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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. That's a pretty good list of rock bass players to have on an endorsement list, and let's not forget Basschats very own Matt Cohen of The Reasoning. I saw Anthrax a few weeks ago & Frank Bello was getting a GREAT sound from his Hartke rig.
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1342280302' post='1732761'] well in a recent interview mr squire explained how the bass was so muchg higher up in the mix than expected due to a dodgy pair of headphones in the studio - it all came out with the bass in your face but the effect was pleasant so they stuck with it [/quote] That was when they recorded "Time & a Word" - the bass on that album is astonishingly loud.
  3. They played "Fly From Here" when they toured the Drama album in 1980. I remember thinking at the time that it was pretty lame so the idea of hearing an extended version of it 30+ years after it was written just doesn't appeal to me at all. The ousting of Jon Anderson while he was seriously ill put me right off them as well to be honest. The band, and Squire in particular, lost any respect I had for them with the way they treated him. I'm another big fan of Tormato - it contains some of their best material - Future Times/Rejoice, Release Release & On the Silent Wings of Freedom are as good as anything they ever did IMO.
  4. Drama was one of my favourite Yes albums. I used to be a huge fan of them but I find it very difficult to listen to them anymore.
  5. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1341949184' post='1726954'] Bet you end up going into 'School Days' by our Stan [/quote] I've never noticed that until now.
  6. [quote name='jonthebass' timestamp='1342035163' post='1728568'] ooh, With a nice guitar like that I'd get it to a reputable luthier... [/quote] This.
  7. I saw Mike Keneally in a little club in Cardiff years ago. The guy he was staying with while in the UK who was acting as his driver & also played a few songs with him was Dave Gregory. Had a great chat to him about the legendary recording sessions for the "Skylarking" album & generally about Todd Rundgren stuff as we're both massive fans. Keneally played a Todd song as well -turned out he was a big fan too. Great night.
  8. I've been using Labella Slappers for years & love 'em.
  9. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1341777623' post='1724070'] I actually got to number 72 in the charts (with a classical group I was with) for one week in 1989 aged 15 following a performance on Blue Peter before I went on my tour of China. [/quote] Did you get a Blue Peter badge?
  10. It would be about 25% - it's VAT at 20% & the import duty (which is around 3-5%). This is added to the combined cost of the item & the shipping cost. The other things to bear in mind, especially with electrical items, is that you'll need some kind of transformer to use it in this country (unless it has user switchable voltages) & also if it's made for the US market then the warranty will probably not be valid in this country, and even if it is shipping the amp back to the US for any repairs will be pretty expensive. If it was me buying this & I was only saving £50 I'd just buy one over here & save myself all the potential hassle.
  11. Personally I'd far rather see somebody looking at the neck of their bass or guitar than watch them cheesily gurning at the audience in some pathetic attempt at being an "entertainer".
  12. Holy crap! I don't normally do the lottery but I'm doing it tomorrow!
  13. [quote name='Stickman' timestamp='1341404687' post='1718368'] .....I also found I was never using the higher notes. [/quote] This is the very reason why I'm unsure about getting a 12 string Grand Stick - I found I didn't use the really high notes on my 10 string so I could well find the extra two string don't get used & I'd also have the narrower string spacing to contend with as well.
  14. This is the poster from the last gig I ever played, which we did to celebrate what would have been Chris our guitarists 40th birthday (he died from a brain tumour when he was 36). [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/shokcroc.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Nice playing! That looks just like my old Stick - I've got to get another one, it's my main priority at the moment. I can't decide whether to say with 10 strings or take the plunge & get a 12ver. What pickup has that got - a Stickup? Definitely the best sounding of the options IMO. What gauge strings do you use for the baritone melody tuning? Why did you settle on baritone melody BTW? It's the tuning that I'm thinking of going for but I'd just like to hear your opinion if that's OK.
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1341244718' post='1715653'] ....check out the [i]Animal Logic[/i] records, they are fantastic. Great, intelligent pop music that should appeal to musicians. [/quote] I thought the lyrics on the first album were the most godawful mawkish Moon/June crap I've ever heard. Didn't bother with any other stuff as a result.
  17. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1339537552' post='1690335'] 65 SQUID !!!! I'd want Stanley to come and play in my living room for that. [/quote] I'd want him to suck me off for that sort of money. While Copeland watched. And then give me an Alembic afterwards.
  18. Bargain! The best guitar I've ever played was a Dean - an early 80's US Cadillac in blueburst.
  19. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1340963772' post='1712036'] Anybody inspired by the Stairway to Heaven vid? [/quote] The only thing "Stairway to Heaven" could inspire me to do would be invent a time machine so I could go back & stop Led Zeppelin from ever happening.
  20. You might also want to find out from Dingwall if your bass is covered by the USA warranty in this country - it might not be.
  21. That's a lovely looking bass.
  22. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340645595' post='1707533'] Rhys ...just say "yes", it's that easy! [/quote] I've got myself into far too much trouble in the past by just saying "Yes"......6 months of meticulous planning before doing anything these days means life isn't so exciting but it's a lot safer.
  23. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340623118' post='1707044'] Introducing Debs to Marcus Miller was another high spot. [/quote] Bloody hell, was he in the car as well? Sounds like a great day was had - wish I could be that spontaneous!
  24. RhysP

    Low morale?

    There seem to be a lot of people on here that seriously object to non-university educated minimum wage underclass scum such as myself being on the forum.
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