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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Precision. Nothing about the jazz bass I like.
  2. The very worst customer service I've ever had was from EBS & their UK distributor, who both refused to have anything to do with repairing my Gorm combo even though it was still under warranty.
  3. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1463695760' post='3053514'] Wasn't Ged the bass player with Danny Wilson? I loved that band [/quote] He still is - they're playing in London on June 11th.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1463733241' post='3053639'] I had the Hondo copy, which came fitted with a copy of the Schaller 3D bridge. [/quote] Oh, sorry - I thought you had the Kramer one.
  5. BigRedX has, or had, one of these basses - it might be worth asking him. From what I can remember of the couple we had in the shop back in the 80s they came with Schaller bridges.
  6. Newtone strings don't have any silk wraps.
  7. If you are using it to set intonation get yourself a Peterson strobe tuner.
  8. I always used nickel wound strings on my Zons & my Bogart as I found the more mellow tone helped to counteract some of the brightness that is inherent in carbon fibre necked basses.
  9. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1463520544' post='3052085'] Four turns, DR Nickel Low Riders, so not cheapies! [/quote] I stopped using DRs a while ago as I got fed up with the amount of duff strings I was getting. Just sayin'...
  10. Maybe the tuner is duff & is slipping. Perhaps try swapping it with one of the others, then if the G holds it's tuning & the string that now has that tuner keeps going flat you'll know the tuner is defective.
  11. That can be used for an electric bass, I know because I use one myself. The bass hangs by the headstock & the body rests against the foam padding on the legs.
  12. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1463507258' post='3051933'] 60's birth to 4 years... my sister wasn't born...life was good 70's 4 to 14, She came along and spoilt everything... [/quote] Are you Andrew Gold by any chance?
  13. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1463499603' post='3051845'] I've had a pretty hard life with some horrific experiences along the way, some have been well documented. And all I can think is some of you lot really really need to lighten up. [/quote] As you say, some of your horrific experiences you have 'well documented'. There are probably plenty of people on here who have also had what were for them horrific experiences & hard lives but have chosen not to divulge them. What gives you the right to tell people to lighten up when you have no idea what they have been through in their lives?
  14. There were a couple of years in the 80s that I thought were OK, all the rest of it has been sh*t. The 21st century so far has been the worst of all of it & there's no sign of it getting any better. Looking forward to death quite honestly.
  15. I don't think age has got anything to do with it to be honest, certainly not from a "mellowing out" point of view anyway. I was lucky to get my first really good active bass at the age of 19, when I was still very much swayed by the gear my "heroes" were using at the time. This bass had a passive mode & I preferred the sound of that even then, though because I was playing a lot of slap at the time (it was the early 80s) I found the active circuit useful as well. I then spent years going from one expensive active bass to another, all the time not being really happy with my tone until one day in my 40s I was doing a bit of session work & just could not get a sound I was happy with out of the Zon Basses I was using at the time. In frustration I decided to try a MIM Precision that was in the studio & straight away I got the sound I was looking for. Shortly after that I sold my Zons, bought a MIJ Precision & was happier with my sound than I had been for years.
  16. I've always found that passive basses sound better & sit in the mix better than active ones when recording. Though I've owned a lot of active basses over the years I ended up going back to passive - I found I spent more time playing & less time dicking around with the tone controls as passive basses just seem to sound 'right' (subjective I know).
  17. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1463397773' post='3050949'] I never watch the songs, but I quite enjoy watching the voting. My recipe for improving it would be: 1) Restrict entrants to European countries 2) Require all songs to be sung in (one of) the indigenous languages of the country 3) Real instruments and performances only: no miming, no backing tracks, no use of samples 4) All entries must be versions of traditional songs from the country. I think the result could be a genuine celebration of the rich musical culture of Europe, would help to preserve that culture from the ravages of ghastly homogenized all-pervasive trans-atlantic "pop", and would be much appreciated by me and the other seven people who would tune in to watch. [/quote] Have you heard of WOMAD?
  18. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1463401362' post='3051000'] Don't think it's completely an age thing. I'm 31. In good health. No issues carrying weight, but if i have the option not to, why would i? My lightweight rig is as good as anything else i've played through. If you want to analyse it, i'm sure some people would say it isn't "because x or y" , but to almost everyone else, in a gig situation, it does a cracking job. Weighs less than 10kg. So i just don't need to have heavy gear. [/quote] People didn't fight in two world wars just so young people today could avoid lugging heavy gear around you know.
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1463340790' post='3050653'] Imagine a scenario where Sean Connery is playing a character with pointy ears in Star Trek. [/quote] Sharek?
  20. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1463302513' post='3050225'] I've swapped the strings over to rounds as the flats that were on we're dead (the E was particularly lifeless). [/quote] They weren't dead, that's what flats are like... Seriously, flats are a big part of the Steve Harris sound - if you're still not happy with it try a new set of flats & it might make all the difference.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1463323813' post='3050453'] I made a little video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEnzJVaMpmo [/quote] That sounds great, exactly the sort of bass sound I love.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1463325662' post='3050475'] Which pickups and pre are they..? [/quote] From the info earlier in the thread (post #9) they are the makers own pickups & the bass is passive.
  23. Mods of any sort nearly always devalue an instrument, no matter how much better the person that did them thinks they make the instrument. Having it de-fretted Would probably devalue it even further. If it was my decision I'd just try & sell it & buy a fretless with the money. If I then had absolutely no luck selling it then & only then might I consider having it defretted.
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