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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='lateralus462' post='848415' date='May 26 2010, 12:54 PM']The only real issue the guitar has is a fair amount of lacquer fogging on the rear and a bit around the top......[/quote] That's a common problem with the late 70s SG 1000/2000s - the hardware tends to get really pitted too.
  2. Started off on bass, started playing guitar & keyboards a lot later. I think the old "worst guitarist ends up playing the bass" thing was probably quite true in the early 60s Now I would think there are enough bass "stars" in their own right to make kids decide they want to play bass from the outset.
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='847097' date='May 25 2010, 01:43 AM']I know I am becoming infamous for needling top-knacker bassists here... (here it comes)... but: Who here is convinced that Vic Wooten cannot find better amplification than Hartke?[/quote] It's all subjective, isn't it? There are plenty of "better" basses than Fender Precisions/Jazzes available but they're still what the majority of people use/aspire to use. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that somebody with Wooten's stature in the bass world could use any make of amp he wanted to. Maybe he's just found that it's the most suitable amp for what he wants to do. I'm no fan of his music, but he comes across as a man that's passionate about his playing & I honestly don't think he would use something he wasn't happy with.
  4. You lucky bastard! I LOVE Richie Kotzen - great guitarist but what an excellent singer too. Met him when he did a low key acoustic gig in Denmark St. s few years ago - he's a really nice bloke.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='847056' date='May 24 2010, 11:47 PM']Do graphite necks eliminate this issue? Other graphite neck bass users seem less than keen to endorse this particular performance improvement.[/quote] When I said "evenness of response" in an earlier post that's part of what I meant. I can only go by my own basses but neither have any deadspots that I can determine. I've also had access to an original Steinberger and an early all carbon Fibre Status for a considerable length of time and would say the same for them too.
  6. Sabbath used to downtune because of Iommi's finger problems, so if it's sounds sharp it's probably been sped up. Chances are that they weren't too worried about intonation or being at concert pitch when they recorded it too....
  7. They are awesome guitars - I'd take one of those over a Gibson any day.
  8. After trying for months to sell my old (late 80s) B4 I ended up taking £500 for it. That was pretty much mint condition too - even still had the lettering on the pickups. They're fantastic basses but the fact is they're just not that sought after.
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='846389' date='May 24 2010, 11:53 AM'].......But most people don't like paying extra if they can't notice the difference.[/quote] I don't think cost is really an issue anymore. OK, most basses with carbon fibre necks tend to be pretty expensive, but if you look at the cost of, for example, Status, Zon & Modulus basses people are willing to pay just as much and a lot more for basses with wooden necks.
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='846325' date='May 24 2010, 10:42 AM']Nothing to do with being conservative, it's just that - like you said - for 99% of bassists there's no point in using exotic composites.[/quote] That is absolutely NOT what I said. All I said was I pretty sure 99% of bassists wouldn't notice any difference in FEEL if they weren't told it was a carbon fibre neck. I also clearly stated why I think carbon fibre is superior to wooden necks.
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='846276' date='May 24 2010, 09:56 AM']Which is probably why they've never caught on. Wood's been doing a sterling job on guitar necks for centuries.[/quote] They haven't "caught on" mainly because of the conservative nature of the majority of bassists & guitarists - if Leo bloody Fender had started using them everybody would think they were f***ing awesome.
  12. I love carbon fibre necks for the even response and the stability they give. Having owned wooden necked basses with serious neck stability problems carbon fibre necks are an absolute bloody joy. I'd never own another wooden necked bass. I honestly can't say I notice much difference in feel between the necks on my Zons & the wooden necked basses I've owned. People that have played my Zons but don't know they have carbon fibre necks have never commented on the neck feeling stiffer or different to any other bass. To be honest I think if you gave 99% of players a carbon fibre necked bass & told them it was a painted wooden neck they wouldn't be any the wiser.
  13. Space Ritual era Lemmy was a huge influence on me when I started playing - my first band when I was in school used to play "Lord of Light". I liked Paul Rudolph & Harvey Bainbridge's playing too. Alan Davey never really did it for me though - he was just a 3rd division Lemmy clone as far as I was concerned.
  14. They play in the UK pretty regularly, though usually only in London. I've seen them loads of times over the years, they're one of the best live bands I've ever seen.
  15. I misread your title & thought you were selling 6 Miley Cyrus CDs.............
  16. That's a beauty - 1980s Japanese ESP guitars & basses are superb bits of kit.
  17. I've been looking for a watch & I think I've found it.
  18. Questa è bella! That's a really lovely piece of music. Beautiful tone from your Stick too - what tuning are you using on it? (I wish I'd never sold my stick - biggest regret ever).
  19. Hamer 12 string bass. That's all you need.
  20. There's no excuse for doing this - if he wants more for the amp he should put a reserve price on it or start the bid at the lowest amount he's happy to accept. Tell him you're not interested, leave negative feedback & report him to Ebay.
  21. [quote name='flyfisher' post='833381' date='May 10 2010, 06:23 PM']I wonder if anyone has ever bothered to wire each string pick-up separately, which would allow different effects to be applied to each string. Not sure I could get my head around all the options and possibilities that would allow. Mind you, I don't use any effects anyway so a single pedal would probably confuse me. [/quote] Hamer did this with the quadraphonic version of their 12 string bass in the late 70s.
  22. These are more suited to guitar than bass, but I thought I'd see if anyone here wants them. Danelectro Tuna melt Tremolo. PBJ Delay & a tuner pedal, all in a plastic carry case/pedalboard with room for two other Danelectro pedals. Includes power supply & patch leads. This is in no way studio quality kit, but they're good little pedals. Never gigged, and haven't been used very much at all so they're all in great condition. Looking for £45.00 ono, which includes P+P (recorded delivery, so you'll need to sign for it). Prefer cheque or cash.
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