performers too. They are the polar opposite of the plastic faux folk crap peddled by Mumford & Sons.
  23. Basschat & Ebay - haven't bought new gear for donkeys years & have absolutely no intention of ever doing so again.
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