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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1354146317' post='1882866'] I thought all that spiritual healing was a load of bollocks. I had a problem with my shoulders, the girl i was seeing at the time was into it and took me to see her spiritual healer and she sorted it out. Spooky! [/quote] Same happened to me. I knew a woman who was a spiritual healer & she offered to have a go at my right knee when I mentioned I'd had problems with it for years & nothing had helped. A couple of minutes of her working on my knee (she never even made actual contact with it) & it's been fine ever since (this was in 1993).
  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1353940450' post='1879963'] Just for comparison. The musicians on the Titanic had to remember over 150 songs (not reading sheet music) and were expected to perform any one of them on request from the audience [/quote] And a fat lot of f***ing good it did them.............
  3. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354018726' post='1880812'] I wanted to call mine Savilecore, to find that already existed [/quote] What is Savillecore exactly, music that doesn't get discovered until thirty years after it actually happened? Years ago on the Gretsch Discussion Pages forum myself & a guy called Truxton Meadows (superb name!) invented "Progabilly" I haven't checked but that's probably a "proper" genre now too.
  4. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1354010037' post='1880648'] I understand that proggy stuff is now called math rock or technical metal. [/quote] Not right. "Math Rock" & "Technical Metal" are just another two sub genres - they do not encapsulate the entire "Prog" genre.
  5. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1353784548' post='1878496'] [b]It sounded better than Adam Clayton !!! [/b] [/quote] It'll probably have a warwick signature model by this time next week as well.
  6. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1353780955' post='1878449'] And strangely, it only seems to be guitarists that suffer this over the top obsession with NEEDING over powered rigs dialed to 11. [/quote] I don't know about that, there seem to be plenty of bass players these days who think it's impossible to do a gig without at least 500 watts behind them, which is just as ludicrous IMO.
  7. You've definitely made the right decision, both for your sanity & your hearing.
  8. Clever bit of engineering, but am I the only person that thought it just sounded like a sequencer?
  9. I had the chance to get a couple of these at trade price but stupidly decided not to & ordered myself a Jaydee instead. The other stuff Fernandes had on their stand was fantastic too - excellent replicas of just about every famous guitar you can think of - Jaco's jazz bass, Iommi's SG, Randy Rhoads' white Les Paul & polka dot Jackson, Matthis Jabs' black & white stripey explorers etc. etc. I wish I still had the catalogue. Not only that but while I was on the stand the guitarist sitting next to me trying out a load of stuff was Neal Schon - I was only in my late teens & I was a huge Journey fan so I was totally awestruck.
  10. I've never owned one but I did play the full range of them at the Frankfurt trade show in the mid 80's & they were pretty fantastic. The guy I was with actually owned an Alembic series 1 at the time & he thought they gave his bass a pretty good run for the money.
  11. I think this is my old Levinson - it was my my main bass for 20 years & it's superb, only got rid of it because I ended up finding the jazz profile neck too narrow for my tastes. (BTW, if it is mine it's older than 1991 - I bought it new from the Bass Centre in Wapping the same day I went to see REM at Hammersmith Odeon on the Green tour & that was 1989).
  12. Yes, it's active. I had a Levinson Blade B2 for about 20 years & it was a great bass. What model bass is it? Mine didn't have a passive option so without a battery it wouldn't work. I've also got an old Levinson Blade Texas Standard strat style guitar & that's active too.
  13. Some very early 5 strings were made to be used with a high C instead of a low B. These days low B is very much the norm.
  14. The budget instruments these days are from China, India & Indonesia; it's pretty easy to pay over a grand for a korean built intrument these days.
  15. Just bought myself an Atkin OM STD with some of the money I got from selling my Zons & my Fylde. I had no intention whatsoever to buy another expensive acoustic but it was a pretty good price & it's just awesome; the best acoustic I've ever played.
  16. GAK are doing a good deal on this Ashdown 2x10 combo at the moment - should be £549.00 but they're £349.00: http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ashdown-330-touring-210h/47920
  17. I love the EMGs in my Spector Euro 5LX, they sound much better to me than the Bartolinis I had in my Zons. I've also got the EMG David Gilmour signature pickup set in my Levinson Strat & they're pretty awesome too - absolutely no noise whatsoever.
  18. [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1351457191' post='1851449'] This exactly is the reason why I only buy stuff on basschat. I feel that everyone here is genuine and you can trust that we are not trying anything on (I think that is true in most cases). [/quote] That is very true. Ebay was very much a last resort - I'd had the Zon for sale on here for quite a while but unfortunately nobody was interested.
  19. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1351440737' post='1851221'] You know there was nothing wrong and I think that you will probably join the 'pick up only' club now! Glad it turned out ok [/quote] Cheers. The annoying thing was I did everything I could to discourage people wanting it posted - I offered a discount for picking up & paying cash, and also charged extra for a case if posting was required. Definitely "Pick up only" from now on......
  20. Well, the buyer has just contacted me to say he is going to keep the bass "And sort out any problems himself". I just don't get it though - I've had this bass for years & have done plenty of session work with it - if the fret lines were as he says the bass would be unplayable. I gave it a final play just before packing it & it was perfect. I know I should be happy with that outcome but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing - there was NOTHING wrong with that bass when it left me.
  21. Last week I sold my Zon Legacy fretless on Ebay. I posted the bass off to the buyer Wednesday & he received it Thursday. I hear nothing from the buyer until Friday night when, only after my contacting him, he informs me that the bass is buzzing unacceptably & the he feels the fretline markers are a different radius to the fingerboard & this is causing the problem. I've had this bass for years & have never had any trouble at all with it so find it hard to believe that something so catastrophic has suddenly happened to it. I have offered him a refund if he returns the bass to me but now say that he intends to get a luthier to look at it on Monday. I've notified Ebay that the buyer thinks there is a problem even though it was in a perfectly playable state when I posted it & that I've offered him a refund. I've just got a bad feeling about it, like I'm going to be hit with a make-believe repair bill just so the guy can try & get some money off me. I really don't need sh*t like this at the moment, my life is enough of a nightmare as it is.
  22. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1351339118' post='1850261'] Punk was fresh and made them seem outdated then and I was more interested in like Led Zeppelin. [/quote] Surely they couldn't have seemed more outdated than Led Zeppelin?
  23. My one & only bass strap is a Silver Eagle one I bought nearly 30 years ago & that's showing no signs of giving up.
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