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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='890999' date='Jul 10 2010, 01:20 AM']Live, he's astonishing.[/quote] He certainly is. I saw him at Wembley in the late 80s & he was astoundingly good. His stage presence is unbelievable.
  2. It appears to have a tremolo arm.
  3. [quote name='Golchen' post='889797' date='Jul 8 2010, 07:51 PM']Busman's holiday from english owned Welsh cottages?[/quote] That would almost have classed as topical humour........about 20 years ago.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' post='890134' date='Jul 9 2010, 09:27 AM']Regarding Stephen Delft - I found an article on-line regarding a design for a compensated nut written back in 1992 (and therefore pre-dating the Buzz Feiten system?). He also appears to have moved to New Zealand. I have just about every IM from the "What's Your Union Doing For You?" cover up to some point in the early to mid 80s. I also have most issues of Sounds International from the late 70s and early 80s too (A superior publication IMO). I must dig them out of storage and see if they are as good as I remembered![/quote] They were really good magazines. I've still got a few of them, along with some copies of "Beat Instrumental".
  5. Just to derail slightly - I just cannot understand the mentality of people who post videos of themselves playing bass on Youtube. Whys do people feel the need to do this? Are they so insecure that they desperately need people to tell them how great a bass player they are? Or is it a "15 minutes of fame" thing? Maybe this needs to be a seperate thread.......
  6. Cringingly awful happy clappy bollocks IMO - I don't care how good the bass players are. It makes me want to move to Norway & burn down a church.
  7. [quote name='Doddy' post='889168' date='Jul 8 2010, 01:01 AM']The way players like Janek scat is indeed part of he process and not the performance. It's more about the phrasing on the instrument rather than the actual scatting itself. It's just a way to get melodic ideas that your hands may not naturally play. I've seen Janek play scale exercises and sing along with those.It's just something he does when he plays,and it's different from the way someone like George Benson or Oteil[/quote] I'm obviously missing something here, but why can't a player just "Think" it, rather than having to do it out loud? It seems to me like the musical equivalent of moving your lips whilst reading.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='889328' date='Jul 8 2010, 10:33 AM']Personally I think sound clips are a bit meaningless. All they show is how the current player of the bass sounds with their choice of whatever extra gear they have the bass plugged into. That doesn't mean that I'll ever get the same sound even with exactly the same signal path. The only meaningful sound for me is how the bass sounds with me playing it through my gear in the musical context that I want to use it. Someone else's playing can't show me that ever.[/quote] +1 There are too many variables to make a sound clip be of any real use.
  9. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='888925' date='Jul 7 2010, 08:53 PM']just out of interest, are rickenbackers not too bassy then???? I aspire to own one. However I think i mainly want one because I like the idea of owning one though![/quote] Try before you buy! A Rickenbacker 4001 was always my dream bass........until I got one. I still think they look awesome but I just cannot get on with them at all.
  10. I can't speak for the Jazz musicians use of the word "Cats", but "Shedding" is a term used not only in jazz. It's a shortened form of "woodshedding", which means to practice your instrument, usually to an obsessive level. Both are (as far as I'm aware) American terms & as such are completely unforgivable if used by British musicians.
  11. [quote name='Tait' post='886728' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:02 PM']There's not a stringed instrument on the planet more aesthetically pleasing than this- [/quote] Really? I can think of at least 1000 off the top of my head.
  12. They're just probably not used to talking to females & were trying to impress you with a display of macho surliness.
  13. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='886713' date='Jul 5 2010, 09:50 PM']it would be interesting to post this same question on a guitard forum and see what it would come up with...[/quote] I think the most common response would be "Wots a bass?"
  14. That is all quite extraordinary, and I really love it!
  15. [quote name='shaundixon666' post='886643' date='Jul 5 2010, 08:32 PM']Congrats on not only getting through the recording process but also getting offered to play it live too. You must be very pleased with yourself [/quote] Thanks! It's just been really nice to get a positive response to something that I really enjoy doing. I've never been the most confident person & doing this bit of work has just given me such a boost.
  16. I would say that it depends on the instrument, but generally I find guitars more aesthetically pleasing than basses. For example, there are plenty of single cut guitars I love, but I've yet to see a single cut bass that I really liked. Same thing with hollowbody guitars.
  17. [quote name='Faithless' post='884264' date='Jul 2 2010, 07:33 PM']As lame as it sounds - just [i]calm down[/i], dude.. The key, I think, is to concentrate on the current work, not thinking too much (or at all) about future..[/quote] I took your advice & it worked. Did my session today - I was pretty happy with my playing, the artist was extremely pleased with what I did & has asked me if I'd be willing to play bass in his live band. All in all it was one of the most enjoyable days I've had for ages.
  18. RhysP


    What year is this Precision, and do you still have the original pickup?
  19. [quote name='Shockwave' post='884163' date='Jul 2 2010, 05:20 PM']... but its pickup only.[/quote] Pickup only for £650? I'd want the whole bloody bass for that!
  20. [quote name='thinman' post='878835' date='Jun 27 2010, 02:02 PM']That is a bit worrying. I had a similar thing with some hi-fi speakers. I had a pair of Heybrook HB1s on which the outside part of the cones appeared to perish - both went at almost the same time. My mother-in-law had a pair of them too and they went the same way at the same time - it's as though some materials have a self-destruct date! Maybe the glue in yours is similar![/quote] EXACTLY the same thing happened to my HB1s.
  21. Thanks to everyone who offered me advice on this. I'm going into the studio on Monday to record four tracks for the artists new album, and I'm being paid a fee that both myself & the artist are happy with. Looking forward to it but I'm quite nervous too. I'm very aware that how I perform next week could make a difference between me being offered more work in the future or not.
  22. Since when did having chunks out of the paintwork (on the headstock & back of the neck) count as "Pristine"?
  23. Take that picture to a signwriter that has the facility to cut self adhesive vinyl lettering. They could scan your picture & machine cut the artist logo out of white vinyl & then you just stick it on the truss rod cover. If I was still in my old job I would have done it for you.
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