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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1321717946' post='1442366'] But I was torn because '+1' is so irritating. Can we get rid of the system but also ban '+1'ing? [/quote] Yes - let's say "Here Here!" instead. We're not bloody Americans.
  2. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1321701746' post='1442089'] Not me unfortunately, Rhys. I was probably in a folk rock band called 1066 at the time. Young & impressionable... [/quote] I remember watching you! Your band was really good. I've always been into folk & folk rock stuff - some of the first stuff I ever learned were Steeleye Span, Fairport & Albion Country Band bass lines Just found you in the programme - you were on at 3.45pm, though if I remember rightly the running times listed were approximate at best.
  3. The Dean Rhapsody 12ver is a pretty good bass, and will get you a lot closer to the sound you want than any amount of messing around with pedals IMO.
  4. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1321653376' post='1441783'] Bat & Ball, Loxwood? I...ahem...think I may have been on the bill too [/quote] It most certainly was. Who were you playing with then? I've still got a programme from the gig knocking around somewhere. If you were the guy with the Wal playing with the soul/funk band I was talking to you for a while before you went on.
  5. Have you tried running the Sansamp at the front of the amp & not through the effects loop? Effects loops tend to work better for rack mount type processors rather than stomp boxes.
  6. Why not just buy a decent steel rule & measure from the fret to the string? Piece of piss & that's how most luthiers would do it.
  7. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1321426977' post='1438901'] Shame the Falcon pics are so small, I can't see them properly. Can't you put some up like the above ^^? [/quote] If you click on them they get bigger.
  8. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1321353066' post='1438049'] I could be wrong, but I think EBS heads provide 9v phantom power. [/quote] The combos do too. I can power my Zon fretless & Bogart five string from my Gorm combo using a stereo lead. Unfortunately I can't do it with my other Zon as it's 18V.
  9. [quote name='timmchale2009' timestamp='1321365439' post='1438237'] Hi Rhys My Country Club is indeed Green it's kind of a metallic candy apple green rather than the quite robust Cadillac Green and here's a photo for your viewing pleasure.... [/quote] Oh, that's just beautiful! Country Clubs are the classiest of all the Gretsch models IMO.
  10. I'm a huge fan of Gretsch guitars - wish I'd never got rid of my Brian Setzer Hot Rod. £1500 is a great price for a Falcon. Just out of curiosity, what colour is your Country Club - is it Cadillac Green?
  11. I use a Jacques Meistersinger analogue chorus. It's not a bass specific pedal but it's the best chorus I've used (for bass & guitar). Here's a link to the Jacques website: http://www.ts808.com/ Worth a look - it's a pretty quirky site. Their other pedals are bloody good too.
  12. Some half decent shots of the neck/headstock here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayEGEyvjeP4&feature=related
  13. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1321214049' post='1436620'] Is that 100% correct about Pino using a carbon fibre neck as I have never heard that before? [/quote] Pretty sure, yes. I can remember reading interviews with him during his 80's heyday with Paul Young, Go West etc. where he said he used a carbon fibre neck on his stingray and had worn the fingerboard out on it so he had to get another one. I think he went back to the standard wooden neck but there are clips on Youtube where you can see his stingray has an all black neck with what looks like a Modulus or Moses Graphite logo on it.
  14. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1321206805' post='1436473'] You will NOT be invited to my 70s naked disco party then [/quote] I hope "70's" refers to the decade and not the age of the people who will be attending your naked disco party....
  15. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1321196389' post='1436283'] [b]I love the tone of Mick Karn (Wal),[/b] Derek Forbes and Tony Franklin (Fender P), [b]Pino (Ray) [/b]so something that could do decent justice to playing these would do the trick, I have been super impressed with the Tony Franklin P. [/quote] As has been mentioned before in other threads, a lot of Karns playing was done on a Travis Bean, not a Wal, so what you're thinking of as a great Wal tone might not be. Pino's fretless Stingray had a carbon fibre neck (actually it had a couple as he managed to wear one out!), so once again this tone will be different to a Stingray fretless with stock neck.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1321183878' post='1436113'] I get that.. but what problem does it fix? [/quote] The problem of what to do with all those little bent bits of scrap metal they have lying around on the factory floor at Fender I guess.
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1321183301' post='1436103'] Can someone tell me what it is and what it fixes, please? [/quote] Apparently it's a retainer for the A string. Do try & keep up.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1321182377' post='1436092'] [size=4][color=#222222][font=Arial]An angled head stock is very expensive to make compared to the usual Fender design.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] Plenty of manufacturers use angled headstock designs & still manage to charge less for their basses than fender. I think it looks pretty cheap & tacky, like a last minute afterthought rather than a carefully thought through design improvement.
  19. RhysP


    [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1320927379' post='1433220'] Tbh I think Akerfeldt's an arrogant dick.... [/quote] Why do you say that? He's always come across as really pleasant & down to earth to me. I love Opeth but have yet to see them live. I was gutted when I found out they'd played in Bristol the other night.
  20. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1320831992' post='1431880'] we all know they went t*ts up after moving pictures! [/quote] Sorry, but that's just bollocks.
  21. I use foam as an option to palm muting depending on what sort of sound I'm going for. It's not as versatile as palm muting but foam can give you a sound you just can't get any other way IMO.
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