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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    Loving the Zemaitis.
  2. Bar magnets on the bottom - a sure sign of a quality pickup. Not.
  3. Those Bolins are great looking basses.
  4. I've played with a load of fat blokes - does that count?
  5. RhysP

    pocket pod line6

    I've had one since they came out. IMO they're great little things for using with a guitar but are rubbish with bass. The few presets that are specifically for bass are awful & there is little to no tweakability on the guitar settings to make them usable for bass.
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1326447637' post='1497242'] Just out of interest why do people consider skinnier necks to be faster? I struggle on skinnier necks personally.. [/quote] I'm the same. I played a jazz bass profile neck for years but ended up finding it really cramped & uncomfortable. I like really chunky necks now & my playing speed doesn't appear to have been compromised in any way.
  7. I've just finished doing some repair work on a friends Precision Lyte & these do indeed have very skinny fast necks. Very nice bass actually - haven't played a bass with a passive P Bass type pickup for ages & I was very impressed with the sound.
  8. Improving your knowledge of theory can't do you any harm. You might not neccesarily use it in the context you play in at the moment, but it's always useful to have.
  9. Keep it in the case under your bed & it should be fine - no need for silica gel, slackening off the strings or anything else.
  10. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1326299388' post='1495147'] Seriously, I'd much rather be in a band with people I got on with than people who were the brilliantest at what they do. [/quote] I'm the exact opposite. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1326299388' post='1495147'] Fact is, some people just don't have good natural timing. [/quote] Then they should have the sense not to become drummers. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1326299388' post='1495147'] you wouldn't call BB King a crap guitarist because he can't do rhythm. [/quote] I would actually - I think he's f***ing awful.
  11. How can you possibly refer to a drummer who cannot keep time as "Technically proficient"? So he's a "lovely chap" - what do you want, a decent drummer or a friend? You're not doing him or yourself any favours by letting him carry on - Kick him out & find somebody that can play properly.
  12. Bogart now sold. Thanks to all who got in touch.
  13. Keep an eye out for a Rivera R30 on the secondhand market. They usually go for around the £350 - £400 mark ,which is a serious bargain for a US built boutique amp. I used to have one & it was a fantastic amp: Twin channel 1x12 thirty watt all valve combo. The two channels are roughly voiced Marshall/Hiwatt (crunch/overdrive) & Fender (clean). Absolutely beautiful clean sounds from it - I used to use it with my Gretsch 6120 & with a touch of reverb is was stunning. Beautiful sounding amp I only sold mine as I no longer had room for a guitar amp & a bass amp (should have sold the bass amp to be honest) & really regret letting it go.
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1326156630' post='1493234'] I've no idea. I complain about everything I play and what other people with me play as well. I get frustrated when I play with much better musicians but there is some sort of weird "danger" buzz going on at the same time. I get frustrated when I play with people below my level. I've been looking for a band that doesn't exist in my world for the last 10 years. I don't compose as I have nothing to offer that would come up to my expectations. But, I still do it. [/quote] That's completely nailed it for me (and lots of other by the look of it) - couldn't have summed it up better if I tried.
  15. I've received a couple of basses that have not been in cases & there's been no problems with them. A heavily bubble wrapped bass in a decent box is probably safer than one in a case where it can move around to a degree. The only damaged guitar I ever received was in a case & there was no sign of any outside damage to the package - it was because the guitar moved in the case when it was dropped.
  16. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1326097215' post='1492088'] On a related note Ian Anderson is touring the full TAAB show this year. I have my tickets! [/quote] I ordered my tickets ages ago & still haven't received them. Starting to get a bit concerned as it was from a ticket agency I've never used (or even heard of) before.
  17. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1326058862' post='1491827'] I go with a 51 P At the very end you can see a shot, it doesn't have the big Pickguard of the 70's telebass. [/quote] Not all telecaster basses have the big pickguard, only the later ones. The late 60's tele basses look exactly like the first precision basses.
  18. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1326057985' post='1491804'] I think his recordings on the 'Songs From The Wood' album were done with a Music Man - not sure if Sting Ray or Sterling though! [/quote] It would have been a Stingray - the Sterling didn't exist then.
  19. Brilliant stuff - the best line up of Tull ever IMO.
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1326046804' post='1491567'] If you can't have your say on your birthday then when can you?? Happy Birthday mate.. [/quote] Thank you!
  21. There are only certain types of Bigsby that will work with a Telecaster, and I'm not sure if the ones that attach to the side of the guitar are suitable as they are used on hollowbody guitars with floating bridges. Check out this forum I've been a member of for years: http://www.telemodders.com/index.html It's specifically for Telecaster owners who love to modify them. There will be loads of information about the various Bigsbies you can use & you can always sign up & ask them a specific question. They're a great bunch of people & incredibly knowledgeable.
  22. As others have said, the Rick has a slightly shorter scale length, though you'd probably not notice the difference as it's pretty small. Rickenbacker necks (or at least the ones I owned) have necks that are pretty much the same width all the way up the fingerboard, whilst jazz basses are a lot more tapered from nut to bridge. Have you actually played a Rickenbacker before? They are very much an acquired taste and even though you love the look of them you might not get on with them - The Rick 4001 was always my dream bass until I owned a couple & found that I just couldn't get comfortable with them. Are you thinking of buying new or secondhand? Rickenbacker neck profiles have apparently changed a great deal over the years - mine were both 70s models & the necks were very thin but the newer ones can be pretty chunky by all accounts. Versatility-wise I'd echo what others have said & say it would probably be the Jazz. I'd definitely say try before you buy with regard to a Rick.
  23. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1326011218' post='1490871'] I don't think that there's anything wrong with criticism. It would just be nice if you could be a bit more innovative and not keep coming up with the same old sh*te. [/quote] I asked for that.
  24. That's a fantastic colour - I'd leave it as it is rather than 'burst it if it was mine.
  25. I would just like to state that I have nothing against bagpipes - having some scottish blood in me I actually get quite emotional when I hear them - a strange mixed up feeling of warm sentimentality & wanting to fight somebody. It was the using an "elbow patch for pullovers" bit that made me doubt the seriousness of his post.
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