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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='960526' date='Sep 18 2010, 04:36 PM']We used to struggle with Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley at school - is it Fray lee or Free lee. We decided it was Fray lee[/quote] You were wrong then.
  2. [quote name='mcgraham' post='959605' date='Sep 17 2010, 04:13 PM']Incidentally, I also frequently return to the notion that it'd be nice to have just one instrument that allows me to play bass and/or guitar - like a guitar equivalent of a piano.[/quote] Chapman Stick/Warr Guitar/Mobius Megatar?
  3. [quote name='Marvin' post='958208' date='Sep 16 2010, 12:17 PM']All of them, every single one. Can't stand any of them. I'd rather chop my head off - well maybe not. EDIT: for the record I'm in a bad mood, sorry.[/quote] Same here, which is why I would never: Play in a covers band. Go & see a covers band. Absolutely my idea of hell. For the record I'm not in a bad mood.
  4. As a fanatical Zon user I would love to go to this but I don't think I'd get the time off work to enable me to go.
  5. I know I say exactly the same thing every time John Giblin gets mentioned, but his playing on "Babooshka" has got to be my favourite bass part ever. Pure class. What a superb player. Kate's a f***ing genius too.
  6. Do you still have the Tone pump pre amp so it can be put back to it's original condition?
  7. [quote name='Delberthot' post='954205' date='Sep 12 2010, 11:21 PM']I found that bizarre as well, you would've thought that 40 odd years of the neck and body being pressed together, the act of removing the neck would take some of the paint with it as well[/quote] The reason that the neck pocket being painted is odd is that (as far as I am aware) a piece of wood is usually screwed to the bass body at the neck pocket to enable handling of the body when it's being finished, effectively masking the neck pocket from any paint. The paint couldn't have rubbed off the neck pocket area because there shouldn't have been any there in the first place.
  8. [quote name='umph' post='954571' date='Sep 13 2010, 12:02 PM']do want an original tone bender[/quote] My brother has got one - he's been offered stupid money for it but he won't sell it. God knows why, it sounds like a piece of sh*t.
  9. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='954993' date='Sep 13 2010, 04:29 PM']No, not on escape. Randy Jackson was on Raised on Radio.[/quote] And what a godawful turd of an album that is.
  10. Just tell them the truth - that it was a private sale so you have no receipt. Tell them honestly how much you paid for it but don't try & con them - The customs people at Heathrow & Gatwick aren't stupid when it comes to the value of instruments, especially popular ones like Fender & Gibson.
  11. That's pretty bloody good actually. Nice one!
  12. There's some great bass on the Journey stuff - "Escape" is just full of really excellent bass parts . It's been one of my favourite play-along albums for years.
  13. Fenders. Warwicks - ugliest range of basses ever IMO (with the exception of the Streamer & that's only because they "borrowed" the shape from Spector).
  14. [quote name='Machines' post='946516' date='Sep 5 2010, 06:47 PM']So how the hell was he going to get them home after ?![/quote] That had never occurred to me before you said that.
  15. When I worked in a music shop a guy came in & wanted to swap his Volvo estate for a Gibson ES335 & a Mesa Boogie combo.
  16. [quote name='evoman' post='934825' date='Aug 24 2010, 02:28 PM']Maybe bolt on necks - I've had two set neck Zons and neither had anything like this.[/quote] Same here - no cracks on either of my set neck Zons.
  17. [quote name='rmshaw37' post='939920' date='Aug 30 2010, 12:49 PM']to the op - do you with with pre preg or dib dob?[/quote] Wow! A post from one of the Flowerpot Men.
  18. [quote name='walbassist' post='939503' date='Aug 29 2010, 06:00 PM']Not the best quality picture, but here are my two Veillettes. They are, quite simply, perfect. [/quote] I've said it before but I'll say it again - they are far & away the best looking single cut basses I've ever seen.
  19. Petes wife died a few years ago & he basically just went into total destruct mode after that. I'd heard that he was back on the smack in a big way & the rest of the band had just had enough. They were also going to be refused entry to the US for a tour a couple of years back because of Petes drug bust record & that was the last straw.
  20. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' post='938463' date='Aug 27 2010, 09:55 PM']Is this the same bass? has anybody actually seen him play any other bass? if it is the same one, it looks to be in remarkably good condition. Any thoughts, cheers, Nick.[/quote] Grover Jackson made a new birdseye maple neck for Rogers black precision in 1977/78 (the letter from Floyd equipment tech Phil Taylor to Grover ordering the neck, along with birdseye maple Strat & Tele necks for Gilmour, is dated 8th December 1977). The neck was ordered with a lacquer finish & with a Fender decal on the headstock. A "thicker than normal if possible" truss rod was also requested.
  21. I've long been a big fan of the Police & Sting as a solo artist. Seen him live a few times & he's always been superb. I've actually been listening to some of his solo stuff quite a bit lately, mainly The Dream of the Blue Turtles" & "The Soul Cages".
  22. WOW! - don't see many Robins in this country! Bump for an awesome guitar - as good as you'll get from ANY manufacturer.
  23. [quote name='GremlinAndy' post='921651' date='Aug 11 2010, 02:43 PM']Bah I'm a dolt! I should have read the last message Joe sent properly. He did say that it'll be (hopefully) ready by the first week of September. Can't say fairer than that. (Well it'll be really late, but I kinda knew that would be that case.... )[/quote] It must be really frustrating for you, but I'm sure it'll have been worth the wait. Are you still thinking of going over to pick it up?
  24. I've played enough basses in my 30+ years of playing to have a bloody good idea of what I do & don't like. Fenders definately come into the "Don't like" category for me, as do Rickenbackers. I own two basses that many people would class as "High end" basses, & I own them because they are the best basses I've ever played. If that makes me a snob then so be it.
  25. I got myself an ex-demo EBS Gorm ET350 combo for a bargain price last week - it's absolutely superb! I really cannot fault it at all. It's just a really well thought out professional combo & the quality of both sound & build is fantastic. It's been a long time since I used a 15" speaker (my old Sunn Beta combo back in 1980 was the last one), and I've never had a rig with a tweeter before. My Zons sound fabulous through it & I'm just really enjoying every second I'm spending playing through it. Just thought I'd share that with you.
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