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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Lovely. My Zon Legacy basses were the best basses I ever owned.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1471186882' post='3111087'] Our "Cheap Trick" still refer to themselves as a "bar band". I actually remember seeing them when they we're still playing bars in the late 60s. Blue [/quote] Was that when they were still called "Sick Man of Europe"? Love Cheap Trick, one of my all-time favourite bands. Definitely one of the most consistently good live bands I've ever seen.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470775890' post='3108433'] fwiw I do not hate anyone, the internet term "haters" is nonsense really isn't it? I hate ISIS, but not old Adam, I do not even hate Donald Trump, hate is a strong word IMO. [/quote] I can't see why you would hate ISIS, they were a pretty good band.
  4. I had a fret job done on a vintage BC Rich bass I bought a few months ago - I thought it would need a re-fret as they were in a terrible state but the guy I took it to said it just needed a level & a dressing and it would be as good as new. He was right too. :-)
  5. Just had a look - it's exactly the same as it's always been for me.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1470183985' post='3103971'] Why do musicians now salivate over the Juno sound? Back in the early 80s when these were new no one would have bought a Juno if they could have afforded a Jupiter or a Prophet 5. [/quote] I've wondered about that too, at the time I can't remember anyone loving the Juno stuff, they were pretty weedy sounding.
  7. They're a superb live band. Funny, when I first used to go & see them all those years ago (when Di'anno was still with them) I never would have thought they'd get to be as massive as they became.
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1470320141' post='3105092'] One of the main reasons I don't play bass very much anymore is that when I started to write & record my own material I realised that 99% of the time what I was doing just didn't actually need any bass. Heresy I know... [/quote] Having said what I said above I've just spent the last few hours recording a new rough demo of an instrumental & I actually got the bass out from under the bed & recorded a bass part. Rather enjoyed it too.
  9. One of the main reasons I don't play bass very much anymore is that when I started to write & record my own material I realised that 99% of the time what I was doing just didn't actually need any bass. Heresy I know...
  10. I think a lot of people like saying they've had stuff serviced by 'my tech' because they think it makes them sound cool. "Wow, he's got his own tech guy, he must be a real pro".
  11. A lot of the people I listen to don't use bass guitar, or any other sort of bass for that matter. Wouldn't class most of them as bands though as most are solo performers or duos.
  12. Would PAT Testing come under the umbrella of being "recently serviced"?
  13. You'd only be able to do that if the amp has a crossover of some kind that will let you send different frequencies to different outputs.
  14. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1469874094' post='3101626'] It would be a boring world if boundaries were not pushed. [/quote] I didn't see any boundaries being pushed in that performance, certainly not in the way Bowie did originally.
  15. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1469829845' post='3101454'] where's Mick Ronson? [/quote] You are joking, right? I thought it was absolute sh*t, but most of these "cast of thousands" tribute things usually are.
  16. Have a look at the M-Audio Prokeys 88sx - full sized keys, pretty portable & has a few basic on board sounds that should cover your piano/organ needs. Can also be used as a MIDI controller if you want to use any software to boost your sounds without taking up any more space than a laptop would. Cheap too.
  17. He won't get a Fender Twin for anywhere near £300-350.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1469132990' post='3096094'] If you are still looking for 5-string semi-hollow long scale basses how about [url="https://www.facebook.com/334082209985909/photos/a.342059922521471.77637.334082209985909/1127924587268330/?type=3"]this Atlansia Fortune Bass[/url]? [/quote] Ooh, sweet!
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1469070788' post='3095519'] Both of your definitions are a bit narrow in nature IMO, but I get where your coming from. [/quote] I was being somewhat less than serious.
  20. Covers bands play music that the people in the band hate but the punters love. Originals bands play music that the people in the band love but the punters hate.
  21. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1468919998' post='3094255'] The band starts off being the Jam then rapidly turns into the Style Council. [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1468919647' post='3094252'] Doesn't this view depend really on how this starts? What I mean by this is this: There are 2 ways you can be mates in a band: 1 - Mates first, band develops out of friendship - then the social scene is good. You have loads on common. 2 - Band happens, then you start to socialise - then the social gatherings are only really band-meetings, because it's all you have in common, unless you MAKE it go to another level. [/quote] In the past I've answered "bass player wanted" ads where I've been told that I would be expected to socialise regularly with the rest of them. The last band I joined actually started talking about all getting together with our wives/girlfriends at each others houses for meals on a regular basis before we'd played a note.
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