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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Looks like he's using an Ibanez of some sort in that clip. Peggy has used loads of different basses over the years - Fenders, Riverhead, custom headless models made by Mike Vanden & lots of others. last time I saw Fairport he was using an Ibanez but he does use Crafter basses now apparently. A superb player, one of the best IMO.
  2. That's a lot of trouble to got to for such a sh*te bass sound.
  3. I've said it many times before, but the inconsistant quality of DR strings is atrocious, especially when you consider the price of them. Never had as many problems with a brand of string as I've had with DR. Electric guitar & acoustic guitar strings as well as bass have all been the same. Stopped using them ages ago.
  4. [quote name='risingson' post='1310665' date='Jul 20 2011, 06:47 PM']It's not too tough to get a sound out of any instrument and I should imagine as a stringed instrument getting a tune out of it would be fairly straight forward... I should imagine the difficulty would come with playing it properly/traditionally and being outside the comfort zone that western music offers. I'd really love to learn the Sitar actually! If you get unstuck, just buy one of the old Danelectro sitars. It's what can be heard at the start of 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered' by Stevie and the solo of 'Do It Again' by Steely Dan.[/quote] Can't speak for the Stevie Wonder track, but it was a Coral Sitar that was used on "Do it again", not a Danelectro. [url="http://www.jerryjonesguitars.com/Master_Sitar.htm"]http://www.jerryjonesguitars.com/Master_Sitar.htm[/url]
  5. Bump for a superb bass at a daft price! Somebody buy this - Hamers are superb!!
  6. Enjoying playing is far more important than being any good..... Welcome aboard.
  7. EBS Octabass is the best one I've tried but they all burble a bit. The Octabass won't go nuts if you play more than one note at a time, it'll just sense the lowest note & add the octave to that.
  8. I play guitar but to be honest I find keyboards far better to write on than guitar. I'm a much worse keyboard player than I am a guitarist or bassist but I just find keyboards more inspiring; I'm certainly a lot less likely to come up with a load of cliched rock riffs on keys than guitar.
  9. Seen them a load of times including with Paul Di'anno in the early days. Going to see them on this tour in Cardiff on August 1st. One of THE great live bands of all time - you'll love it!
  10. [quote name='tedgilley' post='1307371' date='Jul 18 2011, 02:21 AM']I just tried to find it and found only the e-book version, not the paperback, which was listed 'limited availability.' I'm thinking Amazon US doesn't have the book ... damn.[/quote] Best to order it direct from Stuarts website: [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/[/url]
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='1304524' date='Jul 15 2011, 10:59 AM']You're joking, right? The coolest space craft that ever existed........[/quote] Second coolest. This is the coolest space craft ever IMO: Awesome!
  12. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1306361' date='Jul 17 2011, 01:26 AM']I need to check that out, I heard he only had a few days notice for that gig which he spent writing out all the parts.[/quote] He had two days notice. He wrote charts out for all the songs apart from "Close to the edge", which he apparently knew already. It's a great DVD - some really good versions of old Yes stuff, and the ABWH material is great too.
  13. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1304370' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:21 AM']A bit of trivia... the bass used on Champion was a Tobias loaned to him for the sessions.[/quote] He uses a Tobias on the Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe live DVD too.
  14. 4001's were designed to be used with flat wounds, 4003's with round wounds. Having said that I used rounds on my 4001's with no noticeable problems.
  15. Good old Jeff - he always knows the right buttons to push.
  16. Played bass for 32 years. The first 12 of those I was completely obsessed, played as often as I could & did 99% of my gigging. The rest of the time I've become slowly less interested in the bass. Didn't pick one up at all for ages & concentrated on playing guitar & keyboards instead. Moved back to pretty much exclusively bass over the last three years but the fire has pretty much gone out for me. I try to rekindle my interest from time to time but it never lasts longer than a week or so. Just can't bring myself to sell everything for the last time though. High points: The buzz of learning the instrument at an age where your enthusiasm for everything is at it's height. Some of the great gigs I did with my old band. Seeing people wearing our band t-shirts. Getting played by John Peel. Low points: The death of my friend & guitarist in my old band Chris from a brain tumour aged 36. All the interpersonal sh*t that seems to inevitably go with being in a band which I found overshadowed the good bits to the extent that I'd never play in a band again.
  17. Has it got a proper 70's neck pocket, where you can keep your keys & stuff?
  18. Best place in the UK is probably Touchstone Tonewoods: [url="http://www.touchstonetonewoods.co.uk/"]http://www.touchstonetonewoods.co.uk/[/url]
  19. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1293462' date='Jul 5 2011, 02:47 PM']It's only just crossed my mind.. I don't think i've ever seen a fretless fender jazz bass with a maple neck? Does anyone have one, and what do you think of it? Is there a reason why these don't exist? [/quote] The very first fretless I ever played was a Jazz with a maple board. So long ago (late 70's) I can't remember clearly but it might have been defretted. Can't recall any dot or block inlays though.
  20. Very good condition Bass POD XT with power supply & manual (no box)?
  21. I wouldn't put a whammy on a fretless - all you'll do is rob it of tone & sustain IMO.
  22. I have a good friend based in Zurich who does this stuff all over Europe. He does big stuff like the Montreaux Jazz Festival & has also worked with Pink Floyd/David Gilmour as stage manager & drum tech so he really knows his stuff. I can give you his contact details if you're interested.
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