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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='deaver' post='906257' date='Jul 26 2010, 07:47 PM']Well there you go, I was on the archaeology excavations there back in 89/90.[/quote] So the pizzas aren't fresh then?
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='906121' date='Jul 26 2010, 05:50 PM']FREE LIVE JAZZ at Merton Abbey Mills, every weekend Enjoy some relaxing music as you browse our shops & stalls or have a bite to eat from our various food outlets. Abbey Jazz proudly presents its popular series of top jazz acts. [b]Favourite jazz standards[/b] are performed by a fresh collective of duos, trios and jazz quartets from around London. Abbey Jazz is 1-4pm EVERY Saturday and Sunday at Merton Abbey Mills.[/quote] Lets take Bilbo there for a pizza & ask the band to play "Moondance" just as he tucks in
  3. [quote name='jimbobothy' post='906110' date='Jul 26 2010, 05:45 PM']Hopefully these two will be keepers and my GAS will stop, if it doesn't does anyone know the cure??[/quote] Death is the only cure.
  4. I love it. I think the Mini Moog is probably the greatest bass instrument of all time. I really love synths & keyboards of all types. If I ever won the lottery my first purchases would be a Mellotron & a Minimoog.
  5. My life as a "musician" so far leads me to expect that I will die bitter, unfulfilled & in poverty.
  6. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='904777' date='Jul 25 2010, 03:01 PM']I agreed to pay the asking price; no more,no less.- I think that puts the gazumping claim where it belongs..[/quote] You said you spoke to him on Friday "and agreed a deal". There are four people who spoke to him before Friday yet your post made it sound like a done deal, which of course is going to piss people off if they'd contacted the seller before you.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='903926' date='Jul 24 2010, 12:24 PM']+1 and, for example: Maybe I'm Amazed Jet Band on the Run Live and Let Die Silly Love Songs Coming Up C Moon (and many more) could easily have been great Beatles songs.[/quote] To quote Alan Partridge: "Wings were the band the Beatles could have been."
  8. [quote name='Nostromo' post='903965' date='Jul 24 2010, 01:05 PM']Can any of you WAL owners out there have a go at describing the WAL neck profile ? Ive never even seen a Wal in the flesh, let alone played one, but am really intreagued to know what the neck profile is like ?[/quote] The ones I've played have had very narrow necks that have quite a pronounced "V" profile. I've really never got on with Wals. They are beautifully made basses, they're just not right for me.
  9. "Based loosely on one of John Paul Jones' 1970s custom basses". I'm assuming he means JPJ's 8 string BecVar bass. The key word is obviously "loosely".............
  10. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='903869' date='Jul 24 2010, 11:36 AM']Spoke to Steve on Friday and agreed a deal.....[/quote] Looks like there's a bit of gazumping going on with this bass.
  11. [quote name='OldGit' post='898407' date='Jul 18 2010, 09:45 PM']Whatever passes for entertaining in the context[/quote] Exactly. I wouldn't want to see Kiss sitting on wooden stools looking all earnest just as much as I wouldn't want to see Martin Carthy pulling rock star shapes & spitting fake blood.
  12. There's no way anybody could be fooled into thinking that was a Fender - the neck pocket is too good.
  13. I'd be very surprised if Lemmy ever had anything to do with it as he's pretty well known for hating Fender basses.
  14. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='895009' date='Jul 14 2010, 07:54 PM']What sort of P bass is it? Does it have a specific name?[/quote] Malcolm.
  15. [quote name='thack' post='893043' date='Jul 12 2010, 06:33 PM']Cheers man, i got a meet with him next week.[/quote] My pleasure. Hope you get it sorted out.
  16. I use La Bella slappers on my fretless Zon & they're great.
  17. Price has obviously not been a problem - they've only got one left.
  18. I think this is the guy Oldgit tends to recommend: [url="http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/"]http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/[/url]
  19. [quote name='Rayman' post='890508' date='Jul 9 2010, 03:28 PM']Bernie Dresel, fabulous drummer, had the pleasure of meeting him a couple of times while he was playing for Brian Setzer, along side a superb DB player Mark Winchester.[/quote] Ah! That's where I know the name from - he did the "68 Comeback Special" stuff with Setzer, didn't he?
  20. Blimey, is Nina Hagen still going?
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' post='892051' date='Jul 11 2010, 04:23 PM']Yes they should be spot on setup wise but ive picked up a UV5 before and it was really badly setup...Depends on the shop...[/quote] You can't blame a shop for poorly cut nuts, unfinished frets & the like. These sort of things are far from uncommon on USA Fenders & Gibsons (basses & guitars), which I think is pretty appalling given the money they cost. For the kind of money they cost they BLOODY WELL SHOULD arrive at the shop with a decent set-up. Other firms can do it, why can't Fender? Surely the least you can ask for when paying thousands for a bass is some indication of quality control at source? But no, Fender are very aware that people will still buy their stuff regardless of how shoddy it is just because of the name on the headstock & so they continue to treat the customer with contempt. I've never played a Sadowsky that I thought was worth anywhere near the asking price either. [quote name='bubinga5' post='892051' date='Jul 11 2010, 04:23 PM']Minimum wage Immigrant drone???? This thread seems to be about the shops not the basses[/quote] What I was referring to here is the poorly paid, mainly Mexican workers who Fender employ to assemble their basses & guitars - there is comparatively little skilled luthiery work goes into a Fender, be it a Squier or a "Masterbuilt" model. Unfortunately a Fender "Masterbuilder" gets paid considerably more to screw a couple of bits of wood together than his more lowly counterpart who probably does the job just as well.
  22. [quote name='wesfinn' post='891898' date='Jul 11 2010, 12:20 PM']the thing you have to remember is that everybody is different in how they like theyre bass set up.[/quote] There's a big difference between trying a bass in shop that is perfectly playable but will need a final tweek to get it just right for you, and being handed a bass or guitar that is pretty much unplayable.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='891820' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:37 AM']Presumably Sadowsky and Status are high volume manufacturers in comparison to Fender's Custom Shop?[/quote] I would think that There are a damn sight more Fender Custom Shop basses made than Sadowsky or Status basses. The whole Fender Custom Shop thing is just a bloody big con, as is their "Master built" stuff. It's all still cut by the same machines, it's just screwed together by an American "Craftsman" rather than a minimum wage immigrant drone. I've worked in a music shop in the 80s that sold high end basses (Jaydee, Alembic, Pangborne, Manson, Overwater etc.) & these basses would invariably arrive at the shop set up to perfection. The most they might need is a bit of a truss rod tweak if they'd been through some different temperatures en route. For the money they charge a Fender custom shop bass should arrive at the dealer with a great set-up. No excuses.
  24. Guitar or keyboards. I'll also often start with a drum or percussion pattern of some description. Bass is pretty much always the last thing I add.
  25. Is it a "Proper" carbon fibre Steinberger or one of the many licensed knock-offs that are available?
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