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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1327932703' post='1518962'] but don't be too disheartened, because when fender gets it right, the USA basses are brilliant. [/quote] For the money USA Fenders cost they should be getting it right [u][b]every single f***ing time[/b][/u].
  2. [quote name='jonannlou' timestamp='1327877942' post='1518293'] The 18v elecs are a dream [/quote] Are you sure it's an 18v circuit? From what I remember of my old Jaydee (which had a neck so unstable I spent 95% of the time I owned it adjusting the f***ing thing before I finally gave up on it) one of the two batteries was purely for powering the LED on the pickup selector.
  3. That really was a superb display of fretless bass cliches to be avoided at all costs.
  4. I'd also stop using the Gripmaster thing if I were you as all that's likely to do is increase the risk of tendonitis - no use whatsoever from a playing perspective. You don't need an iron grip to play a bass guitar.
  5. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1327777814' post='1516711'] I'm going to have to go dig out my copy of No Roses now you've mentioned it, I haven't listened to it for years. [/quote] I first heard a track from "No Roses" on a Folk sampler album (on 8 track cartridge!!) called "Clogs" when I was really young & it completely blew me away as I'd never heard anything like it before. I found the lyrics and the instrumentation completely captivating & listened to it over & over again - the track was "The Murder of Maria Marten" & I still love it to this day. When I was in my first band with friends in high school I suggested we cover it & the rest of them thought I was insane as they were all listening to stuff like The Clash & The Damned. Their lack of enthusiasm (& also not knowing anybody who played a Hurdy Gurdy) meant I never got to realise my dream of performing it.
  6. This is good news. I'm sure Ashley knows what he's doing & wouldn't do this unless he was sure it would be a bloody good band & a worthy successor to all his other Albion projects. One of the new line-up is Ashley's son so his DNA will be present even if he isn't. I was listening to some old Albion Country Band vinyl only the other night - "No Roses". Superb Stuff.
  7. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1327738466' post='1515971'] [sub]But Judas Priest have an all out Gibson (V, Paul, Thunderbird) thing going on.....[/sub] [/quote] No they don't - KK & Glenn have both used Hamers pretty much exclusively for years & Ian Hill always played a Jazz until he started using Spectors. He now has his own Spector signature model. The only Gibson I've ever seen a picture of Ian Hill with was a crappy old solid body violin shaped thing. (Don't know what the new boy uses but to be honest I don't care - it's not Priest without Kenny Downing IMO).
  8. I'd have the Fodera & swap it for a couple of Zons (you didn't say anything about not swapping!).
  9. Those old Rich's are f***ing awesome instruments.
  10. I did a bit of repair work on one of these a few weeks ago & it was a really nice bass - neck felt really good & it sounded great.
  11. I've been trying to find some photos of my old 10 string Chapman Stick to put on this thread but I can't find them anywhere.
  12. Kim Wilde watched me play guitar with Todd Rundgren at the Forum in London in 1994.
  13. Is that the case for the defence or the prosecution?
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1327347669' post='1509780'] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmeirion"]http://en.wikipedia....iki/Portmeirion[/url] cause cool stuff was filme there. [/quote] Yes, but that's not musical is it? "Historically or otherwise" was said in relation to specifically music related stuff.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1327321688' post='1509193'] And the Eisteddfod is in August... [/quote] The Eisteddfod is for serious hardcore Welsh Nationalists only - It's like the Nuremburg Rallies with sheep.
  16. Lots of beautiful places in Wales but there's nothing I would say was a musical "must-see", historically or otherwise.
  17. I used to love looking through the Bells catalogues that my older brother used to get through the post. It was probably spending hours looking at the pictures in those when I was six or seven that planted the seed for me to start playing when I was fourteen.
  18. Just sold my Bogart 5 string to Dave. A great guy & an absolute pleasure to deal with.
  19. [quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1327099914' post='1506586'] Right, Fretless bass...compressor,some light octave, moderate chorus and some twiddley metal things on the fingers. Am I right or way off the mark? [/quote] Funk Fingers are made of wood, not metal. Not used on "Sledgehammer" anyway.
  20. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1326731292' post='1501173'] The Hamer Cruise bass has a skinny neck whichever way you look at it. [/quote] Which one? The original one or the Jazz clone?
  21. Lovely bit of Birdseye! Don't see it too often these says, which is a shame.
  22. I used one of these as my main bass for 20 years - superb instruments.
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