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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. You can slap on any gauge string - I used to use Superwound Funkmasters 30-90 when I was in my serious slapper days. Now I use 45-135s & I can still play all the same slap stuff I did on the ultra light strings. If you're only going to be playing the occasional bit of slap then I'd say stick with heavier strings because really light ones sound pretty thin for finger style or pick playing IMO.
  2. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1368540689' post='2078204'] Are you striking the string with your thumb knuckle? I knew someone who struggled pronoucing notes because he was almost palm muting as he did it, which made the whole thing muddy and awkward to hear and watch. [/quote] I was just about to ask this too. Also, are you getting your left hand in on the action? Getting a good slap rhythm going needs almost as much input from the left hand as the right.
  3. If your thumb is hurting after 15 minutes then you're hitting the strings to hard with it. How is slapping the start of "One of theses days" being "authentic" BTW? The original was played with a pick (in fact I seem to recall reading that it's two basses, being played by Roger & David).
  4. Worst basses I ever owned were 2 Rickenbacker 4001's & my custom built Jaydee Supernatural. The Rickenbackers were just shockingly badly made, uncomfortable & sounded like crap & the Jaydee had such an unstable neck that I spent more time adjusting the truss rod than I did actually playing it.
  5. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1368211137' post='2074596'] That's a fairly small body guitar so heavier strings will help, 12's will be fine as that was what the guitar was shipped with, I'd suggest an email to takemine before fitting anything heavier though as not all acoustics will take the tension of very heavy strings, I know that my mcilroy is only warrantied if I don't go above 12's, luckily that's my favorite gauge so I'm fine (newtone heritage are my all time favorites) Due to the size of the body I'd expect that volume wasn't on the agenda when it was designed. [/quote] This.
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1368317403' post='2075710'] Ha ha ha! 0.32 seconds in you look like you about to either kill someone in their sleep or make love to them. [/quote] Or both.
  7. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1368135472' post='2073790'] Have you looked at spector euros?, 35" scale tight focused sound from the EMG'S, and thunderous bottom end from the tonepump. They are fairly inexpensive ( when sold on here ) a very rock n roll bass [/quote] This. My Spector Euro 5XL is the best five string I've ever played regardless of price. Absolutely fantastic basses that are great for heavy stuff.
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1368265512' post='2075015'] Your SR is wonderful, KIng Basses are what old people who have given up play. [/quote] I'd just like to point out that, as an old person who has given up, I wouldn't be seen dead playing a King bass.
  9. Get some kind of A/B box - two inputs, one output, footswitchable. You might have problems with levels if one of your basses is louder than the other though.
  10. Maybe Rickenbacker will look kindly on them as they are based in "The old country".
  11. I do love Bob Calvert though - his solo albums are great (especially Captain Lockheed & the Starfighters) and next to Space Ritual my favourite Hawkwind album is definitely Quark, Strangeness & Charm.
  12. I used expensive basses for many years, Zon Legacy models mainly. I gave up playing bass last year but a few weeks ago a friend of mine asked me to play some bass on some studio recordings he was doing. I used a Mexican Fender Precision with stupidly high action that was knocking around in the studio. Everyone was happy with what I played (including me, which is rare) and the bass sounded really good. If I ever buy another bass I'd be quite happy just to pick up a secondhand Mexican Precision & use that rather than spend time trying to find another "dream" bass.
  13. It's always been one of my least favourite Hawkwind albums, though I know plenty of hardcore fans who love it.
  14. [quote name='AntWPF' timestamp='1368110334' post='2073331'] Be nice, playing bass isn't a competition and neither is teaching it. [/quote] The above comment is very true, which is why I would question your choice of "so you think you can play bass" as a title for your project. Maybe it's just me, but I think it sounds a bit dickswinging/arrogant, and I think if I was looking for online lessons it would put me off a bit.
  15. Their purpose is to get in the way. Some people think they look retro & cool, like chrome bumpers on an Austin Maxi or something equally exotic. The bridge covers have a piece of foam in them that serves to dampen the strings. The Jazz bass neck pickup covers are purely cosmetic, though some people will doubtless tell you they realign the pickup magnetism with local Ley Lines or some other bollocks
  16. RhysP


    These are superb basses - I used one as my main bass for 20 years. Build quality is as good as anything out there.
  17. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1368105582' post='2073265'] A quick google suggests that people are asking between £150 and £200 and not many people are buying these at that price. So if you want it to sell, you're probably going to have to go down to about £120. IMO of course. [/quote] I'd say that's pretty accurate.
  18. [quote name='McBass' timestamp='1367932257' post='2071142'] I emailed them and sent Bo Engberg a private message too, hopefully they'll sort it out. [/quote] Don't hold your breath.....
  19. I'll never use EBS gear again after my GORM combo crapped out & both EBS & the UK supplier refused to have anything to do with it even though it was still under warranty.
  20. What's the neck like on this - is it a good chunky precision profile or more like a jazz (as a lot of them seem to be)?
  21. Just play it like a normal bass & don't be tempted to slide all over the place as it sounds cheesy & cliched.
  22. Just noticed this rather lovely Zon fretless. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ZON-Fretless-Bass-5-KATE-BUSH-Gabriel-etc-/290906091691?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43bb5ab0ab If you zoom in on the picture of the back of the bass the person taking the photo is (I'm pretty sure) none other than John Giblin himself. It's a bit beaten up but a good price for an awesome bass that has played some of the greatest fretless bass parts ever recorded.
  23. Wow! Welcome to the forum Kevin. I've been a member on "Stickist" for many years. Don't have a Stick at the moment but would love to get another one someday.
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