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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Well, I've heard nothing back from EBS so this afternoon I took my amp to a tech to see if it can be sorted out. He's ringing me Friday afternoon with the good/bad news.
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1344415701' post='1763999'] It's also confirmed for me that I'll never own a Stingray [/quote] It confirmed for me why I sold mine.
  3. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1344416048' post='1764006'] don't understand why any one with a minimum of knowledge would put a 2k+ bass for 799... seems a bit too good to be true.... [/quote] Zon resale prices tend to be a fraction of their new price (great if you're buying, a pain in the arse if you're selling) - £799 is not suspiciously low for a Legacy Standard.
  4. I thought the Warwick Star was by far the best one on there - great sound & looked pretty good too.
  5. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1344353619' post='1763239'] Never heard of him before or any of his music, but he seems a nice chap. [/quote] Pete Way is an absolute f***ing legend. It's astonishing that he's still alive, given the lifestyle he's had since the 70s.
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1344365735' post='1763528'] Wasn't he the singer in Supertramp? [/quote] Oi! Get your own crap Roy Hodgson joke!
  7. It's Peregrine "Kettledrum" Henderson for f***s sake, don't you people know anything?
  8. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1344268510' post='1761988'] Before we start a groove versus non-groove war..... [/quote] Not my intention at all; I like plenty of what would be classed as "Groove" music, it's just that some people seem to think groove is the be-all and end-all of the function of bass playing and I would beg to differ, that's all.
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1344258845' post='1761786'] You can read where the music's coming from if you can spot the influences. [/quote] Definitely. Absolutely nothing whatsoever surprised me about that clip, I pretty much knew where it was going as surely as if they'd being playing a 12 bar. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1344261326' post='1761837'] The groove obsession is certainly a barrier to the acceptance of less repetitive genres. Personally, I find 'groove playing', particularly when it is locked into one or two chords, increasingly tedious, both as a listener and as a player. [/quote] I agree with you totally on that. I've never understood this obsession with "groove"; it's a very american attitude IMO. Most of the music I really enjoy, and have done for years, is not groove based; it's the thing I love more than anything about the english progressive rock bands of the 70s. Americans just cannot do progressive Rock IMO; they invariably turn it into a technique-heavy bastardised form of jazz fusion and the bloody rhythm sections are always too hung up on "groove", being "in the pocket" & all those other ghastly terms. When I was gigging if I saw people dancing then I knew I was doing something wrong.
  10. A rather fantastic Zon legacy Standard (bolt on neck) for sale in Edinborough with an absolute bargain buy it now price of £799! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ZON-LEGACY-BASS-GUITAR-4-STRING-BARTOLINI-PICK-UPS-CARBON-NECK-ASH-BODY-GIGBAG-/330774485568?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4d03b21a40
  11. [quote name='dnarocks' timestamp='1344202710' post='1761307'] when you say price drop, is it less then 450 now? [/quote] This was at £500 the other day, so I'm sure the £450 includes the price drop.
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1344203096' post='1761320'] Conlan Nancarrow? Was he one of Madam Cholet's french relatives..? [/quote] Nah, you're thinking of Edgard Varèse.
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1344198885' post='1761193'] Certainly not my cup of tea. I'm more of a 'verses, choruses and a bit of a tune' sort of guy. [/quote] Wouldn't have fancied a Wombles / Conlan Nancarrow collaboration then?
  14. I've never failed to be impressed with any Carvin gear I've tried. I'll have to check these out as I'm on the lookout for a new amp & it sounds perfect from your description.
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1344193368' post='1761061'] Very Brand X; [/quote] That's exactly what I thought. I liked it, but can sounding like a late 70s fusion band really be classed as "experimental" these days? Most of the stuff on Percy Jones' "Cape Catastrophe" is more experimental than that clip IMO, and that's over 20 years old.
  16. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1344167963' post='1760599'] i only knew about 3 songs they played as I kind of lost touch with Maiden in 92. Saw them at Twickers a few years ago and they were great, but can't say I was impressed with the concert shown. [/quote] It was heavily edited for TV, and unfortunately they chose a lot of songs that were very similar from their later albums, so I'd agree that the TV version was a bit samey & probably wouldn't have endeared them to anybody not familiar with the stuff - I was surprised how many of the "classics" they left out for the TV edit, and I've never thought Bruce could sing "Iron Maiden" very well; his phrasing is all wrong.
  17. I saw them a couple of times with Di'anno (& "Big" Den Stratton!) in the very old days & they were pretty good but at the time I thought Saxon were the far better live band. Back then I never would have expected Maiden to become one of the biggest bands in the world & stay there for as long as they have. I've seen them quite a few times with Bruce over the years, including the last tour, and I've always come away feeling I've got my moneys worth & had a really good night, so long may they continue.
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1344110520' post='1760029'] Thanks! I can take them or leave them. My other half is recovering from a major op that practically cut her in half; so I'll add it on to the list of stuff to watch quietly while she's having a nap or early night. Makes a change from 60's sci-fi & post war b/w films. [/quote] Regardless of who the band is, I found it to be a very interesting look at the logistical side of taking a big show like that around the world. They always come across as a really down to earth bunch of blokes too.
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1344014573' post='1758816'] I still don't see the attraction. Something for blokes of a certain age...? [/quote] I always thought she was lovely, but I think she's become quite stunningly beautiful as she's got older. (I've never liked that picture of her with the bass though).
  20. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1344107027' post='1759972'] If you play with brass & Woodwind then expect lots of songs to be in Eb and Bb. [/quote] Not really a problem with most Death Metal to be honest.
  21. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1344107473' post='1759981'] Maybe it's cause I leave space in the guitar lines. (being a bassist 'n all!) [/quote] It definitely sounds more of a taste issue than a technical one to me.
  22. Resonwood is actually a mixture of birch fibres & phenolic resin made under extremely high pressure. So there. I would have thought Gibson could easily offset the price of these cheap guitars by charging the ludicrous amounts of money it does for it's higher end (and often decidedly iffy quality-wise) guitars & basses.
  23. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1344104185' post='1759910'] At a recent gig I did with my 'guitar' band the new bassist explained he was having trouble hearing me, and could he have a guitar cab on my side of the 'stage' ( pub corner) (vocals only to pa) I explained that I understood it was a bad idea for blah blah technical reasons. Him and the drummer stared blankly. So come the gig I thought 'to hell with it' And stacked my 1x12 guitar combo on a 2x10 bass cab behind me, and my 1x12 guitar extension cab on a 2x10 cab behind him. It gets Worse. .. I Hooked up with obbm 5m instrument cables. Not speaker cables. Sounded great!?! So great even the audience noticed, loads of comments on it. The whole thing sounded 'bigger' Line up is guitar/vox bass/bv's and drums/bv's. One of those things I guess. [/quote] I'm sure somebody will be along in a moment with a graph & some big words to let you know exactly why you shouldn't have done it.
  24. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1344105350' post='1759933'] I've been getting all geed up about watching the backstage story on the gig on iPlayer. Would I be better off getting the Monopoly out? [/quote] The documentary on before the live gig was very good IMO. If you like maiden you'll enjoy it, if you don't then I doubt if it'll change your mind.
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