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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1345108168' post='1773520'] I think it's the warmer sounds I'm after, for Blues/Rock type styles. Gilmour, Page, Bonamassa, Gallagher sort of thing. [/quote] I sincerely hope the Gallagher you are referring to is Rory & not Noel.
  2. Opeth are one of my favourite bands but I've never yet managed to catch them live - looks like this time won't be any different.
  3. When you say "Gigging" do you mean places for bands to play or Jam nights/open mic nights where you can turn up & play?
  4. I got it when the Classic Rock pack came out & I still haven't listened to it yet.
  5. It's an old one, so I'd hate to think what the new ones are like.
  6. They were great - highly recommended.
  7. I'm a huge Join Mitchell fan but to be honest Kleins playing has never done much for me.
  8. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1344864133' post='1770244'] I'd take it back to him, having made sure its nothing else in your setup that's causing the static noise. Its your call, but you won't get much for it if its not working, even if you want to see it gone I'd get it fixed first then sell it as working - you'll get a lot more towards a replacement Ashdown or whatever you decide to get! [/quote] [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1344866248' post='1770293'] +1. You'll get some weak offers on an amp with issues. Most people would suspect it might be beyond economic repair - and the person to ask is a good tech. Hopefully it's a small fix. You'd probably be able to get a reasonable chunk of your money back then. [/quote] The thing is, I had it advertised for sale at £400 for months both on here & locally when it was working properly & nobody bought it, even though loads of people said what a bargain it was. I really don't see the point in throwing more money at it if I'm going to be taking a kicking on it price-wise anyway. The guy I used for the repair obviously wasn't any good, I don't drive so getting it anywhere is a logistical nightmare & another repair bil when I'm probably only going to get £200 for it fully working just seems pointless. Somebody contacted me through Gumtree when I first advertised it & offered me £250 for it; I thought he was a cheeky bastard at the time but I wish to god I'd sold it to him now. I hate amps anyway - I view them as nothing more than a necessary evil & have no interest in them whatsoever. The thought of having to go through all the hassle of choosing & buying another one is doing my head in.
  9. Lovely! If it's as good as mine you'll probably never touch your Overwater again.
  10. Depending on how old your Tonepump circuit is there should be a trim pot on the preamp that allows you to reduce the output. Spector recommend setting it at about 70% - that's where I've got mine & I'm very happy with it.
  11. I don't know really. The distortion problem has gone but now it's just started making lots of static-y noises. I'm completely fed up with it to be honest & I just want to see the back of the f***ing thing. I've got an audition for a band in couple of weeks & I can't do it with this piece of crap. Wish I'd never got rid of my Ashdown - that's the only amp I've had that's never given me any grief.
  12. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1344504058' post='1765447'] There's a difference? [/quote] I'd happily eat butternut squash......
  13. Well, it's back & it sounds better than it did, but I'm just not really happy with it. I'm going to put it on Ebay cheaply so somebody can buy it & have a go at sorting it out if they feel like it..
  14. I voted for LaBella as I use Slappers & Deep Talkin' bass rounds on my Zons. However, when I bought my Spector Euro 5LX a few months ago it was strung with Dean Markley Blue Steels & I love them so I'll be using those from now on - just as soon as I can find somewhere in this country that stocks them......
  15. "She started to undress, what a shock to see, padded bra, blonde wig, not much left for me" "Don't Make No Promises (Your Body Can't Keep) - The Scorpions.
  16. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1344582682' post='1766604'] Yes maybe not AT ALL doubting the guy's honnesty... [/quote] So if I was to drop the price on the Zon Legacy I'm trying to sell to £799 because I can't get a realistic price for it & I'm desperate for the money I'd immediatley become a scammer in yours eyes then would I?
  17. RhysP

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    [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1344677207' post='1767813'] bailiwick. [/quote] I'm betting that's the first time the word "bailiwick" has been used on Basschat. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. I thought this thread was going to be about Leo Sayer. How very disappointing.
  19. The strings you want to put on are lighter (40-100) than the ones you've got on there now (45-105), not heavier. The truss rod might need a tweak, but it all depends on the individual bass - I've had basses where I've never needed to adjust the neck & ones that needed adjusting all the time. It's easy to do, but if you've never tried it before you'll probably be a bit nervous about doing it. There are probably other forum members in your area, why not see if somebody can go through what you need to do with you so you can learn to do it yourself? It's much cheaper than paying for a set up every time you get new strings.
  20. Holy sh*t! How many more Hamer 12vers have you got? This is killing me! Doesn't look like it's got the Hamer logo on the headstock, has it?
  21. You can do this on a Korg Triton, which has quite a few different electric piano sounds. Whether the sounds are "authentic" enough for you is an entirely different matter......
  22. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1344451285' post='1764842'] sucks there's no reply from the maker - CS counts, they should offer support for the small fraction of end users that experience issues. Costs a fair bit but can win you life long customers... like Genz Benz. [/quote] I'm probably going to have to buy a new rig of some sort before too long & I think I can safely say that EBS gear will not be featuring on my shopping list anymore. Now Genz Benz on the other hand........
  23. 30db is equivalent to hearing somebody whisper in a quiet room from a distance of 6 feet, so if that's making your nose bleed you might want to lay off the coke for a while.
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