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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. The Diamond range was made by Aria. Age-wise it's probably from the mid to late 70s. Pictures would be useful
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1349030453' post='1820895'] You are now free to fix yourself a dry vodka martini with a lemon twist [/quote] It'll probably be a pint of bitter with a Quorn sausage in it but thanks anyway.
  3. There's some very good stuff been posted, and it was difficult to make a decision. This competition has also further brought home to me the fact that I don't have a single ounce of creativity in my body, so thanks for that.
  4. I've just listened & voted so can you please stop staring at me in my head now as it's very unsettling.
  5. RhysP


    Seems a lot quicker this evening. Huzzah!
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1348943994' post='1820054'] That means we only have 8 years before Macca can perform the 50th anniversary of Hey Jude . . . . . [/quote] Remind me to shoot myself in the face before this happens.
  7. RhysP


    Desperately slow today - taken best part of 10 minutes just to get this far from logging in.
  8. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1348740546' post='1817513'] I suspect a lot of the guitar forums out there are strewn with many members who are not on a progressive vibe with regard to helping each other out. [/quote] Sorry, but that's just bollocks. The Hamer Fan Club forum & Gretsch Discussion Pages (to name just two) are full of fantastic people who are incredibly knowledgable & will go out of their way to help people out in any way they can.
  9. See this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187743-omfg-i-want-that-bass/
  10. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1348525551' post='1814920'] Oh, I get it. Just a normal damped note but with a new name. Thanks. [/quote] No, that's not right. If you damp a note it will still have pitch, you're just altering its envelope. Ghost notes don't have pitch. They're more of an atonal thump or click used to add rhythmic structure & variety/interest.
  11. RhysP


    Unbelievable slow today. Pretty much unusable for me.
  12. [quote name='peterjam' timestamp='1347828344' post='1805594'] [attachment=118516:P9141105.JPG] Meet my new Chapman 10-string Stick, which arrived safely on Thursday. It's rosewood with deep matched reciprocal tuning, medium gauge strings, ACTV-2 pickup, black tuners, and turquoise dot inlays. Tuning goes like this - Melody (right to left) Bb, F down a 4th, C down a 4th, G down a 4th, D down a 4th. Bass (right to left) Bb, F up a 5th, C up a 5th, G up a 5th (same note as the melody open G), D up a 5th. I've only been playing through a small amp so far, but still sounds cool. There will need to be a lot of practising before it gets a public outing! [/quote] How are you getting on with it so far?
  13. Waste of time & money IMO. You don't need any more strength in the wrist or fingers to play a guitar or bass than just regularly playing your instrument will give you. Things like this can also actually increase the risk of developing tendonitis.
  14. Another Martin Turner fan here - a very big influence on me.
  15. [quote name='BigAlonBass' timestamp='1347908961' post='1806552'] Don't take this the wrong way (Naturally, somebody will!...) but I find a few Bass Players have very selective hearing. They listen to a song, of whatever genre, and only seem to concentrate on the Bass Line. If the Bass is brilliant, the song must be. However, there are some out there, myself included, who like the 'whole' sound of a piece of music, and if the Bass Line is excellent, well that's a bonus. Because Funk and to an extent, Reggae, feature prominent Bass parts, then the slightly selfish attitude of some of us thinks instantly "I'd love to play that" which in turn means it must be good. I've played songs with absolutely rubbish Bass parts in the past, but thoroughly enjoyed the experience, because I've been part of the ensemble performing it to Joe Public, who in turn seemed to enjoy themselves. As a case in point, Pino ALWAYS plays brilliantly to my way of thinking, but he's worked for people who (in my opinion only) turn out pile after pile of sh**. Nothing can detract from his performance or skill, but he's part of something I don't enjoy, so I can't listen to it. The same goes for a lot of Funk Bass Players-brilliant at what they do, but the music is the finest aid to insomnia that I know of personally. I'll get my flame-proof overalls on now, and nip off to listen to a bit of.......well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? [/quote] I have to agree with this too.
  16. It's funny how my tastes have changed over the years. I've long been a fan of "Prog Rock", but I never liked Genesis to be honest, always finding them a bit insipid compared to the more bombastic stuff like Yes & King Crimson that I loved. Nowadays I find it difficult to listen to Yes, and a lot of King Crimson stuff (specifically the Wetton era non-instrumental stuff with atrocious lyrics) makes me cringe. Over the years however I have come to love Gabriel-era Genesis, I think they are quite superb.
  17. I don't like much Funk & I can't stand Reggae. I also really hate Ska, which everybody else on the planet seems to adore.
  18. More dials usually just means you spend more time f***ing around with the dials than actually playing.
  19. Don't know if you already know Nige, but they're playing in London on October 23rd.
  20. Good stuff - very interesting. I'll have to check the album out. Love this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLM30laoOaA
  21. Me. There's a thing on about Richard Thompson at 11pm too.
  22. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1347295208' post='1798965'] oh my gawd....I was very young!! [/quote] So was I when I bought it!
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