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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1322675047' post='1454375'] I understand your point, but I don't agree. There have been hundreds of years worth of of music passed down the years through aural tradition. This kind of musicianship is no less valid than the kind of musicianship that encompasses theory and reading. I'd compare it to arguing that someone who is unable to write is therefore incapable of communication. Perhaps it is simply a conflict of semantics though. [/quote] Why did you deliberately edit out the bit where I state that [i]"I certainly don't wish to imply that I think people who can read, write & understand are somehow superior; that's not what I think at all".[/i] I don't think it's any less valid either, that's why I originally said the bit I just repeated.
  2. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1322663783' post='1454118'] I built stud walls inside my garage (dry lining) and put rockwool in the gaps, then a layer of plastic membrane all over all surfaces, then plaster board and a skim, the sound proofing effect is dramatic meaning that when my son is banging away on the drums that I can barely her him in the house... The total cost was not cheap but massively less expensive than foam. [/quote] I helped the drummer in a band I was in many years ago do this to his garage. It took a lot of work but the result was superb. As a thank you for all my help & hard work he f***ed off with my girlfriend.
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1322661609' post='1454080'] Indeed. We have a word which could be used to describe people who can write music but not play it. Why call them musicians? [/quote] I'd call them musicians because THEY UNDERSTAND MUSIC. Somebody could play an instrument & come up with perfectly good songs but not understand what they're doing in relation to the theoretical side, and also not be able to write it down in notation - I personally would not call them musicians even though they may be excellent at what they do. Probably 80% of the people I listen to would fall into this category. I certainly don't wish to imply that I think people who can read, write & understand are somehow superior; that's not what I think at all. I certainly wouldn't class anybody playing somebody elses records on a turntable as a musician, even if they are manipulating it to produce other things. To me that would be the same as calling somebody that records & edits somebody elses film an actor. It's probably an age thing. Going by my own definitions I would run into problems if I ever come across a DJ who can read music.
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1322660752' post='1454065'] But there's a different word: Composer. [/quote] "Composer" could also & equally apply to somebody that makes up songs or but doesn't read or write music.
  5. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1322646440' post='1453797'] What about someone who can read music but not play - surely no-one's going to call them a musician? [/quote] If they can read & write music & have a thorough knowledge of theory then I'd most certainly regard them as a musician, more so than somebody that plays in a band but doesn't have these skills.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1322590413' post='1453282'] ......I see it as a dilution of the things that made the Dingwall concept appealing to me in the first place. [/quote] That's pretty much how I felt when I saw it.
  7. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1322575450' post='1452874'] I can not sight read, doesn't make me not a musician. [/quote] I've always thought the exact opposite - I'm not a musician because I have no real understanding of music theory & cannot read music.
  8. That is so lovely, and a great price for a Country Club. Is it a pre or post fender take over model?
  9. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1322474664' post='1451099'] I did say 'largely' and I while you've picked some elitist and solo players (although I wouldn't say Stanley's pretty standard Alembics are the same sort of thing as the others) and you could have named more but you didn't use all those elitist types who play standard or pretty much standard basses, like Pastorius, Miller, Sheehan, Geddy etc. [/quote] Stanley Clarke's "Standard" Alembics still cost a f*** of a lot of money. Marcus Millers bass is a 70's Jazz that was modified by Roger Sadowsky. Geddy Lee's Fenders are expensive custom shop models, not the same ones that can be bought in many music shops. Billy Sheehans Signature Yamaha bass is a ground-up designed custom shop model. How are these "standard" basses?
  10. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1322431006' post='1450879'] Would I be right in saying that these incredibly expensive works of art are largely bought by enthusiastic amateurs and professionals use flights of less fancy? Certainly the ones I've seen. [/quote] Who are these "Enthusiastic amateurs" then? Matthew Garrison? Victor Wooten? Anthony Jackson? Janek Gwizdala? Stanley Clarke? Michael Manring? I could go on but you get the general idea - no, you wouldn't be right at all.
  11. [quote name='edstraker123' timestamp='1322421729' post='1450698'] It's interesting to see how many custom builds end up at a fraction of their original cost in the marketplace. [/quote] For people like me who have expensive tastes & are happy to buy secondhand it's a godsend - I'd never have been able to afford to own my two Zons if I'd had to buy them new.
  12. When he discovers beer & girls all that bass playing sh*t will go out of the window.
  13. [quote name='kingofthestuntmen' timestamp='1322388691' post='1450085'] gap in the neck pocket of approx 2 millimetres on the treble side & a possible minor alignment issue with bolt on neck. [/quote] If it was a 70's Fender with the same issues people would be w***ing over it & happily paying £1000 +
  14. Lovely bass! Those multi laminate Kubicki necks are incredibly stable.
  15. I suppose the easiest solution is if you find it boring then don't come on here. Forum participation is not mandatory as far as I am aware.
  16. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1322156244' post='1447385'] I may be in the minority here - but 'S&A' is in my top 5 Rush LPs, maybe even top 3! [/quote] I love "Snakes & Arrows" too. My only criticism of it would be that it's too long, but I find that with 99.9% of albums these days. I've never been a big fan of "Moving Pictures" - I think "Signals" is far superior (even allowing for that f***ing awful song about the Space Shuttle at the end).
  17. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322142174' post='1447094'] I stand by my opinion that motives to play solo bass are not often primarirly musical. [/quote] You're not suggesting there's an element of dick swinging involved are you? Perish the thought.
  18. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1321275507' post='1437143'] I *really* don't want to sound snobby..... [/quote] You failed.
  19. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1322134435' post='1446876'] I have a SD Jazz pickup and it looks like that. [/quote] I've just been having a nose around the Seymour Duncan site again & there are some pickups on there that do indeed have the pole pieces below the height of the cover. Never noticed that before.
  20. [quote name='Jondeeman' timestamp='1322133370' post='1446847'] I'm a little worried that, not only are the p'ups low, but that the poles look inset on the covers. [/quote] I notice that too - looks like the pickups aren't in the covers properly.
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