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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' timestamp='1317019507' post='1385414'] "a bit more mass" = un-contoured. [/quote]
  2. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1316946093' post='1384561'] Can they actually prove that? [/quote] They don't have to - they're Fender & what they say is the absolute truth. The only thing I thought when I saw that bass the first time was "What a waste of a really good TV Jones pickup".
  3. Good old Alan Hull! Their first three albums ("Nicely out of tune", "Fog on the Tyne" & "Dingly Dell") were on heavy rotation in my house when I was a kid. Great songs & some lovely bass playing on them too. Shame they'll be remembered by most people for that f***ing awful Gazza song. What surprised me the most on that OGWT programme last night was how many of the acts were so obviously miming.
  4. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1316634322' post='1380796'] I look a complete fool in a hat. [/quote] So do Janek G, Marcus M, Bootsy etc.......
  5. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1316604877' post='1380202'] He certainly had a Rickenbacker on the go plus fuzz pedals and a Shergold but I can't remember what amps he was using. [/quote] He wasn't using the Shergolds this early on - it was a Rickenbacker & a Microfrets bass as I recall.
  6. I'd heard that when they played the material from Animals on tour Snowy White played some of the bass parts.
  7. [quote name='adledman' timestamp='1316518794' post='1379017'] I remember walking past a local river and seeing two terrapins sat sunbathing on the side of the river about the size of a dinner plates! [/quote] Roath Park Lake in Cardiff is full of them & they're all bloody massive!
  8. This is happening to me too. (Don't tell me to use Chrome - I f***ing HATE Chrome!)
  9. RhysP

    bogart basses

    I bought a secondhand one earlier this year & I love it: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/136368-bogart-skc-5-string/page__hl__bogart__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] The neck is absolutely fantastic & the build quality is superb too. Couple of things to be aware of (if you're not already): Firstly, if it's like mine then you won't be able to use double ball end strings with it. If it has the "step" at the headstock end that allows the use of double ball end strings then it's very likely you'll have to string it E-C as there's not enough room for a thick B string (I was told this by Stefan Hess at Bogart basses recently). This is the email reply I got from him: [i]"Hi Rhys,[/i] [i]Don´t worry, this nut is original. But yes, you cannot use double ball strings. I don´t know why, but normally there should be a step after the zero fret. On this step the nut is placed so the is some space left that the ball ends are "locking" in the string anchors. Maybe we´ve changed this sometime and I forgot - could be ;o)....The problem with the 5-string was, that low B strings where to thick and strong to use in this way - the only possible configuration was a E-C configuration.[/i] [i]Have a nice day![/i] [i]Stefan"[/i] Secondly, they are an absolute bastard to string up using normal string & the headstock clamps. I've found a way of doing it now which involves having to make little aluminium ferrules for the string to go in so the clamp holds them properly & doesn't snap them. I ruined three new sets of strings before I finally perfected a way of doing it. Be prepared for a lot of frustration. As for swapping for a Pedulla - I'd say you'd be better off selling it privately & then just buying the Bogart. I'm not disclosing how much I paid for my Bogart but I'm pretty sure it was a f*** of a lot less than a secondhand Pedulla Rapture would go for. Don't let my somewhat negative comments about string changing put you off what is a fantastic bass. If you decide to get it & want any further help or advice please get in touch via PM.
  10. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1316521955' post='1379073'] Animals is my favourite. [/quote] Same here. Fantastic album. Gilmour at his very best IMO.
  11. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1308382110' post='1273439'] we're not actually looking to add human drums. [/quote] I know a couple of drummers who would be perfect for you then.
  12. RhysP

    Mr Big

    I was going to this but my friends babysitting arrangements went tits-up at the last minute so I'm sat in the house with two tickets & no lift.
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' post='1342076' date='Aug 16 2011, 04:35 PM']....they can get very big and need a lot of room. And yes, they eat a lot too. Another thing about them that people don't realise is that they bloody stink![/quote] Sounds just like my step kids......
  14. [quote name='freelancesam' post='1369050' date='Sep 11 2011, 03:45 AM'][/quote] Your bass is wider than your cab!
  15. At the last gig I played in 2005 the band on before me used my Ashdown ABM combo (with about 10 minutes notice which really pissed me off). I knocked the EQ out of the circuit & had a good laugh as he f***ed about with the EQ & convinced himself it was actually doing something to his sound.
  16. Just be honest with the organiser - tell them the last time you let somebody use your amp at a charity gig they ruined it so you're not willing to do it this time. Can't be fairer than that.
  17. First dibs if you decide to sell it for the same price as you paid for it.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1368623' date='Sep 10 2011, 03:14 PM']Insufficiently extreme. If you're going to do it, do it properly. Instead of 31" - 36" scale lengths they should make a 28" - 42" fan. With jumbo frets, of course. A proper 240V pre-amp should be installed ... none of yer namby-pamby 18V nonsense, this is a MAN's bass. Use perspex or re-cycled Fairy Liquid bottles for the body. LEDs, there should be lots of LEDs. Everywhere. And valves. Good kit always has valves. 2 x ECC83 or something, preferably Mullards. Maybe shape the headstock like a huge bottle opener.[/quote] And don't forget the Kahler tremolo system.
  19. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='1368452' date='Sep 10 2011, 12:11 PM']If you paid the £40 p&p cost you were ripped off.[/quote] If I'd been fortunate enough to get my hands on that bass for £1500 I wouldn't give a f*** if it had cost me £100 to send it.
  20. [quote name='ped' post='1368594' date='Sep 10 2011, 02:33 PM']P.s any ladies interested give me a call, you might get a free shirt.[/quote] That's sexual discrimination. Shirts look great - nice one.
  21. Smallest was pretty small - doubt if it made it into double figures. Largest - about 2000. Best one I ever played was an open air gig in front of about 700 people - big stage, great lights (even if a bit of pyro did set my side of the stage alight for a few minutes!), great sound & the crowd going nuts. Great fun. Having said that I don't miss playing live at all, and have absolutely no desire to do so again.
  22. That's lovely! Fantastic price too - serious bargain.
  23. [quote name='adledman' post='1368037' date='Sep 9 2011, 08:31 PM']looks like wooden knobs?[/quote] Yes. John used to (still does probably) make the control knobs out of ebony with mother of pearl tops. Lovely stuff.
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