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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Me at Long Row Audio in Treforest last Wednesday, putting some bass on my mate Ollie's new EP. [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/RhysandOllieLongRowStudio_zps0616af1a.jpeg.html"][/url] And yes, I AM playing a Fender Precision.......
  2. [quote name='GЯДИКФЯ' timestamp='1360869573' post='1977742'] don't think Floyd can exist without Nick who is the only member in every line up the band had so there's no way that can be Pink Floyd [/quote] Nick was at those Albert Hall gigs & came on to play on "Comfortably Numb" for the encore on one of them.
  3. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1360857129' post='1977516'] just came across this... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFYWKgkyZM[/media] NEVER knew the Floyd could be THIS great Crosby/Stills on BV's, Steve Di Stanislao on drums (nice drummer...i think he plays with CSN) Guy Pratt on Bass. Dave Gilmour's playing is just f***in awesome, and his vocals...WOW!! lighting and sound is stunning too, [/quote] That's not Pink Floyd, it's David Gilmour touring his last solo album "On an Island". An absolutely stunning gig, and a great album too. I was knocking around backstage at that concert as a friend of mine is Davids stage manager.
  4. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' timestamp='1359992398' post='1963109'] Where was this ? [/quote] Moniack Mhor creative writing centre in the Scottish Highlands, three miles from Loch Ness. I did a five day residential song writing course run by Boo Hewerdine.
  5. Songwriting is all I really do now, I find it immeasureably more rewarding than playing an instrument. I've done a few songwriting courses (the week long residential course I did in January was undoubtably the best week of my life - absolutely magical!) & have found it to be really exciting & fulfilling, especially collaborating with other writers. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to perform my songs live, I just really enjoy the process of writing; hearing other people playing my songs is a pretty good feeling though.
  6. Don't beat yourself up over it, most interests/hobbies/ whatever you want to call it have a finite life span. I think I've finally reached the point of no return with bass playing too.
  7. Final price reduction to £350.00 collected - this really has to go as I have no use for it whatsoever.
  8. If you're happy to buy secondhand I'd also look out for a Spector Euro 5LX. I'd gone through a few five strings & hadn't found anything I liked enough to keep & had pretty much decided to stick to four strings until I took a chance on a secondhand Spector Euro 5LX that was for sale on the forum. It's now the only bass I own - I've sold a couple of very expensive Zon four strings that I never thought I'd get rid of because the Spector is just so good I didn't touch them anymore. The Spector, in my opinion, made the Stingray 5 I owned briefly seem like a cheap toy by comparison.
  9. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1358594838' post='1941835'] ....we all rave about Wooten and The Meters..... [/quote] No we don't. I don't even have the first idea who "The Meters" are to be honest.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358343920' post='1937311'] Gosh - who would be selling that then, Rhys..? [/quote] You can't blame a guy for trying........
  11. For slightly more you can buy a lovely secondhand Glockenklang 400 watt head (£380) that's not too far away from you in Cardiff......
  12. Edited for removal of trade options - straight sale only please.
  13. I used a purple Levinson B4 as my main bass for 20 years - fantastic instrument. Only stopped because i started to find the jazz neck profile too thin for my tastes.
  14. I know one thing, they're bloody difficult to get a pram down.
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358165527' post='1933965'] Wichita Lineman is one of my all time favourite songs and lyrics. Should be a good doc this. Thanks for the nod. [/quote] Definitely one of the greatest songs ever written. I was very drunk & singing Wichita Lineman in the early hours of last Saturday morning in a remote farmhouse in the Scottish highlands with (amongst many other wonderful & talented people) Boo Hewerdine & (Del Amitri/Manics/Breeders/etc. producer) Mark Freegard. One of the most wonderful moments of my life.
  16. Back from the best week of my life bump. I will now post this if anyone's interested, but you'll have to give me time to sort out packaging materials.
  17. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1357336529' post='1921424'] Has anyone said Stewart Copeland and Sting yet? One of my fave rhythm sections, pushing, pulling, always close to falling apart but not quite; magic stuff. [/quote] How the hell did I forget them? Magic stuff indeed
  18. Another vote for George Murray & Dennis Davis from me. Also: Bill Bruford/Anyone. David Francolini/Laurence O'Keefe. Phil Collins/Mike Rutherford. Lemmy/Simon King. Dave Mattacks/Dave Pegg. Barry Adamson/John Doyle. Ian Paice/Roger Glover. Gavin Harrison/Colin Edwin.
  19. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1357279660' post='1920235'] I look at it and see a lot of things, a mountain range, a guy trapped under a sheet (reassuring seen as that's what it is), and any number of sci-fi/horror films where something bursts forth from a membrane. [/quote] First thing I thought was "Tights Fetishist".
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1357300733' post='1920542'] i'm guessing the rock/metal market for guitars is the biggest and therefore the most lucrative? [/quote] The thing is though is that the Rock/Metal market covers a lot of sub genres, and and the Gibson style Hamers are used a hell of a lot by what get termed "Classic Rock" bands, people like Styx, Molly Hatchet, Judas Priest and many others. The reason they stopped making "Super Strat" type guitars is that pretty much every other maker did too as the market for them completely dried up as people went back to using Les Pauls & stuff like that. Jol Dantzig wouldn't have been stupid enough to stop making them if there was still a market for them. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1357324376' post='1921152'] I think Hamer's desirability suffered when they brought out the budget non-USA guitars. [/quote] Now THIS I do agree with. It harmed Hamer in the same way it harmed BC Rich & Dean, who were also making superb hand built guitars in the late 70's and 80's. There are a whole generation of people out there who have no idea just how superb these guitar makers were & just associate them with funny shaped cheap crap, which is such a shame. As much as I love Hamers the very best guitar I have ever played was an early 80's blueburst Dean Cadillac - absolute perfection. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1357324376' post='1921152'] These two are not for sale! [/quote] That red 12ver is a stunner! I used to have a Chapparal 12ver just like that one, should never have sold it, but the money did go towards funding a 1995 Hamer USA Standard which was just awesome!
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357254216' post='1920063'] The thing about calling you a hipster was just because it's something a hipster would say- "I don't like Fender.... Too mainstream. I like Ritter, they're so underground they live in China." [/quote] So your definition of "Hipster" is anyone who doesn't like the same things as you? I happen to think that the Fender Jazz is one of the ugliest basses I've ever seen; I'm not a "hipster", I just have a different idea about what is aesthetically pleasing to you.
  22. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1357247475' post='1919935'] You can have a 10K Fodera round your neck and a punter with think that only Fenders or Gibson's are any good, and the Fodera is crap. [/quote] What do you mean punters? 90% of bloody bass players would think that too. Not long after I got my Jaydee somebody said to me "couldn't you afford a Fender?" I was once (a LONG time ago, late 70's) talking to a non-playing friend of mine about different basses as we were walking along the street. He asked me if all basses had four strings & I said most of them have four strings, but you could get basses with 8 & 12 strings, and mentioned Tom Peterson from Cheap Trick as an example of somebody who used a 12ver. A bloke walking in front of us overheard me saying this & actually turned round & told me not to be so bloody stupid & that I obviously didn't know what the hell I was talking about!
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