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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354616867' post='1888005'] I don’t get your drift. Any style of music is fine if they're good at it, it makes them happy and there is an interested audience. [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRNIFyPVHvo
  2. I've got a pile of old flaky skin from a recent bout of psoriosis I can let you have for a tenner.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1354535146' post='1886989'] If it plays nicely and sounds good and the price is right does it matter whether or not it's a "real" Fender? [/quote] I agree with you up to a point, but how do you know that "the price is right" unless you have some idea of what the guitar is? It could be a really nice £100 Tele copy, but bidding on it when it's already at £195 would be a bit stupid wouldn't it?
  4. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1354539294' post='1887069'] The fact you don't like them is a perfectly valid point of view, but fundamentally different from saying they're made without neck finish to save money, as you did originally. [/quote] How can using an oil finish instead of a sprayed lacquer finish NOT save money? A minimum wage muppet with an oily rag compared to somebody with the necessary spraying skills is going to be cheaper, and is also going to increase the number of basses produced as they don't have to wait for multiple lacquer coats to dry & be buffed. With the amount of guitars & basses they produce that is going to save an enormous amount of money over time on both materials & labour costs, and whatever marketing crap they spout to justify using oil finishes instead of lacquer their prime reason for doing that would be to maximise profits.
  5. [quote name='Mr H' timestamp='1354518775' post='1886803'] Hey, nice one Rhys - that's turned everything on its head somewhat. That looks exactly right. Well, now I will do the other decent thing and email the seller (and thus the owner) and let them know. [/quote] Glad I could be of some help. I've got a bit of a soft spot for Telecasters.
  6. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1354494685' post='1886752'] Rhys you really should go and try some more basses out. [/quote] I've played more than enough EBMM basses to know I don't like them thanks, and I know that I'm not going to get on with any bass that has an oil finished neck - I can't stand them.
  7. It's a Mexican Fender Special Edition Koa Telecaster. Google that & you'll find plenty of pictures that look exactly like the one you posted, even down to the double string tree. Nice guitar, if it had a maple fingerboard I'd probably bid on it myself.
  8. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1354471618' post='1886369'] can I use this? What could rhyme with drummer? ;-) [/quote] Be my guest. "Dummer" & "Bummer" are the first two things that come to mind........
  9. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1354468238' post='1886301'] Sometimes band tension can result in great songs coming from it. [/quote] Very true - the best song I ever wrote was called "The Keyboard Player is a f***ing ****".
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1354463216' post='1886202'] Tricky one. I'd be inclined to say "Jack it in", but then a lot of great bands don't get on. Massive Attack being a prime example. [/quote] Yes, but "lots of great bands" carry on doing what they're doing with people they detest purely because they are making lots of money - I could be wrong but I doubt if the OP is in this situation (and apologies for my presumption if you are ).
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1354454367' post='1886070'] [/quote] I suddenly realised I'd seen his face before: [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Fungus.jpg[/IMG]
  12. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1354446970' post='1885954'] EBMM necks and boards nowadays are not lacquered, just coated in gunstock oil to save money whilst still charging top dollar for the instrument. [/quote] Fixed.
  13. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1354391298' post='1885559'] Later, I shall be watching The Killing, [/quote] If you'd been out gigging tonight you wouldn't have seen Sarah Lunds awesome naked bottom - that's as good a reason as I can think of not to join a band.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1354385273' post='1885470'] Rhys is not just an intellegent man , but a good- looking one too . Happy now ? [/quote] Nah, you're just an arse kisser.
  15. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1354382525' post='1885434'] This. In 2 lines Rhys has captured the sum total of human knowledge on this question. There really isn't anything to add to it. [/quote] This forum would be a far better place if everyone displayed the intelligence & good taste that you so obviously possess.
  16. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1354383992' post='1885451'] I wouldn't bother mate - you'll only end up having fun [/quote] This is the thing though, isn't it - one persons "fun" is another persons "Seventh Circle of Hell"........
  17. Lots of people say that a maple board will give a brighter tone than a rosewood one, others will say there's little difference & that the choice is more aesthetic than anything else.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354359924' post='1885126'] I don't understand why anyone would develop a skill and buy good gear unless they have the ultimate goal of playing in a band in front of an audience. [/quote] Because they just enjoy playing an instrument for the sake of it. Playing in front of an audience was never any kind of motivation for me & even when I was playing in bands the gigging side of it held no interest or pleasure for me. I'm sure I'm not the only person to feel this way. The OP obviously just doesn't enjoy playing in bands, which I can fully understand as (in my experience) it's a pain in the arse for 99% of the time.
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1354299871' post='1884665'] I don't want to be a 'bass player' or a 'guitarist'. I'd like to be in a postion to just enjoy playing music on either. [/quote] Don't be ridiculous: YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE - NOW!!
  20. Wow! It's almost worth taking up playing double bass just to attend that.
  21. A fast neck is different things to different people, so there is no definitive answer. Like you I don't like jazz profile necks & prefer really chunky ones. I've also never had any problems with gloss lacquered or painted necks, which plenty of people hate & say they find "slow" or "sticky".
  22. RhysP


    [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1354285115' post='1884460'] The great Stewart Copeland did a stint with them back in the day. [/quote] Wasn't he married to Sonja Kristina?
  23. Bass was the first instrument that I played and is still the only thing I'm any good at, even though I don't play it very much anymore. I started playing guitar & keyboards years later when I harboured pretensions towards being a songwriter/serious musician but time has proved me completely incapable of writing anything. To paraphrase the late, great Coral Browne " I couldn't write "f***" in the dust on a Venetian blind"......
  24. That IS spooky - "Tools" & "Dimmer" are also words I'd associate with anyone contemplating "P Bass" ownership.........
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