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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1370106442' post='2096547'] Check the other pictures, its a bolt on neck with neckplate. [/quote] Yes I saw that, but others had already mentioned this. Personally I think if a 4001 has a bolt on neck then it ain't a Rick, and you'd kind of hope that the people in The Gallery would know that too......
  2. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1370106167' post='2096540'] I have set them now like this (following the radius), they each have just shy of 3mm gap at the last fret, with the high G not being able to get any lower( compensating for how much it vibrates compared to the lower and ticker strings. On my own bass I have the lowest at aroud 3mm clearance and then they get closer as the strings get higher, down to around 2mm clearance. So that is pretty much what I'm aiming for with this since I find mine a piece of piss to play. So now, compared to defo they are all too high. So from what I have googled(I will go through that fender link though) if the strings are still too high I can adjust te micro tilt? [/quote] Yes, the micro tilt should now do what you want, but to be honest a 3mm action would be classed as low by the majority of players.
  3. Pickups & (more importantly) inlays wrong for a 1969 4001?
  4. All the Peavey 5vers I've tried have had very narrow necks.
  5. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1370092454' post='2096365'] Th aim is to get the action as low as possible across all strings obviously. [/quote] Not neccesarily - are you taking the owners playing technique into account? Also, I can't see how adjusting the micro tilt is going to solve the problem you mention - the strings will still be higher than the others if you adjust it. The only way you'll deal with it is to set the saddles to match the fingerboard radius.
  6. Getting rid of my old checkerboard binding, toaster/horseshoe pickup Rickenbacker 4001. It was a piece of sh*t but it would be worth a lot of money today. Selling my Chapman Stick - I'll never be able to afford another one. Wish I'd had the balls to quit my job & go pro with my old band in the late 80's. 95% of my life is made up of regrets - these are just a few of the musical related ones.
  7. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1370084424' post='2096290'] If its a Wimbish, it'll say so on the back of the headstock. [/quote] It's definitely not a Wimbish. I just wondered that before I saw the pictures.
  8. [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1369958593' post='2095075'] I thought I was mad going from Plymouth to Northampton for a free USA BC Rich Mockingbird [/quote] WOW! I would have travelled to anywhere in the UK for a USA Mockingbird!
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1370031858' post='2095911'] Tell you what ... you choose: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/Music%20and%20Musicians/NickOliveri.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/Music%20and%20Musicians/SirGuitaralot.jpg.html"][/url] Tough one, huh? [/quote] Bad choice of pictures really - both people look like complete w***ers, one of them is playing a boring looking bass, the other is playing an ugly guitar. As far as I can see nobody comes out of that a winner.
  10. Guitars are far sexier than basses IMO.
  11. That's a bit of a pisser, and always the gamble you have to take if you get seats on the flat. I always go to see Rush with my sister who is a massive fan but only just 5 foot tall so we always get tickets on the side tiered seating. Even then she sometimes has trouble seeing over peoples heads.
  12. I don't think the LX refers to the scale length but they did make a 35" scale option for the four string.
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1369989832' post='2095181'] Plays very nicely, but what a skinny neck it has! [/quote] Really? I've always found them to be on the chunky side which is why I like them. It's not the Doug Wimbish signature model is it? That has got a very skinny neck apparently.
  14. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1369912967' post='2094307'] Got them all, mystified as to why Chris Wolstenholme scored so low. [/quote] Probably because unless you're a Muse fan or a bass playing fanboy nobody knows who he is?
  15. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1369986276' post='2095139'] we have an odd rehearsal cum drinking session..... [/quote] Really?
  16. Life's too short to put up with a shower of bastards like this. I would have quit well before it got to the stage you're at.
  17. I find a good dogging session helps to both clear & focus the mind.
  18. [quote name='dry_stone' timestamp='1369938044' post='2094766'] But who to pair her with? Pam Ayers and..... Les Claypool? [/quote] That's who I was going to say too!
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1369936232' post='2094741'] It would be nice hear the work of Pam Ayers getting a similaly abstract but funky bass treatment . [/quote] Now THAT I would love to hear!
  20. "Get up early"? I've been in work two hours by the time you "get up early"!
  21. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1358335039' post='1937070'] Kate Bush and Mick Karn??? [/quote] He said "really good bass player" not "pretentious art school ponce with dodgy intonation".
  22. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1369926530' post='2094554'] They've had Metallica on a couple of times. [/quote] But only after they went completely mainstream & twattish.
  23. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1369914288' post='2094340'] That's part of the problem with Rush now, it's so 'big' a show that they probably can't get their heads round the concept of popping in a studio with minimal kit and knocking some songs out. [/quote] They seem to manage perfectly OK when they did exactly that on the Colbert Report a few years ago. It's far more likely that they've never been on because of the BBCs (& most other broadcasters) incredibly sneery, snobby attitude towards "classic" rock (for want of a better term) & heavy metal in general.
  24. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1369782246' post='2092801'] Didn't know Richard Osman's brother is Mat Osman, bassman for Suede. [/quote] If I had a brother who was a member of Suede I'd keep quiet about it too.
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