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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Progtastic! Shergold porn thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128495&hl=shergold"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=shergold[/url]
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1234450' date='May 17 2011, 03:42 PM']string spacing looks wide, what is it?[/quote] Just by looking at it & playing it I'd assumed it was about 19mm - I've just measured it however & it's only 16mm at the bridge. Very surprised at that.
  3. I couldn't understand why somebody of JPJ's calibre would be backing this f***wit, then I realised he's had extensive experience of playing with sloppy blues guitarists whose ability is far exceeded by the level of adoration they command.....
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1234232' date='May 17 2011, 01:05 PM']I never got the Seasick Steve adulation... Isn't he Country Blues for people who buy CDs from ASDA?[/quote] I saw him in the 12 Bar club in Denmark St. years ago (didn't go to see him, he was supporting somebody else) & he was absolute f***ing rubbish. Haven't seen or heard anything that has made me think otherwise to this day.
  5. Got this last week & it's awesome: Early/mid 90's model. Carbon Fibre bolt-on neck (34" scale), wood/foam cored composite body, Bartolini's, Noll three band active pre-amp, Steinberger type tuning system & a small headstock with string clamps so you can use any type of string. It balances beautifully & plays & sounds great - the passive mode (push/pull volume pot) sounds so good I can't see me ever using the active circuit but it's nice to have it there. The neck is just SO good. After a few false starts I think this is the one to finally convert me to the ways of the 5 string.
  6. [quote name='largo' post='1234113' date='May 17 2011, 11:31 AM']if you follow the rules of evolution then a new bass should always be better than an old bass.[/quote] But only very slightly, and only after hundreds of thousands of years.
  7. [quote name='Machines' post='1234002' date='May 17 2011, 09:54 AM']....seeing all your heroes playing them makes them a wonder to behold if you get one eventually. But, this doesn't mean they are the best instruments available.[/quote] Yeah, thanks Chris & Geddy for making me waste money on a couple of bloody Rickenbackers only to find out they're atrociously made & really uncomfortable to play.
  8. If you're happy with your gear then you're not missing anything. Plenty of people will pile in & tell you xxxx is the best bass you could use, but the only way to find out is to try a load of different basses for yourself & see if active electronics, different neck profiles, more strings etc. make a positive difference to you.
  9. I've not liked Geddys bass sound since "Signals" to be honest, and I thought his Wal sound was dreadful - like elastic bands stretched over a shoebox. Still really looking forward to seeing them on Sunday though.
  10. [quote name='Kim S' post='1233654' date='May 16 2011, 09:22 PM']In the early days... Pretty nice! Do you remember what they were asking for them new at the time? It's truly a nice piece of work, if someone made these new today I wouldn't expect them to be cheap.[/quote] I just dug my old photos out & I've got one of the guitar version of your bass & a one pickup fretless but there's no price on them sorry. Lado guitars are still made - it might be worth you getting in touch with them & asking what the price was for your bass. There's a forum too so it might be worth putting it on that if you have no luck selling it here. Here's a link to the website: [url="http://jklado.com/"]http://jklado.com/[/url]
  11. [quote name='algmusic' post='1233021' date='May 16 2011, 01:45 PM']Taking time of bass or drums technically mean halfing my income, so this isn't really an option[/quote] Yes, your income will suffer in the short term, but allowing the injury to heal properly will probably avoid you having all sorts of reoccurring problems in the future, which could cause you a greater loss of income over time or could even mean you have to give up playing for good.
  12. Blimey! I haven't seen one of those since the Frankfurt trade fair in 1984 (or was it '85?). Lovely bass - have a bump on me.
  13. These Hamers with the 2TEK bridge are absolutely superb - if I hadn't just bought a new 5 string three days ago I'd have snapped this up. Well worth £500 if anyone is looking for a great Jazz style 5ver.
  14. [quote name='Doddy' post='1229246' date='May 12 2011, 08:03 PM']If you go onto itunes there are 3 or 4 video podcast lessons that he put up before starting the video lessons site. It's worth checking them out....they're free aswell.[/quote] I downloaded the itunes video podcasts earlier today & they're very good indeed. He puts things across really well so even a complete musical numbskull like me can get something from them.
  15. I've been listening to this a hell of a lot lately. Love it. My reading is improving too - I've got bars 11-23 of Part 1 nailed already.
  16. I'd go for the blue/green one but they've both lovely.
  17. [quote name='Waldo' post='1228957' date='May 12 2011, 03:57 PM']Absolute guff. On a par with this monstrosity: [/quote] Bloody hell. That looks like something you'd buy on a craft stall at a farmers market.
  18. [quote name='Doddy' post='1228790' date='May 12 2011, 01:38 PM']As far as getting at the guy for using a 15 string,it's worth bearing in mind that John Paul Jones especially Tom Petersson have used a 12 string bass for years. Jauqo's bass is the same thing,just a 5 string version. Allen Woody (Allman Bros.,Govt. Mule) used to use a Modulus 18 string!![/quote] It's a 5 string with two sets of octave strings is it? Oh bugger, I've wasted a good rant now. I still stand by everything I've said even if it may no longer be relevant in this particular instance. Alan Woody's 18 string Modulus was a monster! That was originally built for Tom Peterson, but it was too much for even him. I seem to remember it was a six string bass with two sets of octave strings but it was tuned like a normal guitar (EADGBE).
  19. It does sound lovely with the chordal stuff - really clear & defined. That's probably a much to do with his excellent playing technique as anything though. Are my ears deceiving me or is there some kind of reverb or delay effect being used in that clip?
  20. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1228630' date='May 12 2011, 12:16 PM']"Bassists such as Eric Clapton David Gilmour Pino Palladino Steve DiGiorgio and Colin Edwin" how amusing.[/quote] To be fair Gilmour is a pretty good fretless player - he used to use a fretless Jaydee Supernatural. He played it with Kate Bush when she performed "Running up that hill" at the Secret Policemans Ball concert. Not sure how Clapton got in there though. The way the site reads it sounds like it's been translated from another language - I think they may also mean that fretless bass features in the music of Clapton & Gilmour.
  21. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1228330' date='May 12 2011, 01:36 AM']Also, may i add (as i've had about 9 huge arguments about this with people todau) that music is an art and is entirely expressive. If someone feels all they need is a 4 string bass (Something nice and simple like the glorious fender P!) to express them selves then fantatastic! If someone feels they need a 12 string (single course) string bass too express them selves then why should be make comments? Same applies for any instrument! I know 95% of the stuff on here is ligth hearted banter and i am aware of that and respect that and its why this is a great forum (we are pretty much all on the same page!) Some times it feels like that fact is lost, (the music expression thing, not the 12 string headless bass thing! )[/quote] I agree with what you're saying totally. BUT - There appears to be a percentage of players who want desperately to be noticed as players but, whilst being technically proficient, have nothing exceptional or different to offer. These players seem to be the ones who go down the route of having basses built with increasingly ludicrous amounts of strings, mainly so they can achieve a fleeting fame by being the only/best player with a XXX string bass. I could get a luthier to build me a 30 string bass, then post myself on Youtube as the baddest 30 string bassist in the World, and it would attract attention, but the attention would be of the same sort as this guy is getting, and for very good reason IMO. I'm all for art, but I don't think this is about art - it's about ego. [b]"In the land of the 15 string bass player, the 16 string bass player is king"[/b]
  22. 15 string bass? His penis must be TINY.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1222653' date='May 6 2011, 10:00 PM']That really is pretty ghastly. Even the underlying thought process makes no sense - why would you want to double three of the four strings?[/quote] Because nobody else will have one = you must be a real badass of a player.
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