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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I saw an ad for an electric guitar the other day that had classical guitar neck width & string spacing. Can't remember what it was though. Sorry, that's not much help, is it?
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1471551088' post='3113975'] I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it either. [/quote] The only famous bassist I've seen break a string was Tony Levin on one of the Peter Gabriel tours. His E string broke, he stomped on his octaver & carried on playing the bass line an octave higher, all without missing a beat. That impressed me.
  3. I'd just like to thank everyone for their incredible generosity - I've now got a few instruments winging their way to the Autism Support Centre as a result of this thread. I told Craig, the guy that co-ordinates & runs the music group about this earlier & he is as overwhelmed as I am & has asked me to pass on his profound thanks to everyone & to assure everyone that the instruments will be put to good use. What a great bunch you lot are.
  4. Never ever broken a bass string in 37 years of playing, and only broken one acoustic guitar string but that was when I was putting the guitar into a non standard tuning & got it wrong. I buggered a few up putting them on though.
  5. [quote name='Skinnyman' timestamp='1471557791' post='3114071'] I have the Steinberger Spirit 6 string to match the bass. I never use it so I'll add that to the pile if you want it RhysP? PM me with the address and a name and I'll put it in the post [/quote] That's awesome, thank you so much! I'll PM you my details in the morning.
  6. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1471554939' post='3114040'] Rhys, what else would be useful for the centre ? [/quote] I'm not sure really, it's a bit of an on-going project that's still in it's early stages. I'll ask the guy that co-ordinates it next time I'm in there. (I guess anything really - I've given them an acoustic guitar that used to belong to my father, and a guitar stand & bits & pieces like that).
  7. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1471550650' post='3113970'] I know I said I'd leave it until Sunday, but my best friends son is autistic, so I have an affinity here. RhysP, drop me a PM with your address, and I'll happily send it over to you mate. Hope it'll be useful to you. [/quote] That's awesome, thank you so much. I've PM'd you.
  8. I put white stripes on one of my black Rickenbackers many years ago. I just used white electrical insulation tape & it looked fine.
  9. I'm currently helping with the setting up of a music/recording room at the autism support centre that I attend. I've given them an acoustic guitar & some bits & pieces but your bass would be very useful for them if nobody else wants it. Unfortunately I'm in Cardiff so I wouldn't be able to pick it up from you, but if nobody near to you wants it & you're willing to post it that would be brilliant.
  10. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1471517250' post='3113563'] I'd rather have a cheap back up, in my case a £40 Hondo, than none at all, I've seen a bass pack up because a wire came unsoldered [/quote] My reply was meant more for the two people who said they have backups for every piece of equipment. When I was gigging I had two basses (but only took one to a gig) but there was no way I could ever afford to have spare amps & cabs like many people on here seem to have.
  11. My partner tolerates my gear (nearly all guitars now, only one bass), but I'm sure she'd be overjoyed if I announced I was selling it all.
  12. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1471516758' post='3113550'] +1 - depends on your approach to risk management (in my case, leave nothing to chance). [/quote] For a lot of people, myself included, it's a question of simply not being able to afford spare equipment.
  13. I did all my gigging with only one bass & never had any problems, as did pretty much all of other players I knew.
  14. Great bass player but I've always found his lyrics & his solo material pretty terrible.
  15. They came out when I was working in a music shop, so I had the chance to play some of them. Quality wise I'd say they were as good as any Japanese Fender, which is of course what they were. Current prices, like with a lot of other instruments, are dictated by scarcity/desirability rather than quality. That's not to say they weren't excellent quality, but personally I'd rather buy a used non-Squier Japanese Fender & save myself a good few hundred quid.
  16. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1471420642' post='3112877'] You may have heard it in the film Reservoir Dogs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yQuivSEio [/quote] Nope, never seen it.
  17. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1471372441' post='3112618'] so can you clarify, did you like it or not? [/quote] It was brilliant, highly recommended....
  18. This, for me, has to be one of the worst, though any Brothers Johnson album cover should be included on any list of crap ones. [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/images_zpsly7ntrnw.jpg.html"][/url] I bought this album after hearing people raving about Louis Johnson's bass playing. It remains one of the biggest piles of crap I've ever heard. I played it through once, took it off the turntable, snapped it in half & threw it in the bin.
  19. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1471351202' post='3112354'] So very many bad album covers out there.... and, at the risk of judging a book by its cover, probably so many bad albums! But what about good albums with bad covers? Two of my favourite artists are Peter Hammill and Todd Rundgren, and they've both been guilty: [/quote] The cover of "Liars" is terrible, but unfortunately it's still better than the music... I was a massive Rundgren fan but I don't think he's made a decent album for a LONG time. The last few in particular have been terrible IMO, I didn't even bother buying "Global" or whatever it was called.
  20. If anybody knows me well enough to actually be allowed in the house then they'll have heard me play anyway.
  21. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1471354887' post='3112409'] Little green bag. Instantly recogniseable and cool [/quote] Not by me it wouldn't be. Never heard of it.
  22. Another vote for the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 here.
  23. I'd just try the cello as it is for the time being, don't use an octave pedal. Lyle Lovett has had a cello player in his band for years & it works really well. Can't really help much with pickups other than to say you're right about cheap not being very good. Have a look on Ebay, there are always good deals to be had on there - I got an LR Baggs pickup for my acoustic guitar that was half the price a new one would have cost me & it had never been used.
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1471187749' post='3111092'] One of my favorites as well, Saw them last month at Summerfest. I live pretty close to Rockford Illinois, where the band is from. They still live there. That name sounds familiar, in High School they were called "Fuse". There are still stories floating around from when they would rehearse in Rick Nielson's parents garage. Blue [/quote] That's right, I'd forgotten about "Fuse". They went through quite a few names before they settled on "Cheap Trick" apparently. I think there was a CD of old "Fuse" songs released a few years ago.
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