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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. It has to be State of the Unions "Snake Oil" for me, because not only is it a great album it's the only new music I've bought this year.
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372424851' post='2125600'] Maybe this Italian chap's singing is actually a lot more faithful to the original than we are giving him credit for : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxGsmjPTRY[/media] [/quote] Poor old Simon - imagine your pitch going that haywire in front of an audience of approx. 1.9 billion viewers....
  3. I played a five string Overwater (it was either a Progress or Perception model) recently when I bought my Markbass combo as the guy selling it had one. Very high quality build and an incredibly low (too low for me) buzz free action (it was tuned down a semitone too!). I found the neck to be very slim from front to back but pretty wide across the fingerboard, the exact opposite of my Spector Euro 5 LX. Played a few other Overwaters over the years & they've all been quality instruments.
  4. I love The Köln Concert album, but to be honest I've not heard much else by him.
  5. Way overpriced, but secondhand stuff in music shops nearly always is.
  6. Something I've heard of some people doing which might be worth thinking about if you're concerned is wrapping the case in one of those silver reflective blanket things (like they give out at the end of marathons) to help keep the temperature in the case stable. I've also seen them used to cover gear when set up on outside stages.
  7. Full size? That's a lot of cake! Always seems a shame to eat them when so much work has gone into them but, hey, it's cake!
  8. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1372336247' post='2124438'] You're right. People do visit forums for different reasons, but many people don't lurk in the recording forum too often so wouldn't know of the composition competition and [b][i]this thread is simply letting people know it's there, should they want to check it out. If not, simply move on.[/i][/b] [/quote] It's not though is it? Clarkys first post in particular is belittling people for talking about bass stuff on a bass forum which seems a bit daft & counterproductive to me. I come on this forum because I play a bit of bass; I don't have any interest in making my own recordings at home & even though I do occasionally write stuff I do that for my own amusement. I have no desire whatsoever for anybody else hear what I do. I occasionally listen to stuff that people post but 95% of the time it's just not music that appeals to me. What I see happening on the recording forum is just a lot of backslapping; it's little more than a mutual appreciation society IMO. On the odd occasion somebody does say something less than positive they are invariably greeted with a sneery "well let's hear some of your stuff" response, as if the only way you can possibly have an opinion about anything posted is if you write & record stuff yourself. There are people on the forum who obviously love writing, recording, collaborating & sharing their stuff with people who are interested, and that's great. To start having a go at the members who aren't interested & are happy just to play a bit of bass & talk about their gear, favourite players etc. seems a little unfair to me and is an attitude unlikely to attract many "casual observers" into the recording section IMO.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372289180' post='2124015'] Could you show me how to do that, please..? I didn't know it was possible, and it would considerably reduce my post count. Thanks in advance... [/quote] To the left of the"Multiquote" button there is a greyed out button that says "Edit" - click on that & it allows you to edit your post. There's also a "delete" button for when editing simply isn't enough. I've demonstrated this by deleting my edited post.
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1372245973' post='2123263'] Damn! Should've added a backbeat! [/quote] Yep, the non-effect it had on my arthritic 48 year old hips was the deal breaker.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372246478' post='2123275'] I was just trying to attract them knob-heads who'd be fooled by a lip-smacking title, hoping for a peek at something a tad salacious. [/quote] Well it certainly worked.
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1372244789' post='2123236'] You guys just don't get me, do you? [/quote] You were in my final two.
  13. I'd already voted before you put this thread up - quite frankly I feel cheated.
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1372101666' post='2121659'] .... A Hamer Steve Stevens and an 86 Baretta. [/quote] Very nice.
  15. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1372099655' post='2121615'] Of course our opinions are irrelevant. But no one advocating giving up the bass, or allowing a permanent lend etc has come up with a single reason why the legitimate owner of anything at all should do that... other than 'karma' Personally I would hope that if RT wanted to give it away he would auction it and give the money to Cancer Research or something. Surely that has a higher 'karmarific' value? It's all BS. He earned the money. He spent the money on something he wanted. Saying that he should give it away is taking even my own lefty leanings to insanity. [/quote] I think the problem some people have with this story is that Trujillo is being made out to have done something wonderfully altruistic when in fact all he's done is buy a famous & expensive bass.
