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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Definitely try before you buy - I picked up a mint condition Stingray 5 for a great price & after spending a week with it I'd never been so disappointed with a bass in my life.
  2. Martin Mendez from Opeth occasionally uses them.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343303996' post='1748551'] Stick that in your pipes and smoke it, Fender-knockers! [/quote] For the sort of price those basses cost there shouldn't have been a "manufacturing defect" in the first place.
  4. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1343176231' post='1746696'] I just realised tonight how much Sting has influenced my approach to writing bass lines. His sense of drive, groove, timing, and space is wonderful. I forgot how much of an influence he's been on my playing and writing, and in a sense I have transcended his influence and developed my own approach. .....I can't deny Sting's influence has been huge, I almost feel like a copyist, but he's never in my mind when I write or play. [/quote] I think the influence of all three members of The Police was gigantic for a whole generation of players. I was certainly influenced by Sting & Andy Summers as a bass/guitar player, and I can't really think of a guitarist, bass player or drummer who I knew at the time who didn't take something from them regardless of genre played.
  5. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1342878702' post='1742285'] ....a gig is about music not shifting beer, or maybe i've got it all wrong [/quote] If you're playing in a pub, whether you're being paid or not, the only reason you are there is to (hopefully) increase the bar takings - most landlords couldn't give a f*** about the music. If you don't bring the punters in & keep the tills ringing all night you won't be playing there again, paid or unpaid.
  6. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1340992350' post='1712637'] If anyone wants to swap me for an EBS combo though........... [/quote] I've got an EBS Gorm 350et 1x15 combo if you're interested..... I've never got on with Markbass stuff either - I find it anything but transparent. I used one for some session work I did in Switzerland a few years ago & while it was OK it just didn't impress me in any way. Used various combos & head/cab set ups since then but always felt the same. The fact that the colour scheme makes them look like Fisher Price "My First Bass Amp" toys doesn't help either IMO.
  7. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1343078065' post='1745004'] Gretsch Pro - jet [/quote] Good point - there should be a Gretsch in your poll. I'd take a Gretsch 6120 over any of the others & it's certainly a classic.
  8. Well, SG's are horrendously ugly, the worst guitar I ever owned was a Gibson Les Paul, & I don't get on with Strats because the control layout drives me nuts as I keep accidentally turning the volume down when I'm playing. Telecaster it is then.
  9. You'd be looking at having to pay around the £330 - £350 mark in VAT & Import duty on that. It's always difficult to give an exact price as ultimately it's down to the currency conversion rate on the day that the sale is made.
  10. [quote name='Torben Hedstrøm' timestamp='1342969815' post='1743254'] On bit of a sidenote... Anyone actually read a bad remark on the feedback section about anyone ?. Thought about doing som myself after this deal, and I probably will in near future. Just seems that it's not something people do very often... [/quote] I've seen bad feedback left for somebody I have dealt with on here. (I didn't have any problem with the person BTW).
  11. "It is in good working order but does have some high-ranking Third Reich gob on the mouthpiece , so swings and roundabouts."
  12. My lovely Fylde Orsino has been posted before in the "Guitar Porn" thread, but as this is an acoustic only thread here it is again: [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/FyldeOrsino-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/FyldeOrsinobody.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/FyldeOrsinoback.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/FyldeOrsinoheadstock.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/FyldeOrsinosidea.jpg[/IMG] This is the only Orsino in existence that has herringbone binding like the more expensive Fylde models; usually the Orsino just has plain black plastic binding. It's a superb guitar but it's going up for sale soon as I just can't justify keeping a guitar of this quality & just dicking around on it for 10 minutes every couple of months. It deserves to be played & enjoyed.
  13. I watched it when it was on a few weeks ago & really enjoyed it.
  14. Try here: http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/ Bought stuff from them many times & they're fantastic. Don't think you'd get one in Maplins - check online before making the trip.
  15. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1342868732' post='1742051'] .....I don't own a waistcoat yet. [/quote] You have to have one or they won't let you play.
  16. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1342854450' post='1741833'] and what happens at jam nights? [/quote] The bassist & drummer will be expected to play an endless 12 bar progression whilst an array of middle aged guitarists play completely uninspired (& uninspiring) pentatonic solos over it. Most of these guitarists will be wearing t-shirts with pictures of eagles or wolves on them & a waistcoat over the top of it. There will also usually be a fat bald bloke who gets up and plays a harmonica REALLY badly. It's hell on earth.
  17. I was listening to you just the other evening when I put on my old vinyl copy of Gary Boyles "The Dancer".
  18. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1342637148' post='1738505'] What the heck were Aria thinking when they slapped the hardware together on these basses?!! It's a mess of pottage, a total stramash!!! ... Black knobs switches, and pickups, brass bridge and nut, chrome tuners, and aluminium strap buttons![/quote] Plenty of guitars & basses with that kind of mixed hardware in the late 70's & the early/mid 80's, including Jaydee. Mine had a brass bridge & string anchors, chrome schaller machines, brass & wooden knobs, bone nut. Looking back I wonder why I ever loved Jaydees so much - I think they're unbelievebly ugly now.
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342637157' post='1738506'] All I did was ask for clarification on your confusing thread. Why on earth would anybody find the thread confusing? Your rude assumptions aside, can you blame people for thinking this was a thread about guessing the name of a bass (the clue is kinda in the title) so when it turns out to be a thread about a cool bass which suddely derails itself in one jump to some obscure straps there might be some confusion? Who knows. But you sir are 100% rude for throwing accusations 5 minutes after joining a friendly forum such as this. I guess that sort of thing is ok on TB but here things are met far more civilly. [/quote] The only people I can see that were rude in this thread were the various people who seemed to think that it was a competition & questioned the OP about the prize. I think you & the other people were pretty damn rude about the OP's motives for the thread, especially as he's a newcomer. Quite frankly I think you've got a bloody nerve talking about the forum being friendly & civil after the way you reacted to the thread, which only a complete idiot would have thought was a competition in the first place.
  20. I forgot to mention that the Spectrasonic had a chambered body so I don't deserve a prize anyway. That's a beautiful bass BTW, I've always loved the design of the Spectrasonic guitars.
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342623738' post='1738085'] I don't get this. The OP says hi to the UK, poses a question and offers a prize to the winner. The question is duly answered (with bells on)... and surprise surprise by a UK dude. But then it is revealed that his prize cannot be posted to the UK... but there may be distributors somewhere. Huh? Is this an advert? Did I miss something? [/quote] The post title says "MAY" win a prize - I assumed from the outset that it was just a jokey title & that there was no prize, I certainly didn't provide the answer in the hope of winning anything. I am VERY surprised that anybody would have thought for a second that this was an actual competition. Cut the guy some slack.
  22. That is a Gretsch G6145 Spectrasonic bass. 22 frets, mahogany neck, paduak fretboard (33inch scale), alder body, spruce top, T.V. Jones Thundertron pickups. Spectrasonics used to be made for Gretsch by Hamer, but I think they're made in Japan now since Fender bought Hamer & turned it into a custom order only business. (The two other guitar forums I am a member of are the Gretsch Discussion Pages & The Hamer Fan Club Forum!)
  23. I've got some Rhys Chatham stuff - I can recommend "Die Donnergötter". I would think anybody wanting to take part in this would need to be a pretty good player, and also be able to sight read very well. That's me out then.
  24. I always liked his brother Bill in the Rupert the Bear cartoons. I saw Extreme years ago & they were a bloody good live band, Pat Badger was playing one of his Mouradians & he had a monster sound. I never could get on with Gary Cherrones voice though.
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