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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP


    [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1462880601' post='3046519'] I use a Line 6 guitar port and podfarm. Works great for me. Although i am having trouble connecting speakers, i have a feeling that's because my headphone port is damaged. [/quote] There should be some kind of monitor out on the Line 6 interface - use that for your speakers, not the headphone input/output.
  2. RhysP


    You need some kind of interface & a microphone. You will need these regardless of what recording software you use. Garage band is actually very good. You also shouldn't need any drivers to use the USB interface from your synth. You're probably just not selecting the correct input path in Garageband.
  3. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1462828859' post='3046140'] It's certainly the blue one, but I thought they all had the chrome scratch plate, badass II bridge etc. I think you're right though, fitted with a SD Quarter Pounder [/quote] The chrome scratch plate model is a more recent one. have a look at post #9 on this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/60332-original-steve-harris-fender-p-bass-now-sold/ That's the original Steve Harris signature model.
  4. I thought the mk1 model was the blue one with the purple scratch plate & the little round Eddie logo on the headstock? That came with a Quarter Pounder as standard as far as I can remember. The SPB-4 is a great pickup & if you use it with a set of Rotosound flats you are immediately in Steve Harris territory.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1462811617' post='3045868'] I've used a lot of gear, but I haven't tried it all. Yet. [/quote] Get a bloody move on then.
  6. I've used strap locks ever since the strap detached itself from my brand new custom built Jaydee Supernatural bass & sent the headstock crashing into the floor. I wasn't gigging when that happened either - I'd stopped playing for a second to answer the phone when it happened. Luckily the bass wasn't damaged but I ruined a perfectly good pair of Levi's... I've used Dunlops, Schallers & Grolsh washers - all work fine though my preference is for Schallers.
  7. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1462804699' post='3045764'] I feel sorry for the person that's having to make do with slightly damp/cold towels! [/quote] ...who is having to hang them on a Sterling SB14...
  8. It looks great with that cloth grille. Looks like I picked the wrong year to give up bass playing....
  9. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1462619103' post='3044402'] Getting drunk before gig is one thing,getting drunk before rehearsals is another, but I shall never forget the moment of terror when I realised the guy whose turn it was to drive to the gig had got drunk before getting in the car. [/quote] Had this happen when an old band had a gig at a festival in West Sussex. Drove all the way there from Cardiff & took somebody with us who would drive us back after the gig so we could have a drink after we'd played. Our driver ended up so pissed he could barely stand. I refused to get in the van with the rest of the others & booked myself into a hotel. I still can't believe he drove back, or that the others were happy for him to do so. Left the band shortly afterwards.
  10. Looks like the pots & jack sockets are mounted directly to the circuit boards, which isn't ideal from a durability/repair perspective. Still, the vast majority of amps are made like that these days.
  11. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1462476412' post='3043418'] No they dont at the moment. I know someone who had bought a ticket before Chris died and didn't know he was ill. He was going but said if he had known Chris would have been there he wouldn't as it was a lot of money for a cover band. At least AC/DC offered refunds.. [/quote] In that instance that's bad luck I agree. When something like that happens I think it's only fair to offer refunds to people that want them.
  12. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1462469201' post='3043325'] ...I have no clue why they ever decided to persevere with the talentless, one-dimensional and lyrically constipated Anthony Kiedis. [/quote] Maybe he owns the PA & van.
  13. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1462458289' post='3043186'] Certainly did [/quote] I used to have one like that, only difference was that mine was a natural finish. Swapped a sh*tty old Rick 4001 for it.
  14. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1462442608' post='3043004'] I know some feel these band if they can should carry on, but when they have become a tribute band charging full money for gigs etc, is that really being fare to the fans who pay to keep them going? [/quote] It's got nothing to do with "fairness", people have a choice as to whether they pay to see them or not.
  15. Maybe there's a big queue at the post office...
  16. If you put one really thin string on it would it be a one string extended range bass?
  17. I saw Sherwood playing bass with the bizarre Yes/Toto hybrid band Yoso a few years back. He seemed to have the whole Squire thing pretty much nailed then.
  18. [quote name='Kex' timestamp='1462426785' post='3042880'] I think you will find you were playing a harpoon gun [/quote] Probably, it is Japanese after all...
  19. I once mistook composer/musician Michael Kamen for a roadie backstage at the Royal Festival Hall, even going so far as to give him some stuff to carry onto the stage for me, which he did. I didn't find out who he was until the evening when he came out on stage & started playing.
  20. Try it as it is & see what happens. The main thing I'd be looking out for is to see if the bridge intonates correctly.
  21. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1462223130' post='3041310'] South Eastern by Jason Isbell. Quality songwriter. [/quote] Great album.
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