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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1350753502' post='1843132'] Regarding neck finish, I have really noticed how the oil/wax finish on the maple board of my Reflex sounds very different to a laquered board- much warmer and closer to rosewood. I think if the Classics had a oil/wax finish that they would never sound like the original Musicman Stingrays that all had heavily- laquered maple boards [/quote] I've also found that necks with oiled or waxed finishes (not just Musicman basses) seem to need a lot more truss rod tweaking than basses with heavily laquered or painted necks.
  2. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1350752401' post='1843107'] MB1. Not everyones cup of tea then? [/quote] I've got pretty much everything they've done actually.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1350752258' post='1843104'] The Classic series Rumple is talking about are gloss varnish to mimic the pre EB [/quote] The OP said "I'm not sure if they are oil/wax or just a matte finish rather then high gloss, anyone know?" & I was replying specifically to that
  4. Seeing that the picture is a snapshot of less than a second of your gig I wouldn't worry about it if it's not hurting or anything.
  5. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1350751309' post='1843095'] Horrible, clinical, souless, over-produced. I must be missing something. [/quote] You forgot smug & self-satisfied.
  6. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1350737676' post='1842862'] I'm not sure if they are oil/wax or just a matte finish rather then high gloss, anyone know? [/quote] The maintenance instructions for them say the necks should be regularly treated with gunstock oil so I'm pretty sure it's not a matt or satin varnish.
  7. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1350735053' post='1842821'] I've also decided I'm not keen on the gloss neck. [/quote] It was the lack of a gloss finish on the neck of my SR5 that was another reason I got rid of it. I know they're very popular but I hate oil/wax finishes more than anything.
  8. The one I had briefly was pretty light, not much over 9lbs I'd have said. I found it to be an awkward cumbersome thing that I just could not get on with though so I got rid of it pretty quickly
  9. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1350678831' post='1842338'] PS:- If you were that bothered about donating to BC - why not try and sell the strings for a teeny tiny amount? Then you could donate that money yourself...? Instead of just chucking them? [/quote] Because I don't have a Paypal account so that was the easiest way to do it.
  10. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1350673978' post='1842254'] Strangest thread i've read today. [/quote] Nothing strange about it - I offered a brand new set of La Bella Deep Talkin' roundwound bass strings to any interested party if they'd make a £10 donation to Basschat, I even said I'd pay for the postage costs. What then happens is a couple of miserable cynical bastards come along & question my motives for doing so, which really pisses me off & causes me to retract the offer. Pretty simple really.
  11. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1350674129' post='1842262'] Just wondering if anyone else had been through the same kind of feelings during their bass playing history? How long did it last? Has it happened more than once? [/quote] I've been playing for over 33 years & this has happened to me several times. What I've usually done is gone off & played another instrument for a few years & have always come back to bass, though I haven't been "passionate" about the instrument for a good 15 years. One of the reasons I originally joined Basschat was I once again found myself at a point where I didn't know what to do: I felt like knocking it all on the head but due to the amount of time I'd invested in playing over the years I felt pretty weird about stopping. I now find myself once again turning my back on bass - I've sold pretty much all my gear (the last of my Zons goes on Sunday) & the idea was to use this money to get some other instruments. Now I've got that money in my hand however I find myself thinking there's just no point in wasting any more money or time on music: the music I try & write is bloody awful clichéd & formulaic stuff, I have no desire to play covers & I find the whole "being in a band" thing unbelievably stressful due to the fact that I'm a bit of a loner & hate having to interact with people any more than necessary. I find that I don't even enjoy listening to music anymore, which I honestly never thought would happen. I guess everything has a finite timespan & quite simply my time as a "musician" has run it's course.
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1350672311' post='1842219'] I knew who a guy who bought his kid a bass and set up some lessons for him. After the first lesson he asked him how he got on, The kid said 'It was great, Dad. I learned all about the E string. It goes E F F# G G#. His father was chuffed to see he was getting into it. After a week, the kid went for his second lesson and his Dad asked hm again how he had got on. 'Dad, I love this instrument. Today I learned about the A string. It goes A A# B C C#. HIs father knew he had found something valuable for his son and gave him a pat on the back. After another week, the father said 'How was your lesson this week, son'? 'Cancelled it, Dad. I had a gig'. . [/quote] He got a gig after four weeks & learning nothing but the names of the notes on each string up to the fifth fret? That must have been a GREAT band!
  13. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1350671336' post='1842201'] I wasn't trying to challenge your story, sorry if it sounded like that. [/quote] Yes it f***ing well did sound like that, thanks. I (or rather Ped, as the money was destined for him) got stitched up by a dishonest bastard on here once, and I just wanted to make sure that didn't happen again, not for my sake because I don't get any of the money anyway - what exactly was your problem with that? Not only that, but as a result of you comment some other **** accuses me of "protesting too much", whatever the f*** that is supposed to mean. Strings are in the bin now so nobody's a winner here are they? Well done you, a great afternoons work!
  14. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1350668449' post='1842135'] I think topo morto makes a fair point. Methinks OP doth protesteth too much??? [/quote] Not that it's anybodies business, but I was in pretty frequent contact with Ped who assured me over a period of time that he had received no donation from the person I sent the strings to in good faith. What is your second comment meant to mean exactly? What are you accusing me of?
  15. Lets be honest about this - for the majority of pop & rock music you really don't need a tutor, regardless of what instrument you play. People managed perfectly well for years without private lessons, Youtube etc. & there are plenty of great players out there that never used them. If you're going to be playing jazz or classical music, or want to go into an area where sight reading is important, then you need the technique & theory behind you, but with pop & rock stuff I think formal lessons are far from essential.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1350666696' post='1842097'] Being in a band with (probably) a bunch of numpties who write lousy songs will do that to you... [/quote] The songs were great, it's just that in 33 years I've never met a musician I can get on with.
  17. I try to get a couple of quid for the forum & I get f***ing interrogated. Strings no longer available.
  18. What about a "Neither" option for people who, for whatever reason, don't play in bands? For what it's worth when I was gigging I only played originals because I had (and still have) absolutely no interest whatsoever in learning other peoples songs. I now do neither because I hate all the crap that goes with being in a band.
  19. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1350658545' post='1841927'] Would love to be able to do that though [/quote] If you'd been shunned by every female you'd ever met then you'd be able to.
  20. Spector or Musicman. Wal if you have money to burn.
  21. He's also a genuinely lovely bloke.
  22. £0.00? That's still too much for a Fender.
  23. It's not just a problem with flats - if you live in a terraced house it's the same. The best place I ever lived for being able to play was a flat actually - it had a solid concrete floor & underneath was a library that was only open a few hours a day. No neighbours on either side too, it was fantastic. I can't remember the last time I played through an amp at home, which is another reason why I've just sold it.
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