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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370454344' post='2101235'] I'm reading Howard Kaylan's autobiography at the moment, he describes when the Turtles met Lennon for the first time, the Beatles being their idols, and he was such an arsehole to them, to the guitarist in particular who was a bit in awe of them, that the guitarist ran out the restaurant and flew back to the States and never played music again. Lennon took the piss out of him so badly. So Lennon being a total c*** is a big issue for me. [/quote] I've always thought Lennon came across as a total **** too. Lennon did a very similar thing to a young Todd Rundgren which led to an exchange of open letters between them in either Melody Maker or NME.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370451527' post='2101145'] So what album should I buy that I might dig on? [/quote] No need to buy - due to their omniprescence you have already subconciously absorbed the entire Beatles back catalogue. Simply retrieve them via some kind of regression therapy.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370446147' post='2101016'] You have to admire the sheer bloody - mindedness of this mob . They seem downright mental , and they don't seem to care a jot what anybody thinks about it . The more I hear about this man and his company , the more I like him . I'm getting interested in buying a Rickenbacker ! [/quote] That's his fiendishly cunning plan - by the end of the month the forum will be called "Rickchat", every other make will have been ousted from discussion & we will all have sleepwalked right into it.
  4. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370450082' post='2101098'] .....if anyone wants to join me in a 'Sun Ra, not influenced by Beatles shock' thread then lead on! [/quote] Rubbish, he obviously took his name from "Here comes the Sun"....
  5. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1370440831' post='2100885'] we are always writing new material and alot of our best stuff seems to come out after the 3 hour mark! [/quote] Well there's your answer - don't play until after the three hour mark.
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370434647' post='2100727'] Like it or not the Fab Fours songs are much more popular than FZs. [/quote] Without a doubt. I used to listen to quite a lot of Zappa when I was younger but he's one of those people that I find I just cannot listen to anymore for some reason. Same with Yes - I used to love them but now there's something about their music I just don't get on with.
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1370433837' post='2100708'] Good read! It is worth noting that the date on the original complaint was 1997 though... [/quote] Just goes to show that the terrible attitude & contempt for their customers isn't a recent development.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370431823' post='2100661'] This is an assumption a lot of people seem to make. I have only really heard a few of their early songs, Help, Day Tripper, etc. and a few later obvious ones, Hey Jude, Yellow Sub, etc. Same deal with the Stones. I was never interested in either of those bands and they have never been a musical influence. I imagine there are plenty of people like me on here. [/quote] I'm one of them. I have never listened to a single Stones album & the only two Beatles albums I've heard are Revolver & Rubber Soul. I'd have to give The Beatles some credit as far as influences go though as the first bass line I ever learned was from Rubber Soul. They've also indirectly influenced me as they have been a big influence on people I am a fan of such as Todd Rundgren & Cheap Trick.
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1370432967' post='2100687'] Needless to say, the 12lb (!) 78 Jazz was the first to go. [/quote] Ouch! The worst one I ever came across was a late 70s Antigua finish Precision that we had in the shop I used to work in which weighed in at just a gnats under 14lb.
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1370427170' post='2100566'] 4 1/2 hr practice seems a hell of a long time, surely you have some breaks during this where you can put the bass down for a bit? [/quote] This. If you're playing without a break for that length of time you've nobody to blame but yourself to be honest.
  11. What's the spec - 8 or 4 Ohm? Power handling? Can this cab be bi-amped with an RB series head? Any idea how much postage in the UK would cost?
  12. Any updates on what the owners think of these combos? I'm in the market for a cheapish combo myself at the moment & these look like they'd be just right.
  13. Absolutely stunning basses. I had one on loan for a while many years ago (early-mid 80s) and it was just incredible. Fantastic neck & the sound was superb. The owner got rid of it & bought a very early Status & it was just nowhere near as good as the Steinberger.
  14. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1370381856' post='2100195'] watermelon in easter hay is sobbingly brilliant. If it doesn't make you cry you are wired wrong [/quote] I was playing "Watermelon in Easter Hay" on the stereo in the music library where I used to work one day many years ago. Somebody came in & said "That's nice, is it Dire Straits?" That was the day I lost all faith in humanity.
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370336914' post='2099173'] I wish there was a well loaded bong near you, and that you would take advantage of its proximity. [/quote] f***ing hell that made me laugh out loud! Funny is even funnier when you're off your tits on prescription painkillers.
  16. Not sure if posting that at the moment is particularly constructive, but it is indeed a fascinating read.
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1370370908' post='2099916'] So - am I being too picky by only wanting to play songs I like (both in terms of listening to and enjoying playing) or should I bite my tongue and take a gig because it'll get me out & playing again. . .? [/quote] No and No.
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1367432254' post='2065632'] Or maybe it's just the Peacock Blue ones. The G string would snap after @ 6 months (at the longest). [/quote] I think 6 months is more than long enough without changing your peacock blue g string, lovely though I'm sure it is......
  19. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1370269074' post='2098327'] ......It's obviously had a life; [/quote] Well it's got one up on me then.
  20. Another vote for Korg Tritons here. I've had a Triton LE for years & it's a great bit of kit. Really usable sounds (pianos, organ, brass, strings, synths) & very easy to use. Being a workstation it has a built in multitrack sequencer but I've never bothered with it. Never had any problems with mine crashing.
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1370193392' post='2097424'] Nail varnish makes a good selection of touch up paint. [/quote] Very true - I always put nail varnish on before I touch myself up.
  22. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1370183067' post='2097280'] I've never associated Lemmy with Jetglo - he was a Mapleglo man for years before the 4004LK's. I'm sure this post will be followed by a flurry of pictures showing Lem with a JG - but I've never seen one! You do see him playing a Fireglo in Lemmy - The Movie....looks quite strange! [/quote] I think his old Hawkwind Rick was a fireglo, but that was a 4001s with a dot neck as far as I can recall.
  23. [quote name='Junkyard Rocket' timestamp='1370147975' post='2096931'] Unless you're putting on another set of exactly the same type/gauge of strings that are on there already, doing any setup prior to the string change could be a waste of time as you might have to start from scratch once the new ones are on. [/quote] I wondered about that too, but figured if the OP is able to perform a decent set-up he'd know that. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1370160423' post='2096983'] The amount of micro-tilt adjustment was so extreme that it seemed the whole neck was 'balancing' on the one point. Any sort of aggressive playing would make the neck move in the pocket, in both vertical and horizontal planes [/quote] This is correct, and as far as I know is why Fender stopped using the micro tilt system.
  24. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1370123974' post='2096815'] Well, now I'm really confused as my new bass has the walnut layer but lacks the tonepump trimpot!!! [/quote] I can't see any walnut layer on the pictures of the bass in the link you posted.
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