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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I do sometimes actually, it's very small & 100% concrete.
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1338303868' post='1672415'] If you want to be trying to break new ground in the drum and bass/dubstep area then you have pretty much no choice... [/quote] Surely you would be breaking "new ground in the drum and bass/dubstep area" by NOT using shitloads of effects?
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1338288073' post='1672059'] I don't really think it will be necessary for the "girls" to stay later and clear up.... [/quote] Leave 'em to it - they love nothing more than a good old Hoover & polish.............
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1338302365' post='1672376'] You need a pedal to tune up. [/quote] No you don't.
  5. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1337989133' post='1668521'] This regime allows proper practice even for busy people. [/quote] I'm just guessing, but you don't have children, work six days a week & also have to be primary carer for two elderly parents, do you?
  6. [quote name='Stickman' timestamp='1338208389' post='1670767'] I will be at the Islington Academy to see Gavin Harrison & 05ric plus Tony Levin & Pat Mastelotto on June 7th. [/quote] I'm seeing them in cardiff two nights earlier. VERY excited!! Wish I still had my Stick - I could have got it signed by Tony Levin.
  7. It was only Wetton & Eddie Jobson from the original line up. Terry Bozzio is doing the USA & Japan dates, Gary Husband did the one British gig. No Bill Bruford = No interest whatsoever for me.
  8. I've seen him use a Jazz bass, a non reverse Thunderbird & his old faithful Rickenbacker (along with many other basses) & he sounded pretty much the same with all of them.
  9. How long have you been playing, and how old are you? It might not be "a rut", you just might not enjoy it as much as you did when you were younger & had more enthusiasm/energy/time/whatever. I found not playing at all for a while got me back into it a bit - I didn't touch a bass for about seven years. Still wasn't the same buzz as when I was younger though.
  10. [quote name='green' timestamp='1337853014' post='1666296'] Damn, thats a nice Bogart right there ! I had a few myself, and I still own a single coil equipped 4 stringer, and a Humbucker equipped 5 stringer. These Basses are probably the most underrated basses out there. Whatever you heard about graphite necks and graphite bodies, it's not true with this bass, since it sounds so "woody", right ? [/quote] Yes, it's a great bass. I've actually moved it on now as at the time I'd pretty much decided to stick to four strings. Incredibly high standard of build and finish, and as you say a very warm sound for an all composite instrument. It was for sale in the Gallery in Camden earlier this year - don't know if it's still there or not.
  11. That's a lovely looking Pilot! Guild Pilots are great basses - very under-rated.
  12. [quote name='KuzBass' timestamp='1337778927' post='1665300'] Not very much original, but it is now in my hands! I just love it! [/quote] That one is a beauty. Welcome to the club.
  13. [quote name='KuzBass' timestamp='1337771586' post='1665114'] My dream bass at the moment [/quote] They are pretty awesome, it has to be said. Have you seen the Zon thread in the Gear Porn section? It's here if you want to have a look: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/54706-where-are-the-zons/
  14. Not a bass, but I deeply regret selling my Chapman Stick.
  15. [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/bongocolours.jpg[/IMG]
  16. Just realised I've never put pictures of my Zon Legacy Elite fretless four string on this thread: [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/ZonFretless1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/RhysP/Guitars/ZonFretless2.jpg[/IMG]
  17. Pickboy Edge Carbon Nylon 1mm.
  18. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1337432844' post='1659857'] Even more unexpected to find another forum member hails from Morriston! [/quote] I was going to say you should start a choir, but Morriston already has one of those.
  19. Somebody that describes themselves as an expert is most probably going to be an unbearably almighty bellend, regardless of whether they actually are an expert or not.
  20. I've got one of the wooden backplate ones too & I've not had any problems with it. Don't use the tiny little rawlplugs they supply with it though; make sure you fix it to the wall very securely.
  21. Get a Hiscox Liteflight Standard.
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1337382672' post='1659292'] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I don’t understand how anyone can say its ‘ugly’. [/font][/size] [/quote] Because other people have a different idea of what is aesthetically pleasing to you? Bongo = Ugly as f*** bass. Bongo with tort scratch plate = Unbelievably hideously ugly as f*** bass. IMO of course.
  23. Welcome from another Welsh person.
  24. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1337374429' post='1659134'] I'm no Spector expert, but it looks like one of the far eastern ones, a bit like the current performer series. [/quote] It's definitely one of the far eastern ones, but I'm unsure as to which model as they renamed them all. Currently they're the "Legend" & " Performer" series but I think Waynes bass is an earlier incarnation. I would think it's got to have been a good buy for £150.00 though; I've not heard a bad word said about these import models.
  25. The EMG HZ pickups would be standard, the D Tuner would almost certainly have been added.
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