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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. This is the first time I've been able to access the site for nearly 2 days - I've just had fast fibre optic broadband installed & everything else is hurtling along so I don't think the problem is with my computer.
  2. That's some serious Wal ownership going on there! Why would anybody choose to play a bloody Telecaster with that little collection in the house?
  3. I think it's pretty unfair of the band to expecting you to do it when they know you've just had surgery. You must be mad to even be contemplating doing this gig so soon after an operation like that. I know it's for a good cause, but you really should be putting your own health first here.
  4. RhysP

    electra Bass

    [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1318725810' post='1405668'] One of the BCR designers said they never saw the Royals and Kevin (Mr Royal) said he never saw the BCR's , so great minds think alike. [/quote] I bet they both saw Russ Ballards Holey Strat though.
  5. Lovely bass for silly money! I met Andreas Schack & tried some of his basses for the first time at the Frankfurt Trade Fair in the early 80's & was seriously impressed by the quality & playability of them. They've been pretty much ignored in this country, which is a shame as they are superb instruments.
  6. Never actually owned one but always wanted one - lovely basses.
  7. RhysP

    electra Bass

    "God Gave Rock & Roll To You" was written by Russ Ballard, who was the singer/guitarist for Argent, not his brother! His guitar with the holes in is a heavily customised Fender Strat with a Tele neck, not an Electra, Royal or whatever.
  8. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1318573804' post='1403808'] Squier vintage modified jazz, tapeworms and rear pup only will get you someway to a early Japan fretless sound, [/quote] Tapeworms?
  9. Are you sure it's that the D string is quieter, and not that the others are louder?
  10. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1243952303' post='503880'] It was built by Hugh Manson. [/quote] I thought Andy built the electric models around this time & Hugh just did the acoustic stuff? We used to stock Manson guitars in the shop I worked in & the very first guitar I ever sold was a Kestrel.
  11. You might want to put this in the "Bassists Wanted/Available" section.
  12. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1318516950' post='1403205'] Tuning up my Status and this guy walks over and says ' So you can't afford a Fender then' 'No mate,I'm still saving for one' mutters fack off under my breath! [/quote] I had somebody say that to me about my Jaydee when I first got it.
  13. Leave some cold pizza & cans of strongbow outside your house overnight. Next morning just take your pick from the assembled throng.
  14. A couple of favourites from my time working in a music shop: People who pronounce "Les Paul" as "Lay Paul" like it's French. The person who referred to a Gibson Flying V as a "Flying Five" as he thought the "V" was a Roman numeral, despite the body shape providing irrefutable evidence to the contrary. (I have to say that there are far more words used by musicians that piss me off than mistakes made by non-musos. Things like "Mojo", "Vibe", "Groove" & "In the pocket" really make me cringe).
  15. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1318500963' post='1402847'] 700 guitars a day though. Who says Gibsons/Fenders are not mass produced? [/quote] 700 a day is nothing compared to the amount they were churning out in the mid/late 70's - I've read figures of 2000+. No wonder their quality control went down the sh*tt*r.
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1318489960' post='1402701'] And what's wrong with discipline? [/quote] I didn't say there was anything wrong with f***ing discipline did I?
  17. Great price I'd buy it straight away at that price.
  18. Great drummer, found him a bit creepy though. I can see the value of the excercises, but you'd have to be quite disciplined (not to mention imaginative) not to simply fall back on familiar patterns & phrases when undertaking them.
  19. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1318348683' post='1400975'] I've never seen a Warwick bass I liked the look of... [/quote] Same here. The Streamer is OK, but the design looks far better on a Spector where it belongs. The Corvette is the ugliest bass shape of all time IMO. Absolutely f***ing disgraceful.
  20. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1318331822' post='1400609'] [/quote] There's something vaguely art deco about that which I find quite appealing. Wouldn't want to play it though.
  21. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1318341120' post='1400822'] [/quote] Oh god, there's two of them - don't let them breed!
  22. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1318325446' post='1400457'] Erm, no actually, because here is the ugliest bass in the world! [/quote] It's the most mind-numbingly boring bass in the world as well. The Magnolia paint of basses. The Bran Flakes of basses.
  23. What the OP is forgetting (or maybe unaware of) is that plenty of bands in the 60's & 70's were using Conn & Peterson Strobe tuners which were far more accurate than todays digital tuners. If Hendrix, The Stones or whoever were out of tune it was because they didn't care, not because the tools to tune to a high degree of accuracy weren't available.
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