  16. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1371795194' post='2118130'] Anyone know if he actually recorded with a fretless? [/quote] AFAIK he recorded the studio version of "39" on a double bass.
  17. That sounds like one of the old OHM combos from the 80s. If it's grey it's definitely one of these. Strangely named in that the tone controls were labelled like the sliders on a graphic EQ but were rotary pots. What exactly do you want to know? The controls will operate as bass, middle treble etc, they're just labelled with the frequency they effect.
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1371939204' post='2119970'] [/quote] I didn't know you could get Hi-Viz fetishwear.
  19. [quote name='EricOnBass' timestamp='1371933754' post='2119884'] I lived in Sheffield during the 70's and 80's and the City Hall used to be a great venue for rock. During that period we saw Lizzy, AC/DC, UFO, Scorpions, Judas Priest plus countless others. Can't really remember how much the tickets cost but none of us were flush back then and I don't remember worrying too much about affording it. In hindsight we took it all for granted but as they say.. youth is wasted on the young! [/quote] That was when bands would regularly do 30-40 date tours of the UK. When I first started going to gigs in the mid-late 70s that there was rarely a week went by that I wasn't going to see somebody. I've got one of my old ticket scrap books in front of me (sad bastard that I am), some sample prices from 1979-1980 are: Motorhead - £2.50 Hawkwind - £2.50 Yes - £4.50 Rainbow - £4.00 Girlschool -£3.00
  20. One of the main reasons I got rid of my Stingray 5 was that the neck was incredibly unstable; not as bad as my old Jaydee but pretty close. I haven't had to adjust my Spector once since I got it, and the most stable bass I ever had was my old Atilla Balogh Odyssey - I owned it for best part of 20 years & never needed to adjust the trussrod once, even when changing string gauges.
  21. [quote name='Jam' timestamp='1371768764' post='2118051'] I've been playing for nearly 10 years, and I'd say I was a fairly competent player, nothing special though. Had band practice last night and about halfway through I just stopped caring about bass. I LOVE the band, I'm also the singer and I'm really passionate about the songs we've written but I just didn't want to play anymore. Does anyone have times like this? I feel like I'm playing the same patterns and have reached a bit of a plateaux in my playing. I have a whole stack of books, ranging from slap to theory to all sorts, I just find sitting down and playing with books agonising. I've played with the radio, random songs on spotify and I just can't be bothered to play bass at the moment. I feel completely uninspired. What can I do? Can't afford lessons at the moment... Apologies for being miserable, it's made me miserable, I used to be so passionate about bass. [/quote] I've felt like this for years. I used to eat sleep & breathe bass when I was younger, now I just don't really care about it. I have just bought myself an amp to try & get back into playing but it's not really working - even when I'm playing I feel totally disconnected from what I'm doing. I've also never been able to sit down with tutor books or whatever; I just find it so boring & unenjoyable. The old "play music you're not familiar with" thing has never worked for me either as the last thing I want to do is listen to music I don't like. The fact that you seem to still be passionate about your band & songs would indicate to me that you're not depressed (as somebody else has suggested) - why not just concentrate on singing for a while, get another bass player in & see how that goes?
  22. I only got 1.50 into the clip before she became so overwhelmingly irritating I had to stop watching.
  23. My personal favourite from that collection is: [color=#666666][font=CharisSILRegular, Georgia, serif][size=4] [b]3. Morrissey on Brett Anderson[/b] “He’ll never forgive God for not making him Angie Bowie.”[/size][/font][/color]
  24. More ad and pop ups would be a definite turn-off for me, but I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with paying either £7 or £20 to try & flog something on here.
  25. Check out John Mckenzie on Steve Hillage's "Live Herald" album (and the "Studio Herald" section of the "Open" CD) - great player & fantastic tone. Here's possibly the best track (bass-wise) from "Studio Herald" - nice little solo starts at 5.22: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqYBk_ApPpw
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