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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Sounds like a pretty childish idea to me, and guaranteed to offend & upset people if you're playing a street party to celebrate the Queens jubilee that will have people from all generations attending.
  2. [quote name='Oldman' timestamp='1332968291' post='1595754'] Just trawling the forum and spotted this old thread and your playing Danny, something else....reason for posting is...I have just enquired about a hyperbass direct from Zon, nothing special just a straightforward no xtenders altered tuning jobby just 'bog' standard. The bass looks amazing, I have had it priced in Black, solid black, no fancy wood, just black. Not sure if I will do it 7 month lead and 50% up front on a $6,000 bass.......something will have to go..... My knackers if Mrs Blondie ever found out. This could be a dream as I don't do fancy bass... [/quote] If you haven't already you might want to read GremlinAndys posts on waiting for his Hyperbass to be delivered in the Zons GearPorn thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/54706-where-are-the-zons/page__st__40 Not trying to put you off or anything - I have two Zons & I think they're the best basses money can buy.
  3. I've seen Dressed to Kill (where is Cetera these days?) & I'd like to see Dick Venom & the Terrortones if I ever get the chance.
  4. I've just bought that type of adaptor for my Jacques chorus pedal from here: [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/"]http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/mini-jack-plug-adaptor-12-p.asp[/url] Great to deal with - very impressed with them. Also bought a power supply from them which is really good.
  5. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    That's a fantastic shape - I love the Klein stuff. It's obviously used the Ovation Breadwinner/Deacon shape as a reference but has been tweaked enough to be different. I look forward to seeing that when it's finished.
  6. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='charic' timestamp='1332621133' post='1590900'] It's an interesting shape! Very hard to imagine what it's going to look like [/quote] I would think it will look very similar to a Klein.
  7. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    Here's a few of mine: My pre lawsuit Levinson Blade Texas Standard, modded with EMG David Gilmour pickups & tone circuit. My Roland GR505 guitar controller with GR700 synth module. Guitar modded with a Kahler tremolo (now sold). My stunning Fylde Orsino Custom - the only one made with the herringbone binding found on the more expensive Fylde models (according to Roger Bucknell himself). My Gretsch Brian Setzer Hotrod, which is actually metallic purple but the colour never comes out right in photos (now sold). 1982 Hamer Special (now sold).
  8. No Spectors added to this thread for a while, so here's my recently purchased Euro 5 LX: Bought from DesmondPot a few weeks ago (and owned by a few others on the forum before him) & it's an absolutely stunning bass; really comfortable, sounds awesome & plays like a dream. Always wanted a Spector - if they're all this good I can see why they're so popular.
  9. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1332599256' post='1590521'] Aww C'mon they were, or seem to be meant innocently. Theres not a paedo on every corner you know. [/quote] I wasn't being entirely serious. If Gilbert O Sullivan wants to sing a nice happy pop song about wanting to marry his underage niece then who am I to point the finger?
  10. I've always thought "Claire" by Gilbert O Sullivan and "Save your kisses for me" by Brotherhood of Man were a bit dodgy - "Even though you're only three" ???!!!
  11. I would have thought the Gary Glitter back catalogue is a bit of a no-no these days.
  12. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1332575483' post='1590147'] Nice to see that live footage from the Athens gig which was on a video called POV. Such a shame you don't seem to be able to get this on DVD as it's brilliant, none of the huge stage effects us on the Secret World or Growing Up tours, but still wonderful use of stage space and correography. [/quote] I saw the "SO" tour in the NEC in 1987 & it was one of the best gigs I've ever seen. As you say, the stage set-up was very sparse, but the whole show was wonderfully produced & choreographed with really clever use of minimal, mainly white, lighting. By way of contrast I saw David Bowies "Glass Spider" tour a few weeks before the Gabriel show, and for all it's elaborate effects it was one of the crappiest gigs I've ever been to - very much a case of style over content.
  13. The Tubes are a great band - "Remote Control" is one of my all-time favourite albums.
  14. Are you going to tell us what the rare guitar is then?
  15. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1332274078' post='1586005'] Would it be wrong of me (and pedantic) to point out the original post title should be "What is Hip?"....... [/quote] Fear not - I would say it was no less than your duty to do exactly that.
  16. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1332251859' post='1585562'] I think he meant form - abab, bridge, solos and out. Garry [/quote] Actually I think he meant A flat. I was making some kind of attempt at humour - a complete waste of f***ing time in this thread by the looks of things.
  17. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1332197550' post='1584825'] When you think about it, it's a bunch of superb players united pretty much only by Ab [/quote] Is Ab their manager then?
  18. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1332197975' post='1584834'] Should feature some nice Toby Levin segments I reckon. [/quote] I hope Tony is on there too. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1332230811' post='1585000'] Now what I'd really like to see is a re-run of the PG South Bank Special, filmed at Real World during the recording of his fourth album. [/quote] That is actually available (in about eight parts) on YouTube. I watched it not long ago & it was just as brilliant as it was when I saw it on TV the first time.
  19. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1332202163' post='1584904'] I find that style of criticism non-constructive and juvenile. [/quote] Well spotted Sherlock - it was meant to be. Sorry to be juvenile in the middle of such a serious adult discussion as talking about whether somebodys bass sounds nice or not. Whether I'd said what I did or posted a detailed technical dissertation on exactly why that piece of music does nothing for me the outcome would be the same - everybody would have their own opinion & the OP would occasionally reply with the written equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears & going "lalalala I can't hear you"
  20. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1332191914' post='1584695'] He has the best tone YOU could wish for... He has the tone I have nightmares about... [/quote] I have to agree with you - that bass tone most certainly sucks donkey bollocks bigtime.
  21. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1332171840' post='1584237'] I have an IKEA flask with some very nice hoops in different shades of green. Is that hip? [/quote] No, a hip flask is one of those little metal ones you put whisky or brandy in.....
  22. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1332181906' post='1584466'] Oh crap, sorry my post was spam then. [/quote] Not at all. Just showing you he's got a lot of admirers on here.
  23. I read an interview with Geezer in "Beat Instrumental" around the time of "Never Say Die" where he was talking about owning a Rickenbacker & rarely using it but carried it as a spare. He was meant to be playing one of his John Birch basses for the filming of the video but the truss rod went in the neck before filming & the bass was unplayable so he had no choice but to use the Rick.
  24. There was another thread about him recently: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169138-viacelsav-svedov-show-some-love-for-the-guy/ He's a member on here & he's pretty popular.
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