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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1357240748' post='1919743'] Didn't they pull out of the rock/metal market in the 90's? [/quote] Yes they did, and Jol Dantzig absolutely refused to make any more guitars of the Chaparal/California/Diablo/Centura style even though plenty of people waved lots of money at him to do so. He took Hamer back to their core values & designs and they then started to produce the best guitars they ever made until they were taken over.
  2. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1357235935' post='1919597'] I have and they were indeed great guitars (never actually played one of their basses thru) I think that they started to go out of fashion along with the other 'super strat' makers when more traditional looking instruments went out of fashion, propelling Fender back to domination of the market! Fender bought them (presumably at a reasonable price) to eliminate a possible competitor and protect their brand! [/quote] They only made "Super Strat" style guitars for a comparatively short period - the vast majority of their models are far more Gibson like in terms of construction methods.
  3. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1357229685' post='1919449'] I think the market killed Hamer. People were likely just not buying them in the same volumes as in previous periods, and someone made a commercial decision. [/quote] Hamer had been a small volume boutique guitar builder (they were the first of the boutique builders in fact) since it's inception & had prospered very nicely doing just that. They sold everything that they made & had one of the finest reputations of any guitar maker. They would have carried on doing just that to had they not been forced out of business.
  4. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1357231367' post='1919500'] Its not like its a fly-by-night thing, either---they bought them four years ago. Why buy a company to close them down and then keep them going for four years? [/quote] You obviously aren't aware of what actually happened - Fender actually started the process of closing Hamer down almost as soon as they bought them. They stopped Hamer producing guitars to supply to shops & turned them into a "special order only" outfit. How the hell is a guitar maker supposed to keep up a profile & sell guitars if the owner stops them supplying shops with their instruments?
  5. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1357229114' post='1919438'] ....I don't think its particularly fair to assign some kind of underhand motive when its far more likely to just be because of simple economics. [/quote] But Fender have a long history of using underhand bullyboy tactics with smaller companies - look how they threatened Rob Green at Status when his first basses went out under the "Strata" name. Fender absurdly made him change the name as it was supposedly too close to "Strat" & people would obviously confuse the two & accidentally buy a high end carbon fibre bass guitar thinking it was one of Fenders sh*tty bolt together guitars.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357123612' post='1917639'] I just wear two standard-sized ones simultaneously.... [/quote] In series or parallel?
  7. I used to work in a (now defunct) music shop in Cardiff that was one of the few places in the UK to stock them in the late 70's/early 80s so I got to play loads of them & they were all fantastic instruments. I've owned a quite a few over the years & got to meet Paul Hamer & Jol Dantzig at the Frankfurt trade fair a couple of times too. I've always been a big fan or Hamers & it is indeed a real shame that they are no more.
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357080678' post='1917380'] I suppose that the bottom line is that , as Karl Marx famously hypothesized , Capitalism is barbarism , and ultimately the more profitable companies will consume the less profitable ones . [/quote] Going by the way Fender & Gibson operate when buying up these smaller companies I think a more appropriate Marx quote would be "A single party state cannot exist without first eradicating it's opposition"
  9. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1357055227' post='1916850'] I find it strange that they are not able to sustain a small on-demand production line for Hamer. Fender have got all the tools and materials to build whatever guitar they want. They are big enough so that they can centralize all support functions. If the Hamer guitars are built in the Fender factory, it's pretty much about applying a different decal at the end of the process. They could keep the brand running without throwing money down the drain, provided they showed restrain on marketing, artist relations, etc... shame really. [/quote] But doing that would do away with everything that made Hamer such superb instruments - they'd just become another range of fender mass produced questionable quality sh*t.
  10. I'm going to be away between January 6th -13th & will not have any internet access, so if anybody is interested in this amp I won't be able to reply to you or be available for the amp to be picked up during these dates. Ta!
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357047074' post='1916678'] ...but the original guys that started the company left one by one to start other careers and when that happens it is usually the case that the brand loses some of it's direction . [/quote] This isn't correct. Only Paul Hamer left, Jol Dantzig & Frank Untermyer both remained with Hamer (Dantzig left for a brief period between 1993-97). Jol Dantzig was ousted by Fender in 2010. Frank Untermyer became something pretty high up in Kamen but retained links to Hamer until the end.
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1356983772' post='1916142'] Look at Tobias and Steinberger who were bought by Gibson - both great brands that have now disappeared . [/quote] And Oberheim, SWR & Trace Elliott - all their once excellent products went down the crapper quality-wise when Gibson bought them out. I think these big companies do it on purpose to be honest, like when Martin bought out the Levin guitar company - the Levin Goliath was regarded as one of the best acoustic guitars you could buy, so Martin bought out the company & effectively closed them down. It's all about eradicating the opposition.
  13. The XT range are one of the Hamer cheapy import lines, some of which are quite good for the money, but they ain't "proper" Hamers.......
  14. Really bad news. Hamers are up there with the very best instruments available - I've owned quite a few Hamer guitars (and a 12 string bass) & they've all been superb. It angers me that a peddler of substandard mass produced crap like Fender can close down a legendary company like Hamer.
  15. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1356959363' post='1915574'] My view echoes some of the others.... Try a new type of music. [/quote] I'm going to fly in the face of popular opinion here and say that making yourself learn other types of music can end up having a negative effect on you if you don't like that particular genre. I found learning Mowtown, reggae, ska & blues stuff to be an incredibly miserable & unrewarding experience because I really can't stand these genres. I hated it so much it put me off playing covers for life. If it's a type of music you have no intention of ever playing then why waste your time learning how to play it?
  16. If i had the money I'd certainly have more basses, but I'm in a situation now where I just cannot afford to have more than one bass, and to be honest it's starting to look like that might have to go before long as it just doesn't get played enough to justify keeping it.
  17. I've only got one bass now. I had a couple of Zon Legacys sitting in their cases under the bed not getting used so I sold them & now just have a Spector Euro 5LX. When I was gigging I only took one bass 99% of the time. The few times I took a back up it was never needed so I just stopped taking it.
  18. The Gary Willis Ear Training book is meant to be very good. I've had a copy for years but have never used* it so I can't comment on it's effectiveness unfortunately. [size=2]*See also: Pretty much every music theory book I've ever bought.[/size]
  19. Japanese Fenders are (in my experience) the best quality, certainly the most consistent, Fenders you can buy. By the time you've added on your VAT, Import duties & other courier costs it won't work out much cheaper than the price of a similar Japanese Jazz bass in the UK to be honest.
  20. I bought this a few weeks ago in a moment of "Superb amp at a bargain price" madness (the madness being I don't really play bass anymore & I don't even have a cab to put it through) & it has been sat under the table in my bedroom ever since. It's a 400 watt (into 4ohm) 3 rack unit size amp head & I'm asking £380.00 collected from Cardiff please. I will also now post this if anyone is interested, but you'll have to give me time to look for some suitable packaging materials. Postage will probably be quite expensive though. Here's a link to Blenji's original "For Sale" thread that I bought it from: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193143-pending-glockenklang-heart-core/page__p__1885432__hl__glockenklang__fromsearch__1#entry1885432"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1885432[/url]
  21. [quote name='geddyfender' timestamp='1356800710' post='1913768'] .......i have a bass skill level of 6/10.... [/quote] Just out of curiosity could you let me know how exactly this number was arrived at?
  22. RhysP


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