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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1369067964' post='2084488'] Yes, it is fair to say that DMB absolutely suck. [/quote] Personally I'd rather listen to The Dave Matthews Band than Led Zeppelin any day of the week.
  2. I'd have to say the worst Beatles cover I've ever heard is that bloody awful version of "a little help from my friends" by Joe Cocker. Absolutely f***ing atrocious.
  3. So the scallop-y looking black bits are stickers or painted on?
  4. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1368901519' post='2082877'] Thanks for all the input - I've got a Euro 5LX - great bass. [/quote] Congratulations! Don't forget to put a picture of it in the Spector porn thread when you get a chance: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/78081-how-about-a-spector-thread/page__hl__spector
  5. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1369014976' post='2083981'] Bonham played much better music though. [/quote] Saying this is as dumb as the original question IMO. It's all subjective.
  6. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1368897989' post='2082825'] Worst bass I ever owned was also a Jaydee Supernatural with a ridiculously unstable neck. A waste of my money and my time. [/quote] You didn't buy it secondhand from the Bass Centre in Wapping in the late 80's did you?
  7. Ignore the haters, if it's something you feel passionately about doing then go for it & good luck with it.
  8. Yep, that's a Roger Giffin bass.
  9. I always watch it & really enjoy it. Sweden did a superb job of hosting this year, the female presenter was excellent.
  10. Not exactly a "Rock" opera, but check out "Einstein on the Beach" by Phillip Glass.
  11. Can't help you with what the coil taps are like (not a fan of coil tapped pickups in general though, they never sound like a "proper" single coil to me) but I echo all the above sentiments about Spector Euro models. I have a Euro LX5 & it's a superb bass, easily the best five string I've played. I'm a big fan of the Tonepump circuit too, unlike many.
  12. "How to make your guitar gently weep": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fqeHgPqyXM She's so hot.
  13. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1368800844' post='2081724'] Funny, hot & posh - nice combination [/quote] Indeed.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1368801754' post='2081737'] The LP cover had what looked like a White Jazz on it (rear cover picture) but, remember, I don't know s*** [/quote] The picture isn't great but that looks like a Tele bass to me - body hasn't got that horrible slanty shape like a jazz & it looks like it's got a Tele style control plate.
  15. [quote name='ray_6ao7' timestamp='1368690034' post='2080128'] *I will poos photos tonight when I get back from work* [/quote] I think we'd all prefer to see a picture of the bass.
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1368713794' post='2080553'] Ex-GP subscriber here but no more. What about Musicians Only, a tabloid style music paper from the 1980s? Beat Instrumental Instrimentalwas another I read. [/quote] Beat instrumental was really good, as was International Musician & Recording World. I still have a few late 70's issues of these & they are several orders of magnitude better than the drivel contained in music mags these days. Most of the guitar magazines around at the moment are more like bloody Smash Hits than anything else.
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1368633513' post='2079523'] Don't most musicians play music for other people, ie functions band, session work, even original music, not much point to it if people don't like it. [/quote] There's every point to it if the person doing it personally finds it fulfilling. There are plenty of musicians out there who would be doing what they do whether they had an audience or not - they are driven to create music that means something to them first & foremost. I'm talking about writing original music here - obviously the criteria will be different if you're playing covers in a tribute band, doing wedding gigs or whatever as in that context you are doing it solely for the entertainment of other people.
  18. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1368612709' post='2079110'] but isn't the highest goal in playing music to project the content/expression directly into the listeners hearts? [/quote] Only if you give a flying f*** about what other people think of your music or have a desperate need for people to tell you how wonderful you are. I'd say the highest goal in music is to create something that you yourself are happy with. If it ends up connecting with other people then that's just a bonus.
  19. Ooh, that's exactly the same as the one I used (with great results) in the studio a few weeks ago. Is there any kind of case or gig bag with it?
  20. [quote name='richardjmorgan' timestamp='1368626225' post='2079385'] ....On the other hand, it could just end up being yet another displacement activity… [/quote] That's what I find with getting involved in recording, which is why I don't record anything other than barebones rough demos. If I can't get a song finished the last thing I want to do is start distracting myself with arrangement ideas. When I get something ready to be recorded I'd rather spend my money on going into a studio & getting it done properly than pissing about with a home set-up.
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1368622109' post='2079290'] From the OP it seems clear it's about the writing process. [/quote] That's what I thought - ta!
  22. OK, I'm slightly confused now - is the thread about finishing writing a song or is it about how you bring a song to an end when playing it live? There seem to be both options being given as answers here at the moment.
  23. Yes I experience this problem all the time - I've got loads of unfinished songs. No, I don't have the first idea what to do about it.
  24. That is really very good. I see you're playing The Moon club in Cardiff - I'll try & come along if I can.
  25. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1368555245' post='2078530'] I still have a set of those on one of my lesser used basses. [/quote] There are Mark King fan boys out there who would kill to get their hands on those!
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