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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1472116665' post='3118592'] You could probably get Rob Green at Status to make you something similar for half that price. [/quote] It wouldn't be a Modulus though. Carbon Fibre basses vary greatly, the same as any other instruments from different builders - I loved my Zons, and also really liked the few Modulus basses I've played but have yet to play a Status that I like.
  2. Punch = what needs to be done to people who obsess over intangibles.
  3. [quote name='simes' timestamp='1471766795' post='3115591'] My mum moved house recently and found a bunch of old tour programmes of mine from the 80's, best one was Spike Milligan with his autograph on it. Gave them to a friend to sell on Ebay to raise money for the mental health charity his wife founded. [/quote] Good man.
  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472136650' post='3118811'] ....I am absolutely determined to follow through on leaving..... [/quote] Surely just leaving would be enough, no need to sh*t yourself as well.
  5. The tuners on the Westone are probably Gotohs with Westone logos on them. I would say cheap tuners are a false economy - there's a reason tuners are one of the first things that often get upgraded on cheaper instruments.
  6. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1472129947' post='3118742'] Funk I get, it's a genre....but not into groove? That seems odd, because surely groove is present in all music?! Punk music without groove is just really crap, out of time medicore punk music for example?! Si [/quote] I would say there is quite a lot of music that is not groove based, classical music, much prog rock, electronic music or folk music for example. I know that I don't like most music that people talk about when referring to "groove" playing - Soul, R'n'B, disco, funk. that sort of stuff.
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1471899740' post='3116867'] I'm an odd bassist in that I'm not into funk or groove . [/quote] I'm exactly the same.
  8. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1471764418' post='3115571'] Lol - he still isn't! Singer / rhythm guitarist was though; a guy called Boo Hewerdine [/quote] You were in a band with Boo? Was it The Great Divide by any chance? Boo's a great guy & one of the best songwriters this country has ever produced IMO. Great voice too. Here's a picture of me & Boo in Scotland last year: [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/IMG_0131_zpsv5kt6vks.jpg.html"][/url]
  9. Received two parcels this morning (many thanks Tredders & Paul S!) & there were, as usual, no problems whatsoever.
  10. Mark gave, yes GAVE, a Steinberger Spirit bass to me as a donation for the Autism Support Centre I attend as they are in the process of setting up a music group. A great guy to deal with. Thank you very much once again for your incredibly generous donation Mark.
  11. [quote name='Burns-bass' timestamp='1471938386' post='3117025'] I've got loads of guitar books and stuff you can have if you want them? DM and I'll chuck it in the post. [/quote] That would be awesome! Thank you ever so much.
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1471881517' post='3116669'] Well, I'm 50:50 on the band's output but I find tedious minutiae like this [i]horribly[/i] fascinating. It is weird, though. At one moment he's recording with the rarest kit imaginable, the next he's using a Marshall Lead 12 solid state practice amp and making it sound like the seven trumpets of doom. [/quote] More proof, I guess, that the old 'the tone is in the fingers" cliche is true. Steve Lukather did a similar thing on a Toto album a while back, went from using his custom Bradshaw rack & whatever boutique valve amp set-up he was using that week to using a little stock Marshall combo & he still sounded superb.
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1471879901' post='3116643'] There's been a fair bit of heated debate about this, in part because Gibbons [url="http://www.woodytone.com/2010/09/28/gibbons-eliminatorafterburner-the-rockman/"]once claimed they'd[/url] 'combined that direct (Rockman) signal with a number of other traditional setups – amplifiers in the studio'. Terry Manning the engineer on Eliminator offers a different view: "There was absolutely no Rockman used on this recording. Not a little bit, not a tiny bit, not any. I don’t know how these stories get started". Manning goes on to [url="http://www.woodytone.com/2010/09/30/engineer-billy-gibbons-eliminator-gear/"]say[/url]: “The amp used, almost exclusively, on Eliminator was a Legend. This was about a 50w hybrid unit, employing a tube/valve preamp and a transistor power amp. “Legend were later bought by, or at least distributed by, Gibson, but they were independent when we started using them. I still have this amp – it is almost new. A couple of years ago I plugged one of the Eliminator guitars into it, just to see…there was the sound!" It is agreed that a Rockman was used as [i]part[/i] of the signal chain on Afterburner but as a component of a much bigger rig. [url="http://www.woodytone.com/2010/09/28/gibbons-eliminatorafterburner-the-rockman/"]Gibbons[/url]: "We built this thing that was nicknamed the Amp Cabin. This was a pile of Fenders and Marshalls that were stacked up on top of each other and then supported to provide a roof and four walls, and we just stuck a big microphone in the middle of it and turned them all up as loud as we could get them". Perhaps the most significant thing about Eliminator and Afterburner was Messrs Beard and Hill's almost complete absence from the sessions. In a strange foreshadowing of recent events Gibbons played some of the bass parts on a Moog. [color=#ffffe0].[/color] [/quote] Oh well. I'm couldn't care either way to be honest, I can't stand them.
  14. Awesome! Thanks again to everyone who's been so very generous.
  15. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1463591692' post='3052681'] Never fancied CAR. Just doesn't do it for me. No idea why. [/quote] I'm the same. CAR & any sunburst finish are total no-no's for me.
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1471793667' post='3115912'] Perhaps the world's greatest tone-hound is Mr Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. For studio work the hirsute Texan assembles a breathtaking variety of vintage and custom guitars designed to afford the widest possible sonic palette. He runs these Holy Grail guitars through a carefully honed combination of rare, gorgeous valve amps with highly distinctive tones. In concert every one of his many guitars is EQ'd to sound [i]exactly[/i] like his '59 Les Paul and shoved through a JMP1 MIDI pre-amp and a Valvestate SS (!) power amp. I think he probably knows something most of us don't. [/quote] On "Eliminator" his guitar tone was almost entirely due to using Rockman gear, not a valve in sight.
  17. I've owned & played basses & other instruments for over 37 years but I have never thought of myself as a musician as I have no theoretical knowledge of music.
  18. Hanging around waiting to play was the worst part of gigging for me. I didn't get nervous or anything (never had a problem with stage nerves) but I just found it so boring & such a waste of time. By the time it came to actually play I was already wanting to pack up & go home.
  19. I saw The Sweet many years ago (I was still in school) when they were touring as a three piece without Brian Connolly. They were absolutely brilliant.
  20. I've got loads of gig T-Shirts that I've bought over the years, so many that most of them are stored in boxes in the loft. The oldest one I've got is from the first Asia gig at Wembley in 1982. Got a few different Rick Neilson plectrums from various Cheap Trick gigs. A couple of backstage passes & a plectrum from David Gilmour. The plectrum I used when I played with Todd Rundgren in London in 1994, and also a couple of teabags that he gave me. I also had a condom that Todd gave me that I swore I'd never use but needs must... Got quite a lot of signed stuff too, my favourite of which is probably a Talas album that Billy Sheehan signed "To Rhys from William"
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1471611944' post='3114451'] He's amazing isn't he ? Now that's professionalism to me, being able to cope like that, having a rack of spare gear doesn't come into it, just my opinion of course. [/quote] For me he's the consummate professional, I don't think there's anyone better. Whether he's on an arena tour with Gabriel or playing a little club with one of his many side projects he's just superb. A very humble & lovely guy to speak to too.
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