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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. My first "New" bass was a Hondo (one of the S.D. Curlee Licensed models) & it was actually very good. A few of my friends had Hondo guitars & they ranged from excellent to not that good quality-wise. The style of finish makes me think that's more of a mid 80s instrument. Price-wise I think thats a bit steep - you could probably pick up a used Jackson or BC Rich bass (Not US ones obviously) for that price & they'd probably be better instruments.
  2. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1370725761' post='2104972'] I'd always read a lot about the combination of a P and an Ampeg stack sounding great together but had never heard anything quite this good before. [/quote] Funnily enough I'm currently listening to George Murray play exactly that combination of gear with Bowie on the "Stage" album and, apart from thinking it's possibly the best backing band I've ever heard, the bass just sounds fantastic. I guess it also helps if you can take Tony Visconti on the road with you to do your live sound.
  3. Don't know if it's the best, but one that has remained firmly in my mind since I saw/heard it was Rob Wassermans awesome sound when I saw him with Lou Reed in Belgium years ago. Incredibly powerful.
  4. It has indeed got a real bass part, played on a real bass too, not one of those electric things. What to do live wasn't a problem for McCartney as they'd stopped playing live by the time Revolver came out. If you're going to try & replicate some of the string arrangement on a bass I wouldn't think an Ebow would be much use as a lot of it is quite staccato.
  5. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370691631' post='2104434'] Seriously though what do the disaffected yoof do nowadays? Surely they don't all go and sit in the darkened gloom that is Hollister? [/quote] I think that's it really - they're all too materialistic & money grabbing to give a f*** about anything else. (Obviously that's a generalisation, but certainly the only thing the majority of them seem to do in Cardiff is shop & hang out in expensive coffee emporiums where they text each other instead of actually talking).
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370690269' post='2104399'] [/quote] That's it - instant disaffected youth. (Most of the youth where I live need disinfecting.....)
  7. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370685837' post='2104327'] As i'm a bit out of touch with yoof culture how do they show their disaffection nowadays.. [/quote] They just put a frowny face on their Facebook Status.
  8. This one: http://www.themusiczoo.com/product/10482/Fender-Custom-Shop-59-Precision-Bass-NOS-Burgundy-Mist-Metallic/
  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1370680959' post='2104251'] not seen/heard live by me ... this [media]http://youtu.be/Rhf5_tqxatc[/media] [/quote] Aah, the truly excellent Kasim Sulton.
  10. Steve Hillage is playing a couple of dates next year in collaboration with Japanese prog band Rovo - they're even doing an arrangement of a Mahavishnu Orchestra track! Also some System 7 gigs this year. Details here: [url="http://www.datatransmission.co.uk/blog/rovo-and-system-7/"]http://www.datatrans...o-and-system-7/[/url]
  11. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370570807' post='2102954'] I kinda like that, but at that tempo it loses that cool groovin Glen Cornick bass line. [/quote] I really liked it too, even though to me it sounds more like the theme from "Mission Impossible" with the words to "Living in the past" sung over it. I feel a mash-up coming on......
  12. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1370531007' post='2102296'] I don't know how Steve Tyler & Jack Bruce manage to keep it perfect. [/quote] The common denominator would appear to be massive long term drug abuse.
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1370525780' post='2102204'] I don't think they were in another band together after Tull but may be wrong. Abrahms formed Blodwyn Pig, I think Glen's band was Wild Turkey? [/quote] I think it's me having the brain fart - I'm thinking of Hot Tuna, the band formed by Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen from Jefferson Airplane.
  14. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1370524624' post='2102179'] I am surprised that so far, no mention has been made about their very first album...."This Was.." It is the only one that features Mick Abrahms. It is very jazz/blues influenced compared to their later albums. As usual, Cornick is amazing through out. [/quote] I was going to mention it, but only in as much as I really don't like it, largely because of the aforementioned jazz/blues influence. Didn't Cornick & Abrahms go on to form another band together?
  15. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1370519821' post='2102090'] And is that a Wal he's playing? [/quote] Yes, that's definitely an old Wal. And Martin Barre playing a solidbody Rickenbacker!! Thanks for posting the clip, never seen that before - I'll watch it in full later.
  16. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1370519093' post='2102077'] ...I think Stormwatch is a vastly underrated album.... [/quote] "Stormwatch" is a very good album indeed. Some very nice bass playing on it courtesy of Ian Anderson himself too.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1370518796' post='2102071'] Must have been a bad night when I saw it then, Ian's voice is a shell of what it was, and I found myself wishing he would stop trying, and let that other lad he brought in sing the whole thing instead. [/quote] Maybe it was better as it was a smallish indoor show rather than a festival appearance. Or just an off night as you say. His voice is definitely not as good as it was, but overall I thought it was excellent - the young lad sounded spookily like him at times.
  18. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1370510422' post='2101914'] Saw Anderson doing the Thick as a Brick show at a festival last year, it was not great. i was sad. [/quote] Really? I saw it in Cardiff & thought it was bloody great.
  19. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1370470454' post='2101626'] Get "Live and bursting out" - a live "best of " featuring Glascock at his best. [/quote] "Live-Bursting Out" is a bloody great live album.
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1370468496' post='2101586'] Personally I would add "Warchild". There are som unforgettable songs on that one, like "Two Fingers", "Bungle in the Jungle", "Sea Lion". [/quote] Don't forget "Skating away on the thin ice of the new day" - probably my Favourite Tull song & one of my favourite songs by anybody ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTKu-L1b--o
  21. Are these bi-amp capable if you use an RB series head with them?
  22. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1370431936' post='2100665'] Having had experience with both brands i would say that sandberg (the ones i have tried) are not up to the same standards as sadowsky. All sandbergs i have played have been rather heavy and clunky feeling in my opinion and in general are less refined when it comes to the finer details like neck alignment, Strings running correctly over the pickup poles etc. [/quote] I played quite a few Sandbergs a few years ago when I did a bit of work in Europe & I have to say I found them to be just as you describe here. I described them at the time as "Agricultural". They may well be a lot better now. Only ever played two Sadowskys (both NYC models & both a while ago) and I found the quality of them to be astonishingly good. Never played a Lull so I can't comment.
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1370459242' post='2101337'] For me, Tomorrow Never Knows and For No One are my favourite ones on Revolver. Actually I think For No One is my favourite Beatles tune. [/quote] I was talking about "For No One" with a friend the other day. It is a great song indeed.
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