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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1371642719' post='2116487'] Never heard them do Gates of Delerium, they did it on a tour I saw but missed it out on the night I was there! [/quote] They did that on the "Magnification" tour when they had the orchestra with them - it sounded pretty fantastic.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1371640068' post='2116432'] Is it just me, or is that a rather odd selection? 'Yes Album' + 'Fragile' + 'Close To The Edge' works as a piece, so why skip 'Fragile' (IMHO the best single Yes album) in favour of something as weak as 'Going'? [/quote] I would think it's because Fragile features solo pieces by Anderson, Bruford & Wakeman, so they couldn't play the album in it's entirety .
  3. Always great to hear of peoples positive experiences with shops etc. It tends to be only the crap experiences that get mentioned most of the time, which is a shame.
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1371249677' post='2111869'] I was there in '88 and still spare a thought for the families of those two lads that didn't live to see the end of the day's acts. [/quote] 1988 was a nightmare - far too many people there for it to be safe. The crush even a way back from the front was pretty frightening, god knows what it must have been like where the two lads died. I didn't even get to see Maiden - some arsehole threw a vodka bottle at me & I ended up spending quite a long time getting my badly cut left hand patched up. I was so fed up by then I left just as Kiss were coming on & spent the rest of the day in the pub.
  5. I posted this on the Ebay ads section a few days ago.
  6. Just bought a Markbass combo from Ben. Great bloke & a pleasure to deal with. Cheers!
  7. The only issue I'd have with this is I wouldn't want my name on it if I hadn't played on it, regardless of the standard of the bass playing eventually used.
  8. Hi there, where in cardiff are you? Any chance I could have a look at the amp? I'm in Canton. If it's not already gone I'll take it.
  9. These are fantastic bits of kit, very useful for Chapman Stick players too.
  10. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1371324193' post='2112655'] Yeah, Paul is foing the live ginal rounds. [/quote] Eh?
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1371314930' post='2112533'] And IIRC the box mounted behind the Bigsby was for controlling the tape unit he used to create the multi-track guitar effect live. I don't know if it was just pre-recorded backing or if he was doing something with a tape version of todays loopers] [/quote] That's "The Les Paulveriser", and it was indeed used to help him build up live multitrack guitar parts from scratch on tape machines, exactly as loopers are used now.
  12. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1371201272' post='2111059'] The joke is that I've all but given up playing bass but I still hang around here - go figure [/quote] Same here.
  13. Because Jazz is heavy music, man.......
  14. Nice to see some Doug Pinnick love on this thread - he was on the first draft of my list. 10 just isn't enough.
  15. I've always viewed the two things as completely different. If you have an idea in your head that you can satisfactorily create in a studio then why not do it? I don't think "Can we reproduce this live?" should be the reason for any decisions made in the recording studio. When it comes down to it most grand production jobs are down to the arrangements - the song/music itself is often quite simple. If it's a good song it'll sound great played live with just an acoustic guitar as well as on record with loads of twinkle dust added to it.
  16. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1371134935' post='2110304'] Don't forget to email Ou7shined about this poll [/quote]
  17. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1371134393' post='2110279'] Knew I'd balls it up, thanks! [/quote] No problem, just remember the incredibly helpful advice I gave you when it comes time to hand out the lanyards......
  18. You could do with a "Wasn't recommended by anyone" option for question 3, as if you leave the question blank you get told you haven't finished the poll.
  19. Barry Adamson Geezer Butler Paul Gardiner John Giblin Geddy Lee John Siegler George Murray Tony Levin Rick Kemp Dave Pegg
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1371115689' post='2109911'] As for looking like them, I'd imagine that getting the 70's petty criminal look might be a bit difficult these days. Finding a powder-blue 'Bastard Suit' to fit could be a problem. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color] [/quote] My brothers wardrobe would be a good place to start - he hasn't bought a new suit since the early/mid 70's.
  21. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1371109891' post='2109802'] I forget the stats, but I think we typically tell 7 times more people of bad experiences compared to good ones. Is that 'cause we're British and love a good moan? [/quote] I think some of it is being British, but largely it's just that if you have a bad experience about something it winds you up & you feel the need to let off steam about it. If you look at these online review sites for restaurants etc. they're nearly all bad reviews, few people take the time to praise good service which is a real shame.
  22. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1370988733' post='2108465'] Maybe Don Letts has the answer to what is punk :- For me, punk still works on a day-to-day basis. It's an ongoing dynamic, and, if you're brave enough and smart enough, you can be part of it. I could have chosen an easy path and followed the herd, which is very much in vogue now. Instead, I revelled in individuality. [/quote] What a pretentious twat.
  23. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1371047832' post='2109080'] Plus the fingerboard's coming off! [/quote] That makes it's construction closer to a vintage Rickenbacker than a Fender - that's where Rick fingerboards always come away from the neck.
  24. Shape's all wrong, "Precision Bass" lettering looks like it's been done badly with Letraset, and the bridge has screw holes in the front of the base plate. Don't think it's a Fender.
  25. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1371036172' post='2108857'] There's surely more secure and profitable ways of investing your money than a stack of musical gear that may or may not increase in value. Fine if you catch a bargain, but the money that sought after vintage stuff goes for now, is it really worth buying a shitload of it to wrap up in cotton wool and hope it's worth even more in ten years? [/quote] Maybe I should have said "Percieved investment potential by the owner".
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