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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Get yourself some of this. it'll make a big difference to tuning stability. I've used it on all the Bigsby equipped guitars I've owned & it works great for vintage style strat trems too: http://www.soundunlimited.co.uk/products/big_bends_nut_sauce_lil_luber_05cc?gclid=CLDL4d2r3rcCFaTItAodGkUA1Q
  2. This is right up there with the best for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExhVGg1mKw Bass kicks in about 1.45 for the impatient.
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1370953692' post='2107833'] Still a bit confused over exactly which model it is though... with the presence of the walnut layer but the absence of the tonepump trim pot! Never mind, its a great bass whatever it is! [/quote] Maybe it's some kind of "Transition" model. Might be worth emailing Spector, their customer services are pretty good by all accounts.
  4. Any idea what shipping would cost for this in the UK please?
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1370124641' post='2096826'] That's true. But on the actual bass it is there. Will post pics tomorrow after band rehearsals (been playing cricket today!) [/quote] How are getting on with it?
  6. I've been fancying a Burgundy Mist Precision for a while now, but don't want to spend silly money (can't afford to anyway). Not bothered about it being period correct either. I might give this guy a shout.
  7. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1370947678' post='2107727'] Yep, all teenage girls care about the role of the bass and its power, that's why Jimmy Page was so jealous of John paul Jones [/quote]
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1370938152' post='2107552'] They are screaming at 4 good-looking young men on stage playing up-beat catchy pop songs. The "bass hook" or any other individual instrumental part is irrelevant. [/quote] This. You could replace The Beatles with the Bay City Rollers, Justin Bieber or whoever - the reason they are screaming is that teenagers are, in the main, stupid easily led pack animals.
  9. Nice Precision style bass for the money: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-V4-Tony-Butler-Precision-Bass-Guitar-Like-Fender-Or-Squier-/230995728415?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35c86b181f
  10. I've never heard Peds bass sound, but I'm sure it would be the best bass sound I've ever heard if I did.
  11. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1370897495' post='2107229'] I have a lanyard already, losers [/quote] How'd you get yours, brown-nose?
  12. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1370793884' post='2105590'] Well I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. [/quote] You haven't been on here very long, have you?
  13. I've got a broken foot & a lanyard would make it better.
  14. [quote name='Valhalalf' timestamp='1370879710' post='2106787'] *Selling a bass plug* What about the blendable tones of both acoustic and electric with the playability of an electric? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/201523-fs-yamaha-bex-4-semi-acoustic-including-hard-case-l250/"]http://basschat.co.u...hard-case-l250/[/url] [/quote] Already did it for you - see post #17.
  15. [quote name='Buzzy' timestamp='1370780465' post='2105385'] Any one got any opinions/advice on Electro/Acoustic bases. I've been offered the gig in an acoustic band, so if I go for it I need to get something that will sound ok fed through the P.A rather than have to buy another amp. Not sure how much I need to pay for something half decent as I don't want to break the bank in case the band doesn't get beyond the rehearsal stage. [/quote] Have a look at this - looks acoustic-y & will be a lot more versatile than an acoustic bass: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/201523-fs-yamaha-bex-4-semi-acoustic-including-hard-case-l250/
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1370874893' post='2106687'] Maybe if I'd been there at the time I would have felt differently about it. [/quote] Not necessarily - I was a teenager at the time & I didn't get it at all. It just seemed like another fad to me, like Rollermania a few years previously. I was born middle aged though, so my viewpoint possibly isn't that valuable.
  17. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1370863478' post='2106404'] I saw a discussion on another forum recently about whether or not people gig their vintage guitar amps - the number of guys on there who had brilliant amps that were built for gigging (and definitely too big for home noodling) that they wrapped up in cotton wool at home while buying cheaper, less tasty sounding amps to gig with. Why even bother? [/quote] Investment.
  18. [quote name='sticker' timestamp='1370861863' post='2106354'] i dont get this " waste of time " standpoint , you could say the same for pointy basses , Erbs , or any fretted bass made after the 51 precision ... [/quote] "Pointy basses, Erbs, or any fretted bass made after the 51 precision" will all to do what the user wants them to. Whether it's pointy, an extended range instrument, vintage or modern is immaterial as they all operate in the same way - you put them through an amp to hear them. Unlike an acoustic guitar an acoustic bass is pretty much useless when used with other acoustic instruments unless you put it through an amp, at which point you may as well use an electric bass. An acoustic instrument that can't be used without an amp apart from when messing about on your own at home is, in my view at least, a complete waste of time.
  19. As others have pointed out, acoustic basses are pretty much a complete waste of time.
  20. [quote name='steviedee' timestamp='1370858743' post='2106276'] Could it be covered by house insurance? [/quote] "1/ The WAL wasn't insured at all seems the owner was of the [i]assumption[/i] that his house contents cover 'covered' the bass...expensive assumption!"
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1370796685' post='2105641'] Shape is pretty heavily associated with Dimebag, wrong decade/style. [/quote] That shapes been around since the late 70s.
  22. How about this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dean-metalman-bass-/321140780565?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac57b6e15
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