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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I used to have one just like that - lovely bass. Swapped one of my old Rickenbackers for it.
  2. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1325975355' post='1490702'] I am getting the impression that you aren't in the Fender cheerleading squad. I also wonder how many times you can get this point across that you have a problem with the 'F' word. Maybe Fender aren't as innovative as some other manufacturers but they know their market and they know what will sell. There are also one or two of us who are quite happy that they aren't innovative. So, yes it may be boring to someone who doesn't like Fender and their line-up of instruments. But why bother to repeatedly say it. When you see 'Fender' in the title of the thread just ignore it and don't get yourself all hot and bothered. [/quote] The "Wink" emoticon is used to indicate that the poster using it is being somewhat less than serious. It's a forum, why shouldn't I repeatedly say something? It's no different to the same people repeatedly saying that they don't like "Coffee Table" basses, or Ashdown amps, or multi string basses or blah blah blah. It's just my opinion, and like most other peoples opinions it doesn't really matter. Nobody with any intelligence is ever going to not play a Fender bass if they like them because of some opinion I may hold about them. I don't get hot & bothered, certainly not about something as trivial as a lump of wood with strings on anyway. If my posts bother you then put me on "ignore" - I'm sure I'll learn to live with the rejection. If you'd actually read all my posts about Fenders since I joined the forum you'd see I'm not a total Fender hater - I have constantly sung the praises of the Geddy Lee Jazz Bass as it's a bloody good quality bass, even though I'm not a fan of Jazz basses (a conclusion reached by having played them for 20 years btw). I think Japanese Fenders are consistantly well made & have recommended them time & time again. The Telecaster happens to be one of my favourite guitars. My go-to guitar at home is a Strat. I do genuinely think that Fender USA take the piss with their pricing and the uninspired & cynical (IMO!) rehashes of their classic designs they keep pumping out, but many others seem to feel the same judging by the comments on this thread and others.
  3. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1325972964' post='1490662'] And I've tested a lot of stuff [/quote] Not enough, obviously.
  4. [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1325937626' post='1490008'] Reckon anyone looking at these would be more tempted to go the Suhr, Lull, Anderson route [/quote] You would think so wouldn't you? But the bottom line is many people would rather have the F word on their headstock than have a better bass. I call them "Fendermentalists".
  5. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1325938631' post='1490036'] Generally I would had normally agreed with you. However, I got a request once to post a video clip up of one of my basses to show the tone. i used U2 New Years Day as its a solid bass line and before I know it, I was unindated with requests for more U2 songs to be posted and I now think after a few years, my video has been watched by 30,000 people and is considered the most accurate version on Youtube. I soon got requests for other bands which for some I have done not only resulting in the requesters and others thanking me and saying how much it has helped but also the original bassists saying great job etc. A lot of the requests come from people who are learning to play from all over the world and struggle to find the music in written form or TAB and it really helps them to see where the hand positions are as well as hearing the bass line a bit clearer rather than mixed down in the original track. I have also had requests and thanks from people who are disabled in some form and enjoy music and learning to play but have difficulties playing. Finally and recently, because my basslines to other artists songs are played note for note, one of my covers of a Simple Minds song is being used in a project to recreate the songs using the best version from Youtube of all other instruments as well as being analiyzied through some piece of waveform software to really see how accurate the cover is. Plus I do get lots of questions from bassists asking what I think of this bass, amp, cabs etc and can I do a song with X bass or amp etc. So to my surprise, these sort of covers have really helped a lot of people in more ways than I expected. [/quote] Why don't the lazy bastards just get off their arses & do the legwork for themselves? How would they have managed before the internet (like a lot of us did with no discernible disadvantage). They probably just wouldn't have bothered learning as it would have required too much effort.
  6. You're taking the piss, aren't you?
  7. [quote name='hairyhaw' timestamp='1325898139' post='1489734'] Always the first tune I think of when envelope filters are mentioned: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp9aHtN4K74&feature=g-hist&context=G201d765AHTwYR_gAGAA[/media] Mutron III doing the honours. [/quote] It was an Eventide Harmoniser wasn't it?
  8. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1325605916' post='1485024'] Be careful replacing necks for Fender basses or guitars in general. I bought my old '76 P-Bass with a nasty dink in the back of the neck that was driving me crazy, so I bought a new one at quite considerable cost from Chandler Guitars. The neck was too small in the pocket (you could fit a 50p coin in the gaps either side of it) and the bolt holes didn't line up. [/quote] I think you'll find that's not uncommon for a mid - late 70's Fender. A lot of them have got neck pocket gaps you could park a bus in, even with the original necks attached.
  9. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1325882472' post='1489466'] why is that man not playing anymore ? [/quote] Far more interested in taking drugs than playing bass apparently, which is why Rollins kicked him out in the first place.
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1325867199' post='1489120'] erm... ive just seen the price... we are in total agreement.. you have to understand us jazz bass nuts Rhys, we will think different control knobs are something exciting... [/quote] I played a Jazz clone for nearly 20 years so I can sympathise to some extent.....
  11. I don't know how the bass sound was created on this, but I can get pretty much exactly the same sound out of my EBS BassIQ pedal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHj-JjcAo3k It's a great bass part anyway.
  12. Seriously, it might be worth getting in touch with any local colleges that run fashion/textile courses. There might well be students that would be happy to do something like this as it could count as project work/practical experience for them.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1325847081' post='1488564'] Can someone please explain the point of these clips? [/quote] It's some kind of desperate & pathetic need for recognition & to be told they're a badass bass player by a load of people they've never met & who's critical opinion counts for absolutely f*** all, as far as I can tell.
  14. Maybe the mods could set up a clothing/fashion/haberdashery sub forum for topics like this?
  15. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1325852124' post='1488696'] This seems like a throwback to the Jap photoflame era of the 90s. [/quote] That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw them.
  16. Last bump before Ebay/Gumtree.
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1325816154' post='1488355'] can you tell me where you have ever seen a flame maple jazz with blocks thats not custom shop? it got my pants wet [/quote] That's why I said they're "ever so slightly different" - don't you understand what that means? I don't class a bit of fancy wood veneer & some different inlays as groundbreaking, innovative or a radical new departure in fenders history - it's just window dressing on the same old sh*te.
  18. I only ever had one friend who'd playing I thought was fantastic - He's always been up there with my all-time favourite players. Unfortunately he died from a brain tumour 10 years ago when he was 36. That was when I started to lose interest in playing & it's never really come back. I had a video of a gig we did in Cardiff in 1990 & it was one of my most treasured possessions. My partner accidentally threw it out with a load of old VHS tapes about 18 months ago & I was heartbroken.
  19. [quote name='margusalviste' timestamp='1325796142' post='1488002'] Hey, why don't you like the Noll preamp? [/quote] I like it, I just think the Polyfusion preamps are the best ones I've ever heard.
  20. A sub section just for bass players would be a good idea.
  21. Baritone guitars are tuned the same as a normal guitar but usually either a perfect fourth or perfect fifth lower.
  22. I think it's 16mm, which is weird because it feels & looks wider than that. I certainly wouldn't describe it as "narrow".
  23. A lot of Gretsch hollow body guitars are built with sound posts. The ones that don't have sound posts have trestle bracing and, as you'd expect, there's a lot of discussion about which sounds best....
  24. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1325716944' post='1486698'] We bassists like exotic woods, different bridges not to mention graphite necks. [/quote] Not judging by the vast majority of "If it's not a Fender it's not a proper bass" & "If a bass has any amount of figuring in the wood whatsoever it's a coffee table" über conservatives there are on here.
  25. "Damn, she won't shag me because my father is more famous than I am......"
